Sfoglia per Organizzazione
F1Fo ATP Synthase operon of Nonomuraea sp ATCC 39727
2004 Gaballo A.; Abbrescia A.; Micelli L.; Palese L.L.; di Summa R. ; Papa S.
F1Fo ATP Synthase operon of Nonomuraea ATCC 39727
2005 Gaballo, A; Abbrescia, A; Micelli, L di Summa R; Papa, S
Fabrication and Characterization of ALK1fc-Loaded Fluoro-Magnetic Nanoparticles for Inhibiting TGF ? in Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC)
2015 A Hanafy, Nemany; Maria Ferraro, Marzia; Gaballo, Antonio; Dini, Luciana; Nobile, Concetta; Luisa De Giorgi, Maria; Carallo, Sonia; Rinaldiand Stefano Leporatti, Ross
Fabrication and characterization of ALK1fc-loaded fluoro-magnetic nanoparticles for inhibiting TGF beta 1 in hepatocellular carcinoma
2016 Hanafy Nemany, A; Ferraro Marzia, Maria; Gaballo, Antonio; Dini, Luciana; Tasco, Vittorianna; Nobile, Concetta; De Giorgi Maria, Luisa; Carallo, Sonia; Rinaldi, Ross; Leporatti, Stefano
Fabrication and characterization of strained InGaAs quantum wires grown on high index V-grooved GaAs substrates by LP-MOVPE
1999 Passaseo; R. Rinaldi; M. De Giorgi; R. Cingolani; M. Catalano; A. Taurino
Fabrication and response of SERS substrates based on arrays of gold nanostructures
2013 G. V. Bianco; M. Grande; M. M. Giangregorio; M. Losurdo; P. Capezzuto; M. A. Vincenti; T. Stomeo; D. de Ceglia; M. De Vittorio; V. Petruzzelli; M. Scalora; A. D'Orazio; G. Bruno
Fabrication and transport of large-scale molecular tunnel-junction arrays
2007 Maruccio, G; Marzo, P; Krahne, R; Della Torre, A; Passaseo, A; Cingolani, R; Rinaldi, R
Fabrication by means of x-ray lithography of two-dimensional GaAs/AlGaAs photonic crystals with an unconventional unit cell
2002 Romanato, ; Fa, ; Businaro, ; La, ; Di, Fabrizio; Ea, ; Passaseo, ADRIANA GRAZIA; Ab, ; De, Vittorio; Mb, ; Cingolani, ; Rb, ; Patrini, ; Mc, ; Galli, ; Mc, ; Bajoni, ; Dc, ; Andreani, ; Lcc, ; Giacometti, ; Fd, ; Gentili, ; Md, ; Peyrade, ; De, ; Chen, ; Y,
Fabrication of 2D plasmonic gold nano-patches
2013 Stomeo, Tiziana; De Vittorio, Massimo; Grande, Marco; Petruzzelli, Vincenzo; D'Orazio, Antonella; Antonietta Vincenti, Maria; De Ceglia, Domenico; Bianco, GIUSEPPE VALERIO; Bruno, Giovanni; Scalora, Michael
Fabrication of 2D plasmonic gold nanopatches on graphene
2013 M. Grande; T. Stomeo; M. A. Vincenti; G. V. Bianco; D. de Ceglia; V. Petruzzelli; G. Bruno; M. De Vittorio; A. D'Orazio; M. Scalora
Fabrication of 3D metallic photonic crystals by X-ray lithography
2003 F Romanato, A; Businaro, L; Vaccari, L; Cabrini, S; Candeloro, P; M De Vittorio, E Di Fabriziob; Passaseo, A; Todaro, Mt; M Galli, R Cingolani c E Cattaruzza d; Andreani, C
Fabrication of AlN/Si SAW delay lines with very low RF signal noise
2007 Ingrosso, I; Petroni, S; Altamura, D; De Vittorio, M; Combi, C; Passaseo, A
Fabrication of BAW Resonators Based on Piezoelectric AlN and Reflector-on-Membrane Structure
2009 Altamura D; Pomarico A; Epifani G; Ingrosso I; Todaro MT; Tasco V; De Vittorio M; Passaseo A
Fabrication of doubly resonant plasmonic nanopatch arrays on graphene
2013 Grande, M; Stomeo, T; Bianco, Gv; A Vincenti, M; D De Ceglia, ; Petruzzelli, V; Bruno, G; M De Vittorio, ; Scalora, M; D'Orazio, A
Fabrication of Eu-TiO2 NCs functionalized cotton textile as a multifunctional photocatalyst for dye pollutants degradation
2018 Caschera, Daniela; Federici, Fulvio; de Caro, Tilde; Cortese, Barbara; Calandra, Pietro; Mezzi, Alessio; Lo Nigro, Raffaella; Toro, Roberta G.
