Sfoglia per Organizzazione
Macrodomains and layers of graphene on various supports using CVD deposition, transformation of SiC and exfoliation
2010 G. Bruno; M. Losurdo
Macroscopic kinetic model for air in nozzle flow
2012 Colonna, G; Pietanza, Ld; Capitelli, M
Macroscopic rates with vibrational non equilibrium for N2 dissociation
2007 G. Colonna; L. Pietanza; M. Capitelli
Magnetic capsules for NMR imaging: Effect of magnetic nanoparticles spatial distribution and aggregation
2011 Abbasi Azhar, Zahoor; Gutiérrez, Lucía; Del Mercato Loretta, L; Herranz, Fernando; Chubykalofesenko, Oksana; Veintemillasverdaguer, Sabino; Parak Wolfgang, J; Morales, M Puerto; González Jesús, M; Hernando, Antonio; Hernando, Antonio; De La Presa, Patricia; De La Presa, Patricia
Magnetic field sensors based on microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) technology
2011 Todaro, Mt; Sileo, L; DE VITTORIO, Massimo
Magnetic nanobeads decorated by thermo-responsive PNIPAM shell as medical platforms for the efficient delivery of doxorubicin to tumour cells
2011 Deka S.R.; A. Quarta; R. Di Corato; A. Riedinger; R. Cingolani; T. Pellegrino
Magnetic nanoparticles coated with anacardic acid derived from cashew nut shell liquid
2013 Ribeiro, V. G. P.; Barreto, A. C. H.; Denardin, J. C.; Mele, Giuseppe; Carbone, L.; Mazzetto, S. E.; Sousa, E. M. B.; Fechine, P. B. A.
Magnetic Nanosystem for Cancer Therapy Using Oncocalyxone A, an Antitomour Secondary Metabolite Isolated from a Brazilian Plant
2013 Barreto Antonio, C H; Santiago Vivian, R; Freire Rafael, M; Mazzetto Selma, E; Denardin Juliano, C; Mele, Giuseppe; Cavalcante Igor, M; Ribeiro Maria, E N P; Ricardo Nagila, M P S; Goncalves, Tamara; Carbone, Luigi; Lemos Telma, L G; Pessoa Otilia, D L; Fechine Pierre, B A
Magnetic properties of iron oxide nanoparticles prepared by seeded-growth route
2013 Espinosa, A; Munoznoval, A; Garciahernandez, M; Serrano, A; de la Morena, J J; Figuerola, A; Quarta, A; Pellegrino, T; Wilhelm, C; Garcia, M A
Magnetic properties of novel superparamagnetic MRI contrast agents based on colloidal nanocrystals
2008 Corti, M; Lascialfari, A; Micotti, E; Castellano, A; Donativi, M; Quarta, A; Cozzoli, PD; Manna, L; Pellegrino, T; Sangregorio, C
Magneto-Hydrodynamic Interaction in the Shock Layer of a Wedge in a Hypersonic Flow
2006 C.A. Borghi; M. R. Carraro; A. Cristofolini; A. Veefkind; L. Biagioni; G. Fantoni; A. Passaro; M.Capitelli; G. Colonna
Making an impact in low-temperature plasma science
2008 D'Agostino, R; Favia, P; Oehr, C
The management of the scientific information environment: the role of the Research Library Web site
2001 Arte A.
Managing Growth and Dimensionality of Quasi 2D Perovskite Single-Crystalline Flakes for Tunable Excitons Orientation
2021 Cinquino, M; Fieramosca, A; Mastria, R; Polimeno, L; Moliterni, A; Olieric, V; Matsugaki, N; Panico, R; De Giorgi, M; Gigli, G; Giannini, C; Rizzo, A; Sanvitto, D; De Marco, L
Managing transparency through polymer/perovskite blending: A route toward thermostable and highly efficient, semi-transparent solar cells
2021 Bisconti, F.; Giuri, A.; Dominici, L.; Carallo, S.; Quadrivi, E.; Po', R.; Biagini, P.; Listorti, A.; Corcione, C. E.; Colella, S.; Rizzo, A.
