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Mostrati risultati da 1.324 a 1.373 di 4.139
Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autore(i) File
g-Titanium Phosphate Surfactants Intercalation Compounds: Structural and Thermal Characterization 1-gen-2005 C. Ferragina; R. Di Rocco;P. Giannoccaro
Ga Nanoparticle/Graphene Platforms: Plasmonic and Charge Transfer Interactions 1-gen-2013 C. Yi; T.H. Kim; Y. Yang; M. Losurdo; April S Brown;
Ga plasmon Control and Formation of Ga Nanoparticles on Polar GaN and SiC for GaN Nanostructure Growth 1-gen-2007 Pae Wu; M. Losurdo;TongHo Kim; G. Bruno; A. Brown
GaAs1-y-zPyBiz an alternative reduced bandgap alloy system lattice-matched to GaAs 1-gen-2014 K. Forghani; Y. Guan; M. Losurdo; G. Luo; D. Morgan; S.E. Babcock; A.S. Brown; L. J. Mawst; T.F. Kuech;
Gain and phase control in a graphene-loaded reconfigurable antenna 1-gen-2019 Grande, Marco; Bianco, GIUSEPPE VALERIO; Laneve, Dario; Capezzuto, Pio; Petruzzelli, Vincenzo; Scalora, Michael; Prudenzano, Francesco; Bruno, Giovanni; D'Orazio, Antonella
Galactic sources science with AGILE: The case of the Carina Region 1-gen-2011 Sabatini, S; Tavani, M; Viotti, R; Donnarumma, I; Evangelista, Y; Feroci, M; Mastropietro, M
Galactosamine immobilization on plasma modified polystyrene to enhance hepatocytes functions 1-gen-2007 Favia, P; Lopez, Lc; Gristina, R; Nardulli, M; Belviso, Mr; Dagostino, R
Gallium arsenide passivation method for the employment of High Electron Mobility Transistors in liquid environment 1-gen-2012 Sileo L; Martiradonna L; Brunetti V; Tasco V; De Vittorio M
Gallium Nanoparticles: An Alternative Metal for Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering 1-gen-2009 Wu, Pc; Khoury, Cg; Kim, Th; Yang, Y; Losurdo, M; Bruno, G; Vodinh, ; Everitt, Ho; Amrdec, A; Brown, As
Gallium Plasmonic Nanoantennas Unveiling Multiple Kinetics of Hydrogen Sensing, Storage, and Spillover 1-gen-2021 Losurdo, Maria; Gutiérrez, Yael; Suvorova, Alexandra; Giangregorio, Maria M.; Rubanov, Sergey; Brown, April S.; Moreno, Fernando
Gallium Plasmonics: Deep Subwavelength Spectroscopic Imaging of Single and Interacting Gallium Nanoparticles 1-gen-2015 Knight Mark, W; Coenen, Toon; Yang, Yang; Brenny Benjamin, J M; Losurdo, Maria; Brown April, S; Everitt Henry, O; Polman, Albert
Gallium Polymorphs: Phase-Dependent Plasmonics 1-gen-2019 Gutierrez, Yael; Losurdo, Maria; Garciafernandez, Pablo; Sainz de la Maza, Marta; Gonzalez, Francisco; Brown April, S; Everitt Henry, O; Junquera, Javier; Moreno, Fernando
Gallium-modified chitosan/polyacrylic acid bilayer coatings for improved titanium implant performances 1-gen-2017 Bonifacio M.A.; Cometa S.; Dicarlo M.; Baruzzi F.; de Candia S.; Gloria A.; Giangregorio M. M.; MattioliBelmonte M; De Giglio E.
GaMg Alloy Nanoparticles for Broadly Tunable Plasmonics 1-gen-2011 C Wu, P; Kim, Th; Suvorova, A; Giangregorio, M; Saunders, M; Bruno, G; S Brown, A; Losurdo, M
GaMg core shell Nanosystem for a Novel Full Color Plasmonics 1-gen-2011 P.C Wu; M. Losurdo; T.H. kim; B.GarciaCueto; F. Moreno; G. Bruno; A. Brown
Gamma-ray burst detection with the AGILE mini-calorimeter 1-gen-2008 M. Marisaldi; C. Labanti; F. Fuschino; M. Galli; A. Argan; G. Barbiellini; M. Basset; M. Mastropietro; L. Salotti; L.