Fabrication of flexible all-inorganic nanocrystal solar cells by room-temperature processing
2013 Loiudice Anna; Rizzo Aurora; Grancini Giulia; Biasiucci Mariano; Belviso Maria R.; Corricelli Michela; Curri M. Lucia; Striccoli Marinella; Agostiano Angela; Cozzoli P. Davide; Petrozza Annamaria; Lanzani Guglielmo; Gigli Giuseppe
Fabrication of force sensors based on two-dimensional photonic crystal technology
2007 Stomeo, T; Grande, M; Qualtieri, A; Passaseo, A; Salhi, A; De Vittorio, M; Biallo, D; D'Orazio, A; De Sario, M; Marrocco, V; Petruzzelli, V; Prudenzano, F
Fabrication of GaN/AlGaN 1D photonic crystals designed for nonlinear optical applications
2010 Stomeo, T; Epifani, G; Tasco, V; Massaro, A; Tarantini, I; Campa, A; De Vittorio, M; Passaseo, A; Braccini, M; Larciprete, Mc; Sibilia, C; Bovino, Fa
Fabrication of hybrid organic-inorganic vertical microcavities through imprint lithography
2005 L. Martiradonna; M. De Vittorio; L. Troisi; M.T. Todaro; M. Mazzeo; T. Stomeo; M. Anni; R. Cingolani;G. Gigli;
Fabrication of micro reaction cages with tailored properties
2001 Dähne, L; Leporatti, S; Donath, E; Wöhwald, H
Fabrication of Negative Index Materials in the Visible Regime Using Nanoimprint Lithography
2012 Bergmair, I; Rank, A; Dastmalchi, B; Tollabimazraehno, S; Hingerl, K; Piglmayerbrezina, H; Klar, Ta; Losurdo, M; Bruno, G; Helgert, C; Pshenayseverin, E; Falkner, M; Pertsch, T; Kley, Eb; Verschuuren, Ma; Huebner, U; H Shen, N; Kafesaki, M; Soukoulis, Cm; Muehlberger, M
Facile functionalization of a fully fluorescent perfluorophenyl BODIPY: Photostable thiol and amine conjugates
2011 Vives, G.; Giansante, C.; Bofinger, R.; Raffy, G.; Guerzo, A. D.; Kauffmann, B.; Batat, P.; Jonusauskas, G.; Mcclenaghan, N. D.
Facilitated water transport in composite reduced graphene oxide pervaporation membranes for ethanol upgrading
2024 Platagryl, M; Boczkaj, G; Policicchio, A; Figoli, A; Galiano, F; Castromuñoz, R
Fast algorithm for a three-dimensional synthetic model of intermittent turbulence
2016 Francesco, Malara; Di Mare Francesca, ; Giuseppina, Nigro; Luca, Sorrisovalvo
Fast and safe microwave-assisted glass channel-shaped microstructure fabrication
2015 Zacheo, A.; Zacheo, A.; Zizzari, A.; Zizzari, A.; Perrone, E.; Carbone, L.; Giancane, G.; Valli, L.; Rinaldi, R.; Rinaldi, R.; Arima, V.