Manganese ions in the monoclinic, tetragonal and cubic phases of zirconia: an XRD and EPR study
2003 Occhiuzzi M.; Cordischi D.; Dragone R.
Manipulation of colloids by optical and electrical control of disclination lines in liquid crystals
2016 Kasyanyuk, D; Pagliusi, P; Mazzulla, A; Reshetnyak, V; Reznikov, Yu; Provenzano, C; Giocondo, M; Vasnetsov, M; Tomylko, S; Yaroshchuk, O; Cipparrone, G
Manipulation of nanoparticles in topological defects
2016 D. Kasyanyuk ; C. Provenzano; A. Mazzulla; P. Pagliusi;; Yu. Reznikov; G.Cipparrone;
Many particle spectroscopy of atoms,molecules, clusters and surfaces, JESRP vol. 161
2007 G. Stefani;L. Avaldi
MAPbI3-xClx mixed halide perovskite for hybrid solar cells: The role of chloride as dopant on the transport and structural properties
2013 Colella, S; Mosconi, E; Fedeli, P; Listorti, A; Gazza, F; Orlandi, F; Ferro, P; Besagni, T; Rizzo, A; Calestani, G; Gigli, G; De Angelis, F; Mosca, R
MAPLE deposition of nanomaterials
2014 Caricato, Ap; Arima, V; Catalano, M; Cesaria, M; Cozzoli, Pd; Martino, M; Taurino, A; Rella, R; Scarfiello, R; Tunno, T; Zacheo, A
Mapping the nonlinear optical susceptibility by noncollinear second-harmonic generation
2009 C Larciprete, M; Bovino, Fa; Giardina, M; Belardini, A; Centini, M; Sibilia, C; Bertolotti, M; A Passaseo, V Tasco
Mars Sample Return Orbiter: Detailed Vibrational-Chemical Kinetics and Heat Transfer
2014 Armenise, I; Kustova, E
Mass resolved laser spectroscopy applied to investigate the effects of asymmetric microsolvation in the homolytic C Ñ-C Ò bond cleavage of a chiral alkylarene radical cation
2006 S. Piccirillo; A. Giardini; M. Speranza; F. Rondino; M. Satta; D. Catone; A. Paladini
Mass resolved laser spectroscopy of micro-solvated R(+)-1-phenyl-1-propanol: A chiral molecule of biological interest
2004 Piccirillo, Sa; Satta, Mb; Catone, Dc; Scuderi, Dd; Paladini, Ac; Rondino, Fc; Speranza, Md; Giardini Guidoni Ac,
Mass spectrometric characterization of pulsed laser ablated species (CdS and C) by means of Synchrotron Radiation photoionization techniques
2009 A RUIZ, J; Casu, A; Coreno, M; DE SIMONE, Monica; HOYOS CAMPO, Lm; M JUAREZREYES, A; Kivimaki, A; Orlando, S; Sanz, M; Spezzani, C; Stankiewicz, M; Trucchi, Dm
Mass spectrometric determination of reaction rates during plasma processing of layers
1995 Trnovec, J; Martisovits, V; Cicala, G; Capezzuto, P; Bruno, G; Jurani, R
Mass spectrometric thermal evolution of novel indium metalorganic precursors for MOCVD
1993 G. Bruno; P. Capezzuto; G. Cicala; M. Losurdo; G. Rossetto; M. Porchia; P. Zanella
Material Engineering of CVD Diamond: defects tailoring for optimized tissue-equivalent linear radiotherapy dosimetry and other passive electronic applications
2003 P. Ascarelli; D.M. Trucchi; E. Cappelli
Materials and 3D Designs of Helix Nanostructures for Chirality at Optical Frequencies
2017 Passaseo, A; Esposito, M; Cuscuna, M; Tasco, V
Matrix effects on the structural and optical properties of InAs quantum dots
2001 X Chen, J; Oesterle, U; Fiore, A; P Stanley, R; Ilegems, M; Todaro, T
