Sfoglia per Organizzazione
Anchoring stability and photovoltaic properties of new D(-pi-A)(2) dyes for dye-sensitized solar cell applications
2013 Grisorio, R; De Marco, L; Allegretta, G; Giannuzzi, R; Suranna, G P; Manca, M; Mastrorilli, P; Gigli, G
Angle resolved rotationally stater selective photoionisation measurements in D2
2005 Sokell, E; Juarez, Am; Bolognesi, P; Mrfsiggelking, ; DE SIMONE, Monica; Coreno, M; King, Gc
Angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy of randomly oriented 3-hydroxytetrahydrofuran enantiomers
2005 Giardini A. f; Catone D. f; Stranges S. f; Satta M. b; Tacconi M. f; Piccirillo S. c; Turchini S. d; Zema N. d, Contini G. d; Prosperi T. d; Decleva P. e; Di Tommaso D. e; Fronzoni G e; Stener M. e; Filippi A. a; Speranza M. a
1995 Aquilanti, V; Cavalli, S; Defazio, D
Angular dependent PCI and interference effects in resonant double photoionization coincidence experiment
2003 R. Rouvellou; S. Rioual; L. Avaldi; R. Camilloni; G. Stefani; G. Turri
Angular distribution of molecular Auger electrons : the case of C1s Auger emission in CO
2007 Semenov, Sk; Kuznetsov, Vv; Cherepkov, Na; Bolognesi, P; Feyer, V; Lahmambennani, A; Staicu Casagrande, Me; Avaldi, L
Angular distribution in resonant Auger spectra of xenon excited below the 3d5/2 ionization threshold
2001 Sankari, R; Kivimaki, A; Huttula, M; Aksela, H; Aksela, S; Coreno, M; Turri, G; Camilloni, R; DE SIMONE, Monica; C Prince, K
Angular distribution in xenon M4,5N4,5N4,5 Auger decay
1999 Karvonen, J; Kivimaki, A; Aksela, H; Aksela, S; Camilloni, R; Avaldi, L; Coreno, M; DE SIMONE, Monica; C Prince, K
Angular distribution of molecular Auger electrons
2007 Avaldi, L
Angular distribution of the fluorescence of helium doubly photo- excited states converging on the He+(N=2) ionization threshold
2003 Lambourne JG; Penent F; Lablanquie P; Hall RI; Ahmad M; Zitnik M; Bucar K; Hammond P; Stranges S; Richter R; Alagia M; Coreno M
Angular distributions of low kinetc energy photoelectrons in two-photon ionisation of rare gas atoms
2011 Patrick OKeeffe
Angular distributions of low kinetic energy photoelectrons in two-photon ionisation of rare gas atoms.
2012 P. O'Keeffe; P. Bolognesi; L. Avaldi
Angular Momentum Orientation of the products of the chemical reaction F+HD
2011 V. Aquilanti; S. Cavalli; D. De Fazio; M.B. Krasilnikov;O.S. Vasyutinskii
'Angular momentum polarization of molecules in the F+HD chemical reaction'
2012 Krasilnikov, Mb; Vasyutinskii, Os; DE FAZIO, Dario; Cavalli, S; Aquilanti, V
Anisotropy of Optical functions of conjugated polymer thin films by spectroscopic ellipsometry