GaN optical system for CO and NO gas detection in the exhaust manifold of combustion engines 1-gen-2006 Mello, M; Poti, B; de Risi, A; Passaseo, A; Lomascolo, M; De Vittorio, M
GaN-based surface acoustic wave filters for wireless communications 1-gen-2004 Petroni, ; Passaseo, ADRIANA GRAZIA; Tripoli, ; Ga, ; Combi, ; Ca, ; Vigna, ; Ba, ; De, Vittorio; Mb, ; Todaro, MARIA TERESA; Mtb, ; Epifani, ; Gb, ; Cingolani, ; Rb, ; Passaseo, ADRIANA GRAZIA; A,
GaN/AlGaN microcavities for enhancement of nonlinear optical effects 1-gen-2010 Tasco V.; Tarantini I; Campa A; Massaro A; Stomeo T; Epifani G; Passaseo A; Braccini M; Larciprete MC; Sibilia C; Bovino FA
Gas phase analysis of laser ablated biomolecules and their clusters with metals 1-gen-2004 Scuderi, D; Paladini, A; Satta, M; Rondino, F; Catone, D; Piccirillo, S; Spizzichino, V Giardini A; Mele, A
Gas phase analysis of laser ablated molecules and clusters of biological relevance 1-gen-2003 Scuderi, D; Speranza, M; Giardini, A; Catone, D; Frondino, ; Satta, M; Spiccirillo,
Gas phase and surface processes in silicon tetrachloride glow discharge 1-gen-1985 Bruno, G; Capezzuto, P; Cicala, G; Cramarossa, F
Gas Phase Photoemission Beamline @ Elettra 1-gen-2005 Avaldi, L; Alagia, M; Coreno, M; DE SIMONE, Monica; Kivimaki, A; Feyer, V; Richter, R; Prince, K; Stranges, S
The Gas Phase Photoemission Beamline at ELETTRA : a facility for atomic, molecular and chemical physics research 1-gen-2001 Alagia\, M; Avaldi\, L; Battera\, G; Camilloni\, R; Coreno\, M; Furlani\, C; Prince\, Kc; Richter\, R; M de Simone\, ; Stefani\, G; Stranges\, S; Turri\, G
Gas Phase Photoemission Beamline@Elettra :status of the project 1-gen-2005 L. Avaldi; M. Alagia; M. Coreno; V. Feyer; H. Farrokhpour; M. de Simone ; R. Richter; K.C. Prince; S. Stranges; M. Pilosio
Gas sensors produced by conventional and RF plasma-assisted pulsed laser ablation of metal oxides 1-gen-2009 S.ORLANDO; V. MAROTTA;D.M. TRUCCHI
Gas-phase basicity and enantiodiscrimination of some phosphorous-containing alpha-amino acid mimics 1-gen-2003 A. Paladini; D. Scuderi; A. Lagana; A. Giardini; A. Filippi; M. Speranza
Gas-phase chiral differentiation of van der Waals aggregates of organofluorine compounds 1-gen-2006 A. Giardini; A. Paladini; F. Rondino; S. Piccirillo; M. Satta; M. Speranza
Gas-phase complexes: noncovalent interactions and stereospecificity 1-gen-2003 D. Scuderi; A. Paladini; M. Satta; D. Catone; A. Filippi; S. Piccirillo; A. Lagana; M. Speranza; A. Giardini Guidoni
Gas-phase Complexes: Noncovalent Interactions and Stereospecifity 1-gen-2003 D Scuderi a, ; B, ; A Paladini a, ; M Satta a, ; Catonea, D; A Filippi b, ; S Piccirillo c, ; Laganàa, A; Speranzab, M; A Giardini Guidonia, ; D,
The gas-phase photoemission beamline at Elettra 1-gen-1998 C Princea, K; R Blytha, R; Delaunaya, R; Zitnika, M; Krempaskya, J; Slezaka, J; Camillonib, R; Avaldib, L; Corenob, M; Stefanic, G; Furlanid, C; M de Simoned, ; Strangese, S
Gas-Surface interactions: molecular dynamics approaches 1-gen-2005 Mcacciatore,