Measurement and ab initio calculation of the Ne photoabsorption spectrum in the region of the K edge
1999 M. Coreno; L. Avaldi; R. Camilloni; K. C. Prince; M. de Simone; J. Karvonen; R. Colle; S. Simonucci
Measurement of 216Po half-life with the CUPID-0 experiment
2021 Azzolini, O; Beeman, J W; Bellini, F; Beretta, M; Biassoni, M; Brofferio, C; Bucci, C; Capelli, S; Cardani, L; Carniti, P; Caracciolo, V; Casali, N; Chiesa, D; Clemenza, M; Colantoni, I; Cremonesi, O; Cruciani, A; Dafinei, I; D'Addabbo, A; Di Domizio, S; Ferroni, F; Gironi, L; Giuliani, A; Gorla, P; Gotti, C; Keppel, G; Martinez, M; Nagorny, S; Nastasi, M; Nisi, S; Nones, C; Orlandi, D; Pagnanini, L; Pallavicini, M; Pattavina, L; Pavan, M; Pessina, G; Pettinacci, V; Pirro, S; Pozzi, S; Previtali, E; Puiu, A; Rusconi, C; Schäffner, K; Tomei, C; Vignati, M; Zolotarova, A
Measurement of gas temperature and rotational distribution of H2( ) in a radio-frequency capacitive discharge plasma by CARS spectroscopy techniques
2003 V.A. Shakhatov; O. De Pascale;M. Capitelli
Measurement of pure Kerr nonlinearity in GaN thin films at 800 nm by means of eclipsing Z-scan experiments
2007 Fazio, E; Passaseo, A; Alonzo, M; Belardini, A; Sibilia, C; Larciprete, Mc; Bertolotti, M
Measurement of the order parameter and its spatial fluctuations across Bose-Einstein condensation
2022 Wolswijk, Louise; Mordini, Carmelo; Farolfi, Arturo; Trypogeorgos, Dimitris; Dalfovo, Franco; Zenesini, Alessandro; Ferrari, Gabriele; Lamporesi, Giacomo
Measurement of vibrational, gas, and rotational temperatures of H-2 (X-1 Sigma(+)(g)) in radio frequency inductive discharge plasma by multiplex coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering spectroscopy technique
2005 Shakhatov, Va; DE PASCALE, Olga; Capitelli, M; Hassouni, K; Lombardi, G; Gicquel, A
Measurements of angular distribution for photoionisation of mercury into the 2D5/2 ionic state over the energy range from 15 to 17 eV
2005 M Zubek; D B Thompson; P Bolognesi; D Cooper;G C King
Measurements of angular distribution for photoionization of mercury into the 5d9 2D5/2 ionic state over the energy range from 15 eV to 17 eV
2005 M. Zubek; D.B. Thompson; P. Bolognesi; D. Cooper; G.C. King
Measurements of photoelectron angular distributions between the P-2(3/2,1/2) states of Kr+ and Xe+ using a new magnetic angle-changing technique
2000 Cooper, DR ; Cubric, D ; Thompson, DB; Bolognesi, P ; Lopes, MCA ; King, GC King, GC
Measurements of photoelectron angular distributions for rotationally resolved transitions in para-H2+
2003 Juareza, Am; Sokellb, E; Bolognesic, P; Cubricd, D; Kinga, Gc; M de Simonee, ; Corenoc, M
Measurements of the N2 2?u ou partial ionisation cross section via (e,2e) experiments
1999 Flammini, R; Fainelli, E; Avaldi, L
Measurements of the N2 2?u partial ionisation cross section via (e,2e) experiments
1999 Flammini, R; Fainelli, E; Avaldi, Lorenzo; L,
Mechanical Behaviour of Hybrid Polymer/Semiconductor Microtubes
2009 Giordano, C; T Todaro, M; Palumbo, M; Maruccio, G; Arima, V; Rinaldi, R; Gigli, G; DE VITTORIO, Massimo; Passaseo, A