Fast nanopatterning of two-dimensional photonic crystals by electron beam lithography
2004 Stomeo, T; Passaseo, A; Cingolani, R; De, Vittorio; M,
Fast stereoselective reactions in electrosprayed Co(II)/neurotransmitter nanodroplets
2008 Fraschetti, C; Aschi, M; Filippi, A; Giardini, A; Speranza, M
Fast synchrotron and FEL beam monitors based on single-crystal diamond detectors and InGaAs/InAlAs quantum well devices
2013 Antonelli, M; Di Fraia, M; Carrato, S; Cautero, G; Menk, R H; Jark, W H; Ganbold, T; Biasiol, G; Callegari, C; Coreno, M; De Sio, A; Pace, E
Femtosecond pulsed laser deposition of titanium carbide films
2003 Teghil R. ; DAlessio L. ; Villani A.R. ; Villani P. ; Santagata A. ; Ferro D.
Femtosecond laser vaporization of icosahedral Al-Pd-Mn
2003 Teghil R. ; DAlessio L. ; Villani A.R. ; Villani P. ; Galasso A. ; Santagata A. ; Sordelet D.J. .
Femtosecond nonlinear losses in multimode optical fibers
2021 Ferraro, M; Mangini, F; Zitelli, M; Tonello, A; De Luca, A; Couderc, V; Wabnitz, S
Femtosecond Pulsed Laser Ablation and Deposition of Titanium Carbide
2006 Teghil R.; D'Alessio L.; De Bonis A.; Galasso A.; Villani P.; Santagata A.
Femtosecond Pulsed Laser Ablation Deposition of Tantalum Carbide
2007 Teghil, R; De Bonis, A; Galasso, A; Villani, P; Santagata, A
Femtosecond Pulsed Laser Ablation Deposition of Tantalum Carbide
2007 Teghil R.; De Bonis A.; Galasso A.; Villani P.; Santagata A.
Femtosecond pulsed laser ablation of Al-Cu-Fe systems
2006 L.DAlessio; D.Ferro; A.Galasso; A.Santagata; R.Teghil; P.Villani
Femtosecond Pulsed Laser Ablation of Crystalline and Quasicrystalline Al-Cu-Fe Systems
2006 L.DAlessio; A.De Bonis; D.Ferro; A.Galasso; A.Giardini; A.Santagata; R.Teghil; P.Villani
Femtosecond pulsed laser ablation of group 4 carbides
2005 Teghil, R; D'Alessio, L; De Bonis, A; Galasso, A; Villani, P; Zaccagnino, M; Santagata, A; Ferro, D
Femtosecond pulsed laser ablation of molybdenum carbide: Nanoparticles and thin film characteristics
2013 A. De Bonis; A. Santagata; M. Sansone; J.V. Rau; T. Mori; R. Teghil
Femtosecond pulsed laser deposition of nanostructured ITO thin films
2007 Teghil R. ; Ferro D. ; Galasso A. ;Giardini A. ; Marotta V. ; Parisi G. P.; Santagata A.; Villani P.
Femtosecond Pulsed Laser Deposition of Nanostructured ITO Thin Films
2006 D. Ferro; A. Galasso; A. Giardini; V. Marotta; G. P. Parisi; A. Santagata; R. Teghil; .Villani
Femtosecond/Nanosecond dual-pulse orthogonal geometry plasma plume reheating for compositional analysis of ancient copper-based-alloy artworks
2007 A. Santagata; A. De Giacomo; O. De Pascale; M. Dell'Aglio; R. Teghil; A. De Bonis; M. Corrente; G.P. Parisi; S. Orlando
Fenton reaction of CVD-graphene on copper for the optical evaluation of grain size
A few level approach for the electronic partition function of atomic systems
2009 Colonna, G; Capitelli, M
Fibroblast and keratinocyte behaviour on substrates plasma-patterned with fouling and non fouling domains