2003 Losurdo, M; Bruno, G; Irene, Ea
Anomalous Scaling, Intermittency and Turbulence in Nematic Liquid Crystals
2015 Carbone, F; Ciuchi, F; Mazzulla, A; Sorrisovalvo, L
Anomalous Transport induced by Sheath Instability in Hall Effect Thrusters
2009 Taccogna, F; Minelli, P; Longo, S; Capitelli, M; Schneider, R
Anomalous Transport induced by Sheath Instability in Hall Effect Thrusters
2009 Taccogna, F; Longo, S; Capitelli, M; Schneider, R
Antenna-Lanthanide Complexes: A Growing Technology-Driven Research
2009 Quici, Silvio; Armelao, Lidia; Barigelletti, Francesco; Cavazzini, Marco; Bottaro, Gregorio; Accorsi, Gianluca
Antibiotic Sensitivity of Bacillus clausii Strains in Commercial Preparation
2014 A. Abbrescia; L.L. Palese; S. Papa; A. Gaballo; P. Alifano;Anna M Sardanelli.
Antibiotics Treatment Modulates Microglia-Synapses Interaction
2021 Cordella, Federica; Sanchini, Caterina; Rosito, Maria; Ferrucci, Laura; Pediconi, Natalia; Cortese, Barbara; Guerrieri, Francesca; Pascucci Giuseppe, Rubens; Antonangeli, Fabrizio; Peruzzi, Giovanna; Giubettini, Maria; Basilico, Bernadette; Pagani, Francesca; Grimaldi, Alfonso; D'Alessandro, Giuseppina; Limatola, Cristina; Ragozzino, Davide; Di Angelantonio, Silvia
Antibody-Functionalized Inorganic NPs: Mimicking Nature for Targeted Diagnosis and Therapy
2014 Quarta Alessandra; Manna Liberato; Pellegrino Teresa
Anticancer effects of novel resveratrol analogues on human ovarian cancer cells
2017 Vergara, Daniele; De Domenico, Stefania; Tinelli, Andrea; Stanca, Eleonora; Del Mercato Loretta, L; Giudetti Anna, M; Simeone, Pasquale; Guazzelli, Nicola; Lessi, Marco; Manzini, Chiara; Santino, Angelo; Bellina, Fabio; Maffia, Michele
Apparato per indagini citofluorimetriche
2007 Gigli, G; Esposito, M
Apparato per indagini citofluorimetriche e metodi di ottimizzazione della catena di condizionamento
2007 Gigli, G; M, Esposito
Apparatus for cytofluorimetric analyses
Apparatus for cytofluorimetric analyses and methods for optimizing the conditioning chain
An apparatus to investigate the fragmentation of molecular dications by electron impact
2005 Alberti G.; Fainelli E.; Maracci F.; Mastropietro M.; Platania R.; Avaldi L.
Applicability of the kop method to modeling of InAs/GaSb short-period superlattices
2009 Hong, Bh; Rybchenko, Si; Itskevich, Ie; Haywood, Sk; Intartaglia, R; Tasco, V; Rainò, G; De Giorgi, M
Application of a VMI spectrometer to near-threshold photoionization with synchrotron radiation
2011 P. O'Keeffe; P. Bolognesi; A. Mihelic; R. Richter; A. Moise; E. Ovcharenko; G. C. King; L. Avaldi
Application of gold nanoparticles embedded in the amyloids fibrils as enhancers in the laser induced breakdown spectroscopy for the metal quantification in microdroplets
2019 Dell'Aglio, M; Salajkova, Z; Mallardi, A; Mezzenga, R; van't Hag, L; Cioffi, N; Palazzo, G; Giacomo, De; A,
Application of Grid-Free Kinetic Model to Collisionless Sheath
2008 Matyash, K; Schneider, R; Sydora, R; Taccogna, F
Application of Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy to investigate the elemental composition of soils, plants and composts in the life cycle
2013 S Senesi, G; Dell'Aglio, M; DE GIACOMO, Alessandro; Gaudiuso, R; Zaccone, C; M Miano, T; DE PASCALE, Olga
Application of plasma deposited organosilicon thin films for the corrosion protection of metals
2003 E. Fracassi; R. d'Agostino; F. Palumbo; E. Angelini; S. Grassini; F. Rosalbino
Applications of ellipsometry in nanoscale science: Needs, status, achievements and future challenges
2011 M. Losurdo
Applications of ultra-short pulsed laser ablation: thin films deposition and fs/ns dual-pulse laser induced breakdown spectroscopy
2008 Teghil, R; Santagata, A; De Bonis, A; Albano, G; Villani, P; Spera, D; P Parisi, G; Galasso, A
Applicazione del metodo Monte-Carlo alla codifica di un beam-splitter 30/70 multilivello