Mechanical Durotactic Environment Enhances Specific Glioblastoma Cell Responses
2019 Palama, Ilaria Elena; DAmone, Stefania; Ratano, Patrizia; Donatelli, Amato; Liscio, Andrea; Antonacci, Giuseppe; Testini, Mariangela; Di Angelantonio, Silvia; Ragozzino, Davide; Cortese, Barbara
Mechanical Gradient Cues for Guided Cell Motility and Control of Cell Behavior on Uniform Substrates
2009 Cortese, Barbara; Gigli, Giuseppe; Riehle, Mathis
Mechanical guidance of cell migration
2016 Palamà I.E.; D'Amone S.; Cortese B.;
Mechanical Properties of MWPECVD Diamond Coatings on Si Substrate via Nanoindentation
2011 M.A. Nitti; G.Cicala; R.Brescia; A.Romeo; J.B.Guion; G. Perna; V.Capozzi
Mechanical Properties of MWPECVD Diamond Coatings on Si Substrate via Nanoindentation
2010 A Nitti, M; Cicala, G; Brescia, R; Romeo, A; Guion, Jb; Perna, G; Capozzi, V
Mechanical properties of PECVD hydrogenated amorphous carbon coatings via nanoindentation and nanoscratching techniques
2003 Bruno, P; Cicala, G; M Losacco, A; Decuzzi, P
Titolo | Data di pubblicazione | Autore(i) | File |
Macrodomains and layers of graphene on various supports using CVD deposition, transformation of SiC and exfoliation | 1-gen-2010 | G. Bruno; M. Losurdo | |
Macroscopic kinetic model for air in nozzle flow | 1-gen-2012 | Colonna, G; Pietanza, Ld; Capitelli, M | |
Macroscopic rates with vibrational non equilibrium for N2 dissociation | 1-gen-2007 | G. Colonna; L. Pietanza; M. Capitelli | |
Magnetic capsules for NMR imaging: Effect of magnetic nanoparticles spatial distribution and aggregation | 1-gen-2011 | Abbasi Azhar, Zahoor; Gutiérrez, Lucía; Del Mercato Loretta, L; Herranz, Fernando; Chubykalofesenko, Oksana; Veintemillasverdaguer, Sabino; Parak Wolfgang, J; Morales, M Puerto; González Jesús, M; Hernando, Antonio; Hernando, Antonio; De La Presa, Patricia; De La Presa, Patricia | |
Magnetic field sensors based on microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) technology | 1-gen-2011 | Todaro, Mt; Sileo, L; DE VITTORIO, Massimo | |
Magnetic nanobeads decorated by thermo-responsive PNIPAM shell as medical platforms for the efficient delivery of doxorubicin to tumour cells | 1-gen-2011 | Deka S.R.; A. Quarta; R. Di Corato; A. Riedinger; R. Cingolani; T. Pellegrino | |
Magnetic nanoparticles coated with anacardic acid derived from cashew nut shell liquid | 1-gen-2013 | Ribeiro, V. G. P.; Barreto, A. C. H.; Denardin, J. C.; Mele, Giuseppe; Carbone, L.; Mazzetto, S. E.; Sousa, E. M. B.; Fechine, P. B. A. | |
Magnetic Nanosystem for Cancer Therapy Using Oncocalyxone A, an Antitomour Secondary Metabolite Isolated from a Brazilian Plant | 1-gen-2013 | Barreto Antonio, C H; Santiago Vivian, R; Freire Rafael, M; Mazzetto Selma, E; Denardin Juliano, C; Mele, Giuseppe; Cavalcante Igor, M; Ribeiro Maria, E N P; Ricardo Nagila, M P S; Goncalves, Tamara; Carbone, Luigi; Lemos Telma, L G; Pessoa Otilia, D L; Fechine Pierre, B A | |