2002 Gristina, R.; Sardella, E.; Detomaso, L.; Senesi, G.; Favia, P.; D'Agostino, R.
Final Report Commission of the European Communities JOULE contract JOR3-CT97-0145 "New and enhanced silicon thin-film solar cells-NEST"
1999 Cicala, G; Capezzuto, P; Bruno, G
Final Report Commission of the European Communities JOULE contract JOU2-CT92-0027 "New and more stable a-Si:H based materials for photovoltaics"
1995 G. Cicala; P. Capezzuto; G. Bruno; L. Schiavulli
Final Report Commission of the European Communities JOULE contract JOUR-0081-C "Plasma deposition systems for photovoltaic quality amorphous silicon and alloys: Plasma diagnostics & material characterization"
1992 G. Bruno; P. Capezzuto; G. Cicala
Final Report, Commission of the European Communities, Photovoltaic Power Generation, European R & D contract EN3S-0066-I "Kinetic study of the deposition process of glow discharge hydrogenated Si for high efficiency solar cells"
1988 Bruno, G; Capezzuto, P; Cicala, G; Cramarossa, F
Final Result on the Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay of Se 82 with CUPID-0
2022 Azzolini, O.; Beeman, J. W.; Bellini, F.; Beretta, M.; Biassoni, M.; Brofferio, C.; Bucci, C.; Capelli, S.; Caracciolo, V.; Cardani, L.; Carniti, P.; Casali, N.; Chiesa, D.; Clemenza, M.; Colantoni, I.; Cremonesi, O.; Cruciani, A.; D'Addabbo, A.; Dafinei, I.; De Dominicis, F.; Di Domizio, S.; Ferroni, F.; Gironi, L.; Giuliani, A.; Gorla, P.; Gotti, C.; Keppel, G.; Martinez, M.; Nagorny, S.; Nastasi, M.; Nisi, S.; Nones, C.; Orlandi, D.; Pagnanini, L.; Pallavicini, M.; Pattavina, L.; Pavan, M.; Pessina, G.; Pettinacci, V.; Pirro, S.; Pozzi, S.; Previtali, E.; Puiu, A.; Rusconi, C.; Schäffner, K.; Tomei, C.; Vignati, M.; Zolotarova, A. S.
Final results of CALDER: kinetic inductance light detectors to search for rare events
2021 Cardani, L; Casali, N; Colantoni, I; Cruciani, A; Di Domizio, S; Martinez, M; Pettinacci, V; Pettinari, G; Vignati, M
Titolo | Data di pubblicazione | Autore(i) | File |
F1Fo ATP Synthase operon of Nonomuraea sp ATCC 39727 | 1-gen-2004 | Gaballo A.; Abbrescia A.; Micelli L.; Palese L.L.; di Summa R. ; Papa S. | |
F1Fo ATP Synthase operon of Nonomuraea ATCC 39727 | 1-gen-2005 | Gaballo, A; Abbrescia, A; Micelli, L di Summa R; Papa, S | |
Fabrication and Characterization of ALK1fc-Loaded Fluoro-Magnetic Nanoparticles for Inhibiting TGF ? in Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC) | 1-gen-2015 | A Hanafy, Nemany; Maria Ferraro, Marzia; Gaballo, Antonio; Dini, Luciana; Nobile, Concetta; Luisa De Giorgi, Maria; Carallo, Sonia; Rinaldiand Stefano Leporatti, Ross | |
Fabrication and characterization of ALK1fc-loaded fluoro-magnetic nanoparticles for inhibiting TGF beta 1 in hepatocellular carcinoma | 1-gen-2016 | Hanafy Nemany, A; Ferraro Marzia, Maria; Gaballo, Antonio; Dini, Luciana; Tasco, Vittorianna; Nobile, Concetta; De Giorgi Maria, Luisa; Carallo, Sonia; Rinaldi, Ross; Leporatti, Stefano | |
Fabrication and characterization of strained InGaAs quantum wires grown on high index V-grooved GaAs substrates by LP-MOVPE | 1-gen-1999 | Passaseo; R. Rinaldi; M. De Giorgi; R. Cingolani; M. Catalano; A. Taurino | |
Fabrication and response of SERS substrates based on arrays of gold nanostructures | 1-gen-2013 | G. V. Bianco; M. Grande; M. M. Giangregorio; M. Losurdo; P. Capezzuto; M. A. Vincenti; T. Stomeo; D. de Ceglia; M. De Vittorio; V. Petruzzelli; M. Scalora; A. D'Orazio; G. Bruno | |