2002 Longo S.; Losacco A.M.; D'Orazio A.; Leone M.
An aptamer-based SPR-polarization platform for high sensitive OTA detection
2016 Bianco, M; Sonato, A; De Girolamo, A; Pascale, M; Romanato, F; Rinaldi, R; Arima, V
Aquaponics-Derived Tilapia Skin Collagen for Biomaterials Development
2022 Gallo, N; Natali, Ml; Quarta, A; Gaballo, A; Terzi, A; Sibillano, T; Giannini, C; De Benedetto, Ge; Lunetti, P; Capobianco, L; Blasi, Fs; Sicuro, A; Corallo, A; Sannino, A; Salvatore, L
An Ar valence-shell study by asymmetric (e, 2e) experiments
1988 Avaldi, L; Camilloni, R; Fainelli, E; Stefani, ; G,
Ar/HMDSO/O2 Fed Atmospheric Pressure DBDs: Thin Film Deposition and GC-MS Investigation of By-Products
2010 Fiorenza Fanelli; Sara Lovascio; Riccardo d'Agostino;Farzaneh ArefiKhonsari; Francesco Fracassi
Arbitrary-order Hilbert Spectral Analysis and Intermittency in Solar Wind Density Fluctuations
2018 Carbone, Francesco; Sorrisovalvo, Luca; Alberti, Tommaso; Lepreti, Fabio; Chen Christopher, H K; Nemecek, Zdenek; Safrankova, Jana
Argon and hydrogen plasma influence on the protective properties of diamond-like carbon films as barrier coating
2017 Toro, Rg; Calandra, P; Cortese, B; DE CARO, Tilde; Brucale, M; Mezzi, A; Federici, F; Caschera, D
Arsenic water decontamination by a bioinspired As-sequestering porous membrane
2024 Galiano, Francesco; Mancuso, Raffaella; Guazzelli, Lorenzo; Pomelli, Christian S.; Bundschuh, Jochen; Rinklebe, Jörg; Wang, Shan-Li; Apollaro, Carmine; Palumbo, Fabio; Chiappe, Cinzia; Figoli, Alberto; Gabriele, Bartolo
Aryl 5-substitution of a phenyl-pyridine based ligand as a viable way to influence the opto-electronic properties of bis-cyclometalated Ir(III) heteroleptic complexes
2013 Grisorio R. ; Suranna G. P. ; Mastrorilli P. , ; Mazzeo M. , ; Colella S. ; Carallo S. ; Gigli G. ,,
Arylamino-fluorene derivatives: Optically induced electron transfer investigation, redox-controlled modulation of absorption and fluorescence
2020 Capodilupo, Al; Manni, F; Corrente, Ga; Accorsi, G; Fabiano, E; Cardone, A; Giannuzzi, R; Beneduci, A; Gigli, G
Assessment of activated carbon fibers from commercial Kevlar® as nanostructured material for gas storage: Effect of activation procedure and adsorption of CO2 and CH4
2020 Conte, G; Stelitano, S; Policicchio, A; D Minuto, F; Lazzaroli, V; Galiano, F; G Agostino, R
Assessment of EtQxBox complexation in solution by steady-state and time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy
2018 Aprile, Arianna; Palermo, Giovanna; De Luca, Antonio; Pinalli, Roberta; Dalcanale, Enrico; Pagliusi, Pasquale
Assessment of the enhancement potential of Halloysite Nanotubes for echographic imaging
2013 Soloperto, Giulia; Conversano, Francesco; Greco, Antonio; Casciaro, Ernesto; Casciaro, Sergio; Ragusa, Andrea; Leporatti, Stefano; Layekuakille, Aimé
Asymmetric interactions igas phase clusters.