Magnetic properties of iron oxide nanoparticles prepared by seeded-growth route | 1-gen-2013 | Espinosa, A; Munoznoval, A; Garciahernandez, M; Serrano, A; de la Morena, J J; Figuerola, A; Quarta, A; Pellegrino, T; Wilhelm, C; Garcia, M A | |
Magnetic properties of novel superparamagnetic MRI contrast agents based on colloidal nanocrystals | 1-gen-2008 | Corti, M; Lascialfari, A; Micotti, E; Castellano, A; Donativi, M; Quarta, A; Cozzoli, PD; Manna, L; Pellegrino, T; Sangregorio, C | |
Magneto-Hydrodynamic Interaction in the Shock Layer of a Wedge in a Hypersonic Flow | 1-gen-2006 | C.A. Borghi; M. R. Carraro; A. Cristofolini; A. Veefkind; L. Biagioni; G. Fantoni; A. Passaro; M.Capitelli; G. Colonna | |
Making an impact in low-temperature plasma science | 1-gen-2008 | D'Agostino, R; Favia, P; Oehr, C | |
The management of the scientific information environment: the role of the Research Library Web site | 1-gen-2001 | Arte A. | |
Managing Growth and Dimensionality of Quasi 2D Perovskite Single-Crystalline Flakes for Tunable Excitons Orientation | 1-gen-2021 | Cinquino, M; Fieramosca, A; Mastria, R; Polimeno, L; Moliterni, A; Olieric, V; Matsugaki, N; Panico, R; De Giorgi, M; Gigli, G; Giannini, C; Rizzo, A; Sanvitto, D; De Marco, L | |
Managing transparency through polymer/perovskite blending: A route toward thermostable and highly efficient, semi-transparent solar cells | 1-gen-2021 | Bisconti, F.; Giuri, A.; Dominici, L.; Carallo, S.; Quadrivi, E.; Po', R.; Biagini, P.; Listorti, A.; Corcione, C. E.; Colella, S.; Rizzo, A. | |
Manganese ions in the monoclinic, tetragonal and cubic phases of zirconia: an XRD and EPR study | 1-gen-2003 | Occhiuzzi M.; Cordischi D.; Dragone R. | |
Manipulation of colloids by optical and electrical control of disclination lines in liquid crystals | 1-gen-2016 | Kasyanyuk, D; Pagliusi, P; Mazzulla, A; Reshetnyak, V; Reznikov, Yu; Provenzano, C; Giocondo, M; Vasnetsov, M; Tomylko, S; Yaroshchuk, O; Cipparrone, G | |
Manipulation of nanoparticles in topological defects | 1-gen-2016 | D. Kasyanyuk ; C. Provenzano; A. Mazzulla; P. Pagliusi;; Yu. Reznikov; G.Cipparrone; | |
Many particle spectroscopy of atoms,molecules, clusters and surfaces, JESRP vol. 161 | 1-gen-2007 | G. Stefani;L. Avaldi | |
MAPbI3-xClx mixed halide perovskite for hybrid solar cells: The role of chloride as dopant on the transport and structural properties | 1-gen-2013 | Colella, S; Mosconi, E; Fedeli, P; Listorti, A; Gazza, F; Orlandi, F; Ferro, P; Besagni, T; Rizzo, A; Calestani, G; Gigli, G; De Angelis, F; Mosca, R | |
MAPLE deposition of nanomaterials | 1-gen-2014 | Caricato, Ap; Arima, V; Catalano, M; Cesaria, M; Cozzoli, Pd; Martino, M; Taurino, A; Rella, R; Scarfiello, R; Tunno, T; Zacheo, A | |
Mapping the nonlinear optical susceptibility by noncollinear second-harmonic generation | 1-gen-2009 | C Larciprete, M; Bovino, Fa; Giardina, M; Belardini, A; Centini, M; Sibilia, C; Bertolotti, M; A Passaseo, V Tasco | |
Mars Sample Return Orbiter: Detailed Vibrational-Chemical Kinetics and Heat Transfer | 1-gen-2014 | Armenise, I; Kustova, E | |