Fabrication and transport of large-scale molecular tunnel-junction arrays | 1-gen-2007 | Maruccio, G; Marzo, P; Krahne, R; Della Torre, A; Passaseo, A; Cingolani, R; Rinaldi, R | |
Fabrication by means of x-ray lithography of two-dimensional GaAs/AlGaAs photonic crystals with an unconventional unit cell | 1-gen-2002 | Romanato, ; Fa, ; Businaro, ; La, ; Di, Fabrizio; Ea, ; Passaseo, ADRIANA GRAZIA; Ab, ; De, Vittorio; Mb, ; Cingolani, ; Rb, ; Patrini, ; Mc, ; Galli, ; Mc, ; Bajoni, ; Dc, ; Andreani, ; Lcc, ; Giacometti, ; Fd, ; Gentili, ; Md, ; Peyrade, ; De, ; Chen, ; Y, | |
Fabrication of 2D plasmonic gold nano-patches | 1-gen-2013 | Stomeo, Tiziana; De Vittorio, Massimo; Grande, Marco; Petruzzelli, Vincenzo; D'Orazio, Antonella; Antonietta Vincenti, Maria; De Ceglia, Domenico; Bianco, GIUSEPPE VALERIO; Bruno, Giovanni; Scalora, Michael | |
Fabrication of 2D plasmonic gold nanopatches on graphene | 1-gen-2013 | M. Grande; T. Stomeo; M. A. Vincenti; G. V. Bianco; D. de Ceglia; V. Petruzzelli; G. Bruno; M. De Vittorio; A. D'Orazio; M. Scalora | |
Fabrication of 3D metallic photonic crystals by X-ray lithography | 1-gen-2003 | F Romanato, A; Businaro, L; Vaccari, L; Cabrini, S; Candeloro, P; M De Vittorio, E Di Fabriziob; Passaseo, A; Todaro, Mt; M Galli, R Cingolani c E Cattaruzza d; Andreani, C | |
Fabrication of AlN/Si SAW delay lines with very low RF signal noise | 1-gen-2007 | Ingrosso, I; Petroni, S; Altamura, D; De Vittorio, M; Combi, C; Passaseo, A | |
Fabrication of BAW Resonators Based on Piezoelectric AlN and Reflector-on-Membrane Structure | 1-gen-2009 | Altamura D; Pomarico A; Epifani G; Ingrosso I; Todaro MT; Tasco V; De Vittorio M; Passaseo A | |
Fabrication of doubly resonant plasmonic nanopatch arrays on graphene | 1-gen-2013 | Grande, M; Stomeo, T; Bianco, Gv; A Vincenti, M; D De Ceglia, ; Petruzzelli, V; Bruno, G; M De Vittorio, ; Scalora, M; D'Orazio, A | |
Fabrication of Eu-TiO2 NCs functionalized cotton textile as a multifunctional photocatalyst for dye pollutants degradation | 1-gen-2018 | Caschera, Daniela; Federici, Fulvio; de Caro, Tilde; Cortese, Barbara; Calandra, Pietro; Mezzi, Alessio; Lo Nigro, Raffaella; Toro, Roberta G. | |
Fabrication of flexible all-inorganic nanocrystal solar cells by room-temperature processing | 1-gen-2013 | Loiudice Anna; Rizzo Aurora; Grancini Giulia; Biasiucci Mariano; Belviso Maria R.; Corricelli Michela; Curri M. Lucia; Striccoli Marinella; Agostiano Angela; Cozzoli P. Davide; Petrozza Annamaria; Lanzani Guglielmo; Gigli Giuseppe | |
Fabrication of force sensors based on two-dimensional photonic crystal technology | 1-gen-2007 | Stomeo, T; Grande, M; Qualtieri, A; Passaseo, A; Salhi, A; De Vittorio, M; Biallo, D; D'Orazio, A; De Sario, M; Marrocco, V; Petruzzelli, V; Prudenzano, F | |
Fabrication of GaN/AlGaN 1D photonic crystals designed for nonlinear optical applications | 1-gen-2010 | Stomeo, T; Epifani, G; Tasco, V; Massaro, A; Tarantini, I; Campa, A; De Vittorio, M; Passaseo, A; Braccini, M; Larciprete, Mc; Sibilia, C; Bovino, Fa | |
Fabrication of hybrid organic-inorganic vertical microcavities through imprint lithography | 1-gen-2005 | L. Martiradonna; M. De Vittorio; L. Troisi; M.T. Todaro; M. Mazzeo; T. Stomeo; M. Anni; R. Cingolani;G. Gigli; | |