2005 Giardini, A; Paladini, A; Piccirillo, S; Catone, D; Rondino, F; Satta, M; Speranza, M
Titolo | Data di pubblicazione | Autore(i) | File |
Anchoring stability and photovoltaic properties of new D(-pi-A)(2) dyes for dye-sensitized solar cell applications | 1-gen-2013 | Grisorio, R; De Marco, L; Allegretta, G; Giannuzzi, R; Suranna, G P; Manca, M; Mastrorilli, P; Gigli, G | |
Angle resolved rotationally stater selective photoionisation measurements in D2 | 1-gen-2005 | Sokell, E; Juarez, Am; Bolognesi, P; Mrfsiggelking, ; DE SIMONE, Monica; Coreno, M; King, Gc | |
Angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy of randomly oriented 3-hydroxytetrahydrofuran enantiomers | 1-gen-2005 | Giardini A. f; Catone D. f; Stranges S. f; Satta M. b; Tacconi M. f; Piccirillo S. c; Turchini S. d; Zema N. d, Contini G. d; Prosperi T. d; Decleva P. e; Di Tommaso D. e; Fronzoni G e; Stener M. e; Filippi A. a; Speranza M. a | |
Angular dependent PCI and interference effects in resonant double photoionization coincidence experiment | 1-gen-2003 | R. Rouvellou; S. Rioual; L. Avaldi; R. Camilloni; G. Stefani; G. Turri | |
Angular distribution of molecular Auger electrons : the case of C1s Auger emission in CO | 1-gen-2007 | Semenov, Sk; Kuznetsov, Vv; Cherepkov, Na; Bolognesi, P; Feyer, V; Lahmambennani, A; Staicu Casagrande, Me; Avaldi, L | |
Angular distribution in resonant Auger spectra of xenon excited below the 3d5/2 ionization threshold | 1-gen-2001 | Sankari, R; Kivimaki, A; Huttula, M; Aksela, H; Aksela, S; Coreno, M; Turri, G; Camilloni, R; DE SIMONE, Monica; C Prince, K | |
Angular distribution in xenon M4,5N4,5N4,5 Auger decay | 1-gen-1999 | Karvonen, J; Kivimaki, A; Aksela, H; Aksela, S; Camilloni, R; Avaldi, L; Coreno, M; DE SIMONE, Monica; C Prince, K | |
Angular distribution of molecular Auger electrons | 1-gen-2007 | Avaldi, L | |
Angular distribution of the fluorescence of helium doubly photo- excited states converging on the He+(N=2) ionization threshold | 1-gen-2003 | Lambourne JG; Penent F; Lablanquie P; Hall RI; Ahmad M; Zitnik M; Bucar K; Hammond P; Stranges S; Richter R; Alagia M; Coreno M | |
Angular distributions of low kinetc energy photoelectrons in two-photon ionisation of rare gas atoms | 1-gen-2011 | Patrick OKeeffe | |
Angular distributions of low kinetic energy photoelectrons in two-photon ionisation of rare gas atoms. | 1-gen-2012 | P. O'Keeffe; P. Bolognesi; L. Avaldi | |
Angular Momentum Orientation of the products of the chemical reaction F+HD | 1-gen-2011 | V. Aquilanti; S. Cavalli; D. De Fazio; M.B. Krasilnikov;O.S. Vasyutinskii | |
'Angular momentum polarization of molecules in the F+HD chemical reaction' | 1-gen-2012 | Krasilnikov, Mb; Vasyutinskii, Os; DE FAZIO, Dario; Cavalli, S; Aquilanti, V | |
Anisotropy of Optical functions of conjugated polymer thin films by spectroscopic ellipsometry | 1-gen-2003 | Losurdo, M; Bruno, G; Irene, Ea | |
Anomalous Scaling, Intermittency and Turbulence in Nematic Liquid Crystals | 1-gen-2015 | Carbone, F; Ciuchi, F; Mazzulla, A; Sorrisovalvo, L | |
Anomalous Transport induced by Sheath Instability in Hall Effect Thrusters | 1-gen-2009 | Taccogna, F; Minelli, P; Longo, S; Capitelli, M; Schneider, R | |
Anomalous Transport induced by Sheath Instability in Hall Effect Thrusters | 1-gen-2009 | Taccogna, F; Longo, S; Capitelli, M; Schneider, R | |