Mass resolved laser spectroscopy applied to investigate the effects of asymmetric microsolvation in the homolytic C Ñ-C Ò bond cleavage of a chiral alkylarene radical cation | 1-gen-2006 | S. Piccirillo; A. Giardini; M. Speranza; F. Rondino; M. Satta; D. Catone; A. Paladini | |
Mass resolved laser spectroscopy of micro-solvated R(+)-1-phenyl-1-propanol: A chiral molecule of biological interest | 1-gen-2004 | Piccirillo, Sa; Satta, Mb; Catone, Dc; Scuderi, Dd; Paladini, Ac; Rondino, Fc; Speranza, Md; Giardini Guidoni Ac, | |
Mass spectrometric characterization of pulsed laser ablated species (CdS and C) by means of Synchrotron Radiation photoionization techniques | 1-gen-2009 | A RUIZ, J; Casu, A; Coreno, M; DE SIMONE, Monica; HOYOS CAMPO, Lm; M JUAREZREYES, A; Kivimaki, A; Orlando, S; Sanz, M; Spezzani, C; Stankiewicz, M; Trucchi, Dm | |
Mass spectrometric determination of reaction rates during plasma processing of layers | 1-gen-1995 | Trnovec, J; Martisovits, V; Cicala, G; Capezzuto, P; Bruno, G; Jurani, R | |
Mass spectrometric thermal evolution of novel indium metalorganic precursors for MOCVD | 1-gen-1993 | G. Bruno; P. Capezzuto; G. Cicala; M. Losurdo; G. Rossetto; M. Porchia; P. Zanella | |
Material Engineering of CVD Diamond: defects tailoring for optimized tissue-equivalent linear radiotherapy dosimetry and other passive electronic applications | 1-gen-2003 | P. Ascarelli; D.M. Trucchi; E. Cappelli | |
Materials and 3D Designs of Helix Nanostructures for Chirality at Optical Frequencies | 1-gen-2017 | Passaseo, A; Esposito, M; Cuscuna, M; Tasco, V | |
Matrix effects on the structural and optical properties of InAs quantum dots | 1-gen-2001 | X Chen, J; Oesterle, U; Fiore, A; P Stanley, R; Ilegems, M; Todaro, T | |
Measurement and ab initio calculation of the Ne photoabsorption spectrum in the region of the K edge | 1-gen-1999 | M. Coreno; L. Avaldi; R. Camilloni; K. C. Prince; M. de Simone; J. Karvonen; R. Colle; S. Simonucci | |
Measurement of <sup>216</sup>Po half-life with the CUPID-0 experiment | 1-gen-2021 | Azzolini, O; Beeman, J W; Bellini, F; Beretta, M; Biassoni, M; Brofferio, C; Bucci, C; Capelli, S; Cardani, L; Carniti, P; Caracciolo, V; Casali, N; Chiesa, D; Clemenza, M; Colantoni, I; Cremonesi, O; Cruciani, A; Dafinei, I; D'Addabbo, A; Di Domizio, S; Ferroni, F; Gironi, L; Giuliani, A; Gorla, P; Gotti, C; Keppel, G; Martinez, M; Nagorny, S; Nastasi, M; Nisi, S; Nones, C; Orlandi, D; Pagnanini, L; Pallavicini, M; Pattavina, L; Pavan, M; Pessina, G; Pettinacci, V; Pirro, S; Pozzi, S; Previtali, E; Puiu, A; Rusconi, C; Schäffner, K; Tomei, C; Vignati, M; Zolotarova, A | |
Measurement of gas temperature and rotational distribution of H2( ) in a radio-frequency capacitive discharge plasma by CARS spectroscopy techniques | 1-gen-2003 | V.A. Shakhatov; O. De Pascale;M. Capitelli | |
Measurement of pure Kerr nonlinearity in GaN thin films at 800 nm by means of eclipsing Z-scan experiments | 1-gen-2007 | Fazio, E; Passaseo, A; Alonzo, M; Belardini, A; Sibilia, C; Larciprete, Mc; Bertolotti, M | |