Fabrication of micro reaction cages with tailored properties | 1-gen-2001 | Dähne, L; Leporatti, S; Donath, E; Wöhwald, H | |
Fabrication of Negative Index Materials in the Visible Regime Using Nanoimprint Lithography | 1-gen-2012 | Bergmair, I; Rank, A; Dastmalchi, B; Tollabimazraehno, S; Hingerl, K; Piglmayerbrezina, H; Klar, Ta; Losurdo, M; Bruno, G; Helgert, C; Pshenayseverin, E; Falkner, M; Pertsch, T; Kley, Eb; Verschuuren, Ma; Huebner, U; H Shen, N; Kafesaki, M; Soukoulis, Cm; Muehlberger, M | |
Facile functionalization of a fully fluorescent perfluorophenyl BODIPY: Photostable thiol and amine conjugates | 1-gen-2011 | Vives, G.; Giansante, C.; Bofinger, R.; Raffy, G.; Guerzo, A. D.; Kauffmann, B.; Batat, P.; Jonusauskas, G.; Mcclenaghan, N. D. | |
Facilitated water transport in composite reduced graphene oxide pervaporation membranes for ethanol upgrading | 1-gen-2024 | Platagryl, M; Boczkaj, G; Policicchio, A; Figoli, A; Galiano, F; Castromuñoz, R | |
Fast algorithm for a three-dimensional synthetic model of intermittent turbulence | 1-gen-2016 | Francesco, Malara; Di Mare Francesca, ; Giuseppina, Nigro; Luca, Sorrisovalvo | |
Fast and safe microwave-assisted glass channel-shaped microstructure fabrication | 1-gen-2015 | Zacheo, A.; Zacheo, A.; Zizzari, A.; Zizzari, A.; Perrone, E.; Carbone, L.; Giancane, G.; Valli, L.; Rinaldi, R.; Rinaldi, R.; Arima, V. | |
Fast nanopatterning of two-dimensional photonic crystals by electron beam lithography | 1-gen-2004 | Stomeo, T; Passaseo, A; Cingolani, R; De, Vittorio; M, | |
Fast stereoselective reactions in electrosprayed Co(II)/neurotransmitter nanodroplets | 1-gen-2008 | Fraschetti, C; Aschi, M; Filippi, A; Giardini, A; Speranza, M | |
Fast synchrotron and FEL beam monitors based on single-crystal diamond detectors and InGaAs/InAlAs quantum well devices | 1-gen-2013 | Antonelli, M; Di Fraia, M; Carrato, S; Cautero, G; Menk, R H; Jark, W H; Ganbold, T; Biasiol, G; Callegari, C; Coreno, M; De Sio, A; Pace, E | |
Femtosecond pulsed laser deposition of titanium carbide films | 1-gen-2003 | Teghil R. ; DAlessio L. ; Villani A.R. ; Villani P. ; Santagata A. ; Ferro D. | |
Femtosecond laser vaporization of icosahedral Al-Pd-Mn | 1-gen-2003 | Teghil R. ; DAlessio L. ; Villani A.R. ; Villani P. ; Galasso A. ; Santagata A. ; Sordelet D.J. . | |
Femtosecond nonlinear losses in multimode optical fibers | 1-gen-2021 | Ferraro, M; Mangini, F; Zitelli, M; Tonello, A; De Luca, A; Couderc, V; Wabnitz, S | |
Femtosecond Pulsed Laser Ablation and Deposition of Titanium Carbide | 1-gen-2006 | Teghil R.; D'Alessio L.; De Bonis A.; Galasso A.; Villani P.; Santagata A. | |
Femtosecond Pulsed Laser Ablation Deposition of Tantalum Carbide | 1-gen-2007 | Teghil, R; De Bonis, A; Galasso, A; Villani, P; Santagata, A | |
Femtosecond Pulsed Laser Ablation Deposition of Tantalum Carbide | 1-gen-2007 | Teghil R.; De Bonis A.; Galasso A.; Villani P.; Santagata A. | |
Femtosecond pulsed laser ablation of Al-Cu-Fe systems | 1-gen-2006 | L.DAlessio; D.Ferro; A.Galasso; A.Santagata; R.Teghil; P.Villani | |
Femtosecond Pulsed Laser Ablation of Crystalline and Quasicrystalline Al-Cu-Fe Systems | 1-gen-2006 | L.DAlessio; A.De Bonis; D.Ferro; A.Galasso; A.Giardini; A.Santagata; R.Teghil; P.Villani | |