Antenna-Lanthanide Complexes: A Growing Technology-Driven Research | 1-gen-2009 | Quici, Silvio; Armelao, Lidia; Barigelletti, Francesco; Cavazzini, Marco; Bottaro, Gregorio; Accorsi, Gianluca | |
Antibiotic Sensitivity of Bacillus clausii Strains in Commercial Preparation | 1-gen-2014 | A. Abbrescia; L.L. Palese; S. Papa; A. Gaballo; P. Alifano;Anna M Sardanelli. | |
Antibiotics Treatment Modulates Microglia-Synapses Interaction | 1-gen-2021 | Cordella, Federica; Sanchini, Caterina; Rosito, Maria; Ferrucci, Laura; Pediconi, Natalia; Cortese, Barbara; Guerrieri, Francesca; Pascucci Giuseppe, Rubens; Antonangeli, Fabrizio; Peruzzi, Giovanna; Giubettini, Maria; Basilico, Bernadette; Pagani, Francesca; Grimaldi, Alfonso; D'Alessandro, Giuseppina; Limatola, Cristina; Ragozzino, Davide; Di Angelantonio, Silvia | |
Antibody-Functionalized Inorganic NPs: Mimicking Nature for Targeted Diagnosis and Therapy | 1-gen-2014 | Quarta Alessandra; Manna Liberato; Pellegrino Teresa | |
Anticancer effects of novel resveratrol analogues on human ovarian cancer cells | 1-gen-2017 | Vergara, Daniele; De Domenico, Stefania; Tinelli, Andrea; Stanca, Eleonora; Del Mercato Loretta, L; Giudetti Anna, M; Simeone, Pasquale; Guazzelli, Nicola; Lessi, Marco; Manzini, Chiara; Santino, Angelo; Bellina, Fabio; Maffia, Michele | |
Apparato per indagini citofluorimetriche | 1-gen-2007 | Gigli, G; Esposito, M | |
Apparato per indagini citofluorimetriche e metodi di ottimizzazione della catena di condizionamento | 1-gen-2007 | Gigli, G; M, Esposito | |
Apparatus for cytofluorimetric analyses | 1-gen-2008 | G. GIGLI; M. ESPOSITO | |
Apparatus for cytofluorimetric analyses and methods for optimizing the conditioning chain | 1-gen-2008 | G. GIGLI; M. ESPOSITO | |
An apparatus to investigate the fragmentation of molecular dications by electron impact | 1-gen-2005 | Alberti G.; Fainelli E.; Maracci F.; Mastropietro M.; Platania R.; Avaldi L. | |
Applicability of the kop method to modeling of InAs/GaSb short-period superlattices | 1-gen-2009 | Hong, Bh; Rybchenko, Si; Itskevich, Ie; Haywood, Sk; Intartaglia, R; Tasco, V; Rainò, G; De Giorgi, M | |
Application of a VMI spectrometer to near-threshold photoionization with synchrotron radiation | 1-gen-2011 | P. O'Keeffe; P. Bolognesi; A. Mihelic; R. Richter; A. Moise; E. Ovcharenko; G. C. King; L. Avaldi | |
Application of gold nanoparticles embedded in the amyloids fibrils as enhancers in the laser induced breakdown spectroscopy for the metal quantification in microdroplets | 1-gen-2019 | Dell'Aglio, M; Salajkova, Z; Mallardi, A; Mezzenga, R; van't Hag, L; Cioffi, N; Palazzo, G; Giacomo, De; A, | |
Application of Grid-Free Kinetic Model to Collisionless Sheath | 1-gen-2008 | Matyash, K; Schneider, R; Sydora, R; Taccogna, F | |
Application of Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy to investigate the elemental composition of soils, plants and composts in the life cycle | 1-gen-2013 | S Senesi, G; Dell'Aglio, M; DE GIACOMO, Alessandro; Gaudiuso, R; Zaccone, C; M Miano, T; DE PASCALE, Olga | |
Application of plasma deposited organosilicon thin films for the corrosion protection of metals | 1-gen-2003 | E. Fracassi; R. d'Agostino; F. Palumbo; E. Angelini; S. Grassini; F. Rosalbino | |
Applications of ellipsometry in nanoscale science: Needs, status, achievements and future challenges | 1-gen-2011 | M. Losurdo | |