Measurement of the order parameter and its spatial fluctuations across Bose-Einstein condensation | 1-gen-2022 | Wolswijk, Louise; Mordini, Carmelo; Farolfi, Arturo; Trypogeorgos, Dimitris; Dalfovo, Franco; Zenesini, Alessandro; Ferrari, Gabriele; Lamporesi, Giacomo | |
Measurement of vibrational, gas, and rotational temperatures of H-2 (X-1 Sigma(+)(g)) in radio frequency inductive discharge plasma by multiplex coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering spectroscopy technique | 1-gen-2005 | Shakhatov, Va; DE PASCALE, Olga; Capitelli, M; Hassouni, K; Lombardi, G; Gicquel, A | |
Measurements of angular distribution for photoionisation of mercury into the 2D5/2 ionic state over the energy range from 15 to 17 eV | 1-gen-2005 | M Zubek; D B Thompson; P Bolognesi; D Cooper;G C King | |
Measurements of angular distribution for photoionization of mercury into the 5d9 2D5/2 ionic state over the energy range from 15 eV to 17 eV | 1-gen-2005 | M. Zubek; D.B. Thompson; P. Bolognesi; D. Cooper; G.C. King | |
Measurements of photoelectron angular distributions between the P-2(3/2,1/2) states of Kr+ and Xe+ using a new magnetic angle-changing technique | 1-gen-2000 | Cooper, DR ; Cubric, D ; Thompson, DB; Bolognesi, P ; Lopes, MCA ; King, GC King, GC | |
Measurements of photoelectron angular distributions for rotationally resolved transitions in para-H2+ | 1-gen-2003 | Juareza, Am; Sokellb, E; Bolognesic, P; Cubricd, D; Kinga, Gc; M de Simonee, ; Corenoc, M | |
Measurements of the N2 2?u ou partial ionisation cross section via (e,2e) experiments | 1-gen-1999 | Flammini, R; Fainelli, E; Avaldi, L | |
Measurements of the N2 2?u partial ionisation cross section via (e,2e) experiments | 1-gen-1999 | Flammini, R; Fainelli, E; Avaldi, Lorenzo; L, | |
Mechanical Behaviour of Hybrid Polymer/Semiconductor Microtubes | 1-gen-2009 | Giordano, C; T Todaro, M; Palumbo, M; Maruccio, G; Arima, V; Rinaldi, R; Gigli, G; DE VITTORIO, Massimo; Passaseo, A | |
Mechanical Durotactic Environment Enhances Specific Glioblastoma Cell Responses | 1-gen-2019 | Palama, Ilaria Elena; DAmone, Stefania; Ratano, Patrizia; Donatelli, Amato; Liscio, Andrea; Antonacci, Giuseppe; Testini, Mariangela; Di Angelantonio, Silvia; Ragozzino, Davide; Cortese, Barbara | |
Mechanical Gradient Cues for Guided Cell Motility and Control of Cell Behavior on Uniform Substrates | 1-gen-2009 | Cortese, Barbara; Gigli, Giuseppe; Riehle, Mathis | |
Mechanical guidance of cell migration | 1-gen-2016 | Palamà I.E.; D'Amone S.; Cortese B.; | |
Mechanical Properties of MWPECVD Diamond Coatings on Si Substrate via Nanoindentation | 1-gen-2011 | M.A. Nitti; G.Cicala; R.Brescia; A.Romeo; J.B.Guion; G. Perna; V.Capozzi | |
Mechanical Properties of MWPECVD Diamond Coatings on Si Substrate via Nanoindentation | 1-gen-2010 | A Nitti, M; Cicala, G; Brescia, R; Romeo, A; Guion, Jb; Perna, G; Capozzi, V | |
Mechanical properties of PECVD hydrogenated amorphous carbon coatings via nanoindentation and nanoscratching techniques | 1-gen-2003 | Bruno, P; Cicala, G; M Losacco, A; Decuzzi, P |
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