Femtosecond pulsed laser ablation of group 4 carbides | 1-gen-2005 | Teghil, R; D'Alessio, L; De Bonis, A; Galasso, A; Villani, P; Zaccagnino, M; Santagata, A; Ferro, D | |
Femtosecond pulsed laser ablation of molybdenum carbide: Nanoparticles and thin film characteristics | 1-gen-2013 | A. De Bonis; A. Santagata; M. Sansone; J.V. Rau; T. Mori; R. Teghil | |
Femtosecond pulsed laser deposition of nanostructured ITO thin films | 1-gen-2007 | Teghil R. ; Ferro D. ; Galasso A. ;Giardini A. ; Marotta V. ; Parisi G. P.; Santagata A.; Villani P. | |
Femtosecond Pulsed Laser Deposition of Nanostructured ITO Thin Films | 1-gen-2006 | D. Ferro; A. Galasso; A. Giardini; V. Marotta; G. P. Parisi; A. Santagata; R. Teghil; .Villani | |
Femtosecond/Nanosecond dual-pulse orthogonal geometry plasma plume reheating for compositional analysis of ancient copper-based-alloy artworks | 1-gen-2007 | A. Santagata; A. De Giacomo; O. De Pascale; M. Dell'Aglio; R. Teghil; A. De Bonis; M. Corrente; G.P. Parisi; S. Orlando | |
Fenton reaction of CVD-graphene on copper for the optical evaluation of grain size | 1-gen-2013 | - | |
A few level approach for the electronic partition function of atomic systems | 1-gen-2009 | Colonna, G; Capitelli, M | |
Fibroblast and keratinocyte behaviour on substrates plasma-patterned with fouling and non fouling domains | 1-gen-2002 | Gristina, R.; Sardella, E.; Detomaso, L.; Senesi, G.; Favia, P.; D'Agostino, R. | |
Final Report Commission of the European Communities JOULE contract JOR3-CT97-0145 "New and enhanced silicon thin-film solar cells-NEST" | 1-gen-1999 | Cicala, G; Capezzuto, P; Bruno, G | |
Final Report Commission of the European Communities JOULE contract JOU2-CT92-0027 "New and more stable a-Si:H based materials for photovoltaics" | 1-gen-1995 | G. Cicala; P. Capezzuto; G. Bruno; L. Schiavulli | |
Final Report Commission of the European Communities JOULE contract JOUR-0081-C "Plasma deposition systems for photovoltaic quality amorphous silicon and alloys: Plasma diagnostics & material characterization" | 1-gen-1992 | G. Bruno; P. Capezzuto; G. Cicala | |
Final Report, Commission of the European Communities, Photovoltaic Power Generation, European R & D contract EN3S-0066-I "Kinetic study of the deposition process of glow discharge hydrogenated Si for high efficiency solar cells" | 1-gen-1988 | Bruno, G; Capezzuto, P; Cicala, G; Cramarossa, F | |
Final Result on the Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay of Se 82 with CUPID-0 | 1-gen-2022 | Azzolini, O.; Beeman, J. W.; Bellini, F.; Beretta, M.; Biassoni, M.; Brofferio, C.; Bucci, C.; Capelli, S.; Caracciolo, V.; Cardani, L.; Carniti, P.; Casali, N.; Chiesa, D.; Clemenza, M.; Colantoni, I.; Cremonesi, O.; Cruciani, A.; D'Addabbo, A.; Dafinei, I.; De Dominicis, F.; Di Domizio, S.; Ferroni, F.; Gironi, L.; Giuliani, A.; Gorla, P.; Gotti, C.; Keppel, G.; Martinez, M.; Nagorny, S.; Nastasi, M.; Nisi, S.; Nones, C.; Orlandi, D.; Pagnanini, L.; Pallavicini, M.; Pattavina, L.; Pavan, M.; Pessina, G.; Pettinacci, V.; Pirro, S.; Pozzi, S.; Previtali, E.; Puiu, A.; Rusconi, C.; Schäffner, K.; Tomei, C.; Vignati, M.; Zolotarova, A. S. | |
Final results of CALDER: kinetic inductance light detectors to search for rare events | 1-gen-2021 | Cardani, L; Casali, N; Colantoni, I; Cruciani, A; Di Domizio, S; Martinez, M; Pettinacci, V; Pettinari, G; Vignati, M |
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