Applications of ultra-short pulsed laser ablation: thin films deposition and fs/ns dual-pulse laser induced breakdown spectroscopy | 1-gen-2008 | Teghil, R; Santagata, A; De Bonis, A; Albano, G; Villani, P; Spera, D; P Parisi, G; Galasso, A | |
Applicazione del metodo Monte-Carlo alla codifica di un beam-splitter 30/70 multilivello | 1-gen-2002 | Longo S.; Losacco A.M.; D'Orazio A.; Leone M. | |
An aptamer-based SPR-polarization platform for high sensitive OTA detection | 1-gen-2016 | Bianco, M; Sonato, A; De Girolamo, A; Pascale, M; Romanato, F; Rinaldi, R; Arima, V | |
Aquaponics-Derived Tilapia Skin Collagen for Biomaterials Development | 1-gen-2022 | Gallo, N; Natali, Ml; Quarta, A; Gaballo, A; Terzi, A; Sibillano, T; Giannini, C; De Benedetto, Ge; Lunetti, P; Capobianco, L; Blasi, Fs; Sicuro, A; Corallo, A; Sannino, A; Salvatore, L | |
An Ar valence-shell study by asymmetric (e, 2e) experiments | 1-gen-1988 | Avaldi, L; Camilloni, R; Fainelli, E; Stefani, ; G, | |
Ar/HMDSO/O2 Fed Atmospheric Pressure DBDs: Thin Film Deposition and GC-MS Investigation of By-Products | 1-gen-2010 | Fiorenza Fanelli; Sara Lovascio; Riccardo d'Agostino;Farzaneh ArefiKhonsari; Francesco Fracassi | |
Arbitrary-order Hilbert Spectral Analysis and Intermittency in Solar Wind Density Fluctuations | 1-gen-2018 | Carbone, Francesco; Sorrisovalvo, Luca; Alberti, Tommaso; Lepreti, Fabio; Chen Christopher, H K; Nemecek, Zdenek; Safrankova, Jana | |
Argon and hydrogen plasma influence on the protective properties of diamond-like carbon films as barrier coating | 1-gen-2017 | Toro, Rg; Calandra, P; Cortese, B; DE CARO, Tilde; Brucale, M; Mezzi, A; Federici, F; Caschera, D | |
Arsenic water decontamination by a bioinspired As-sequestering porous membrane | 1-gen-2024 | Galiano, Francesco; Mancuso, Raffaella; Guazzelli, Lorenzo; Pomelli, Christian S.; Bundschuh, Jochen; Rinklebe, Jörg; Wang, Shan-Li; Apollaro, Carmine; Palumbo, Fabio; Chiappe, Cinzia; Figoli, Alberto; Gabriele, Bartolo | |
Aryl 5-substitution of a phenyl-pyridine based ligand as a viable way to influence the opto-electronic properties of bis-cyclometalated Ir(III) heteroleptic complexes | 1-gen-2013 | Grisorio R. ; Suranna G. P. ; Mastrorilli P. , ; Mazzeo M. , ; Colella S. ; Carallo S. ; Gigli G. ,, | |
Arylamino-fluorene derivatives: Optically induced electron transfer investigation, redox-controlled modulation of absorption and fluorescence | 1-gen-2020 | Capodilupo, Al; Manni, F; Corrente, Ga; Accorsi, G; Fabiano, E; Cardone, A; Giannuzzi, R; Beneduci, A; Gigli, G | |
Assessment of activated carbon fibers from commercial Kevlar® as nanostructured material for gas storage: Effect of activation procedure and adsorption of CO2 and CH4 | 1-gen-2020 | Conte, G; Stelitano, S; Policicchio, A; D Minuto, F; Lazzaroli, V; Galiano, F; G Agostino, R | |
Assessment of EtQxBox complexation in solution by steady-state and time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy | 1-gen-2018 | Aprile, Arianna; Palermo, Giovanna; De Luca, Antonio; Pinalli, Roberta; Dalcanale, Enrico; Pagliusi, Pasquale | |
Assessment of the enhancement potential of Halloysite Nanotubes for echographic imaging | 1-gen-2013 | Soloperto, Giulia; Conversano, Francesco; Greco, Antonio; Casciaro, Ernesto; Casciaro, Sergio; Ragusa, Andrea; Leporatti, Stefano; Layekuakille, Aimé | |
Asymmetric interactions igas phase clusters. | 1-gen-2005 | Giardini, A; Paladini, A; Piccirillo, S; Catone, D; Rondino, F; Satta, M; Speranza, M |
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