Gas-surface scattering models for Particle Fluid Dynamics: a comparison between analytical approximate models and Molecular Dynamics calculations 1-gen-2000 Bruno, D; Cacciatore, M; Longo, S; Rutigliano, M
GC-MS Investigation of glow discharge fed with hexamethyldisiloxane-oxygen mixtures 1-gen-2003 A. Fornelli; R. d'Agostino; F. Fanelli; F. Fracassi; F. Palumbo
GC-MS investigation of glow discharges fed with hexamethylkdisiloxane-O2 for PECVD of SIOX thin films 1-gen-2003 A. Fornelli; R. d'Agostino; F. Fanelli; F. Fracassi; F. Palumbo
GC-MS Investigation of Hexamethyldisiloxane-Oxygen Fed Cold Plasmas: Low Pressure vs. Atmospheric Pressure Operation 1-gen-2011 F. Fanelli; R. dAgostino; F. Fracassi
GC-MS investigation of hexamethyldisiloxane-oxygen fed plasmas 1-gen-2003 Fracassi, F; D'Agostino, R; Fanelli, F; Fornelli, A; Palumbo, F
GC-MS Investigation of Organosilicon and Fluorocarbon Fed Plasmas 1-gen-2011 F. Fanelli; F. Fracassi; S. Lovascio; R. d'Agostino
Gene targeting reveals a crucial role for MTG8 in the gut 1-gen-2001 Calabi, F; Pannell, R; Pavloska, G
Gene therapy with non-viral PCL nanoparticles 1-gen-2015 Palamà, Ie; Cortese, B; D'Amone, S; Gigli, G
General numerical algorithm for classical collision integral calculation 1-gen-2008 Colonna, G; Laricchiuta, A
General Phase Diagram of Multimodal Ordered and Disordered Lasers in Closed and Open Cavities 1-gen-2015 Antenucci, F; Conti, C; Crisanti, A; Leuzzi, L
Generalised oscillator strength for the core level excitation of nitrogen in N2, NO and N2O by electron impact 1-gen-1987 Camilloni R; Fainelli E; Petrocelli G; Stefani; G
Generalized Oscillator Strength for K-Shell Near Edge Structures in N2 1-gen-1983 R. Camilloni; E. Fainelli; G. Petrocelli; G. Stefani
Generalized oscillator strength for the lyman-birge-hopfield band in molecular nitrogen 1-gen-1987 Fainelli, E; Camilloni, R; Petrocelli, G; Stefani, ; G,
Generation and acceleration of negative ions in neutral beam injectors for fusion research: status, perspectives and interdisciplinarity 1-gen-2017 Antoni, V; Agostinetti, P; Aprile, D; Cavenago, M; Chitarin, G; De Lorenzi, A; Fadone, M; Fonnesu, N; Longo, S; Marconato, N; Pilan, N; Sartori, E; Suweis, S; Taccogna, F; Serianni, G; Spada, E; Veltri, P
Generation of color centers in alkali halide single crystals using ultrafast laser pulses 1-gen-2009 S. ORLANDO; S.C. LANGFORD; J.T. DICKINSON
Generation of curvilinear inhomogeneous polarization beams 1-gen-2018 Ruiz, U; Pagliusi, P; Provenzano, C; Cipparrone, G
Generation of Turbulence in Colliding Reconnection Jets 1-gen-2018 Pucci, Francesco; Matthaeus William, H; Chasapis, A; Servidio, Sergio; Sorrisovalvo, L; Olshevsky, V; Newman, D L; Goldman, M V; Lapenta, Giovanni
Generation of ultrashort coherent vacuum ultraviolet pulses using electron storage rings: A new bright light source for experiments 1-gen-2008 G. De Ninno,,; E. Allaria,; M. Coreno,; F. Curbis,,; M. B. Danailov,; E. Karantzoulis,; A. Locatelli,; T. O. Mentes,; M. A. Nino,; C. Spezzani,; M. Trovò,
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