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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autore(i) File
S 2p photoabsorption of the SF5CF3 molecule: Experiment, theory and comparison with SF6 1-gen-2010 Kivimaki, A.; AlvarezRuiz, J.; Coreno, M.; Stankiewicz, M.; Fronzoni, G.; Stener, M.; Decleva, P.
S-PEEK membranes optimized for Vanadium Redox Flow Battery: the effects of sulphonation degree and filler content on operative conditions and set-up configurations 1-gen-2021 Dilonardo, Elena; Rizzuti, Antonino; Dassisti, Michele; Cozzolino, Gennaro; Chimenti, Michela; Matera, Fabio; Carbone, Alessandra; Mastrorilli, Piero
SANS studies of polyelectrolyte multilayers on colloidal templates 1-gen-2002 EstrelaLopis, Irina; Leporatti, Stefano; Moya, Sergio; Brandt, Astrid; Donath, Edwin; Möhwald, Helmut
Scalable production of calcite nanocrystals by atomization process: Synthesis, characterization and biological interactions study 1-gen-2017 Vergaro V.; Carata E.; Baldassarre F.; Panzarini E.; Dini L.; Carlucci C.; Leporatti S.; Scremin B.F.; Altamura D.; Giannini C.; Fanizzi F.P.; Ciccarella G.
Scalar time domain modeling and coupling of second harmonic generation process in GaAs discontinuous optical waveguide 1-gen-2008 Massaro, A; Tasco, V; Todaro, MT; Cingolani, R; De Vittorio, M; Passaseo, A
Scale-invariant rearrangement of resting state networks in the human brain under sustained stimulation 1-gen-2018 Tommasin, ; Silvia, ; Mascali, ; Daniele, ; Moraschi, ; Marta, ; Gili, ; Tommaso, ; Hassan, ; Ibrahim, Eid; Fratini, Michela; Fratini, Michela; Dinuzzo, ; Mauro, ; Wise, ; Richard, G; Mangia, ; Silvia, ; Macaluso, ; Emiliano, ; Giove, ; Federico,
A Scanning Electron and Atomic Force Microscopy Study of the Surface Morphology and Composition of CsI Films as Affected by Evaporation Rate and Humid-Air Exposure 1-gen-2005 G.S.Senesi; M.A.Nitti; A.Valentini
Scanning probe microscopy as tool to study the stability of azurin in air 1-gen-2005 Frascerra, V; Maruccio, G; Arima, V; del Mercato, L; Pompa, PP; Calabi, F; Cingolani, R; Rinaldi, R
Scattering Matrix in Reactive collision theory: from resonances to rate constants 1-gen-2008 S Cavalli e, D De Fazio
Search for Majoron-like particles with CUPID-0 1-gen-2023 Azzolini, O; Beeman, J W; Bellini, F; Beretta, M; Biassoni, M; Brofferio, C; Bucci, C; Capelli, S; Caracciolo, V; Cardani, L; Carniti, P; Casali, N; Celi, E; Chiesa, D; Clemenza, M; Colantoni, I; Cremonesi, O; Cruciani, A; D'Addabbo, A; Dafinei, I; Di Domizio, S; Dompè, V; Fantini, G; Ferroni, F; Gironi, L; Giuliani, A; Gorla, P; Gotti, C; Keppel, G; Kotila, J; Martinez, M; Nagorny, S; Nastasi, M; Nisi, S; Nones, C; Orlandi, D; Pagnanini, L; Pallavicini, M; Pattavina, L; Pavan, M; Pessina, G; Pettinacci, V; Pirro, S; Pozzi, S; Previtali, E; Puiu, A; Ressa, A; Rusconi, C; Schäffner, K; Tomei, C; Vignati, M; Zolotarova, A S
Second harmonic generation from multilayer structures 1-gen-2009 Larciprete, Mc; Bovino, Fa; Centini, M; Belardini, A; Sibilia, C; Bertolotti, M; Passaseo, A; Tasco, V
Second harmonic generation in AlGaN, GaN and AlxGa1-xN/GaN multiple quantum well structures 1-gen-2004 Passeri D; Larciprete MC; Belardini A; Paoloni S; Passaseo A; Sibilia C; Michelotti F
Second harmonic generation in GaN/Al50Ga50N films deposited by metal-organic chemical vapor deposition 1-gen-2006 Larciprete, MC; Centini, M; Belardini, A; Sciscione, L; Bertolotti, M; Sibilia, C; Scalora, M; Passaseo, A; Poti, B
The second life of coffee can be even more energizing: Circularity of materials for bio-based electrochemical energy storage devices 1-gen-2022 Stufano, Paolo; Perrotta, Alberto; Labarile, Rossella; Trotta, Massimo
Second-harmonic generation in reflection and diffraction by a GaAs photonic-crystal waveguide 1-gen-2002 Malvezzi; A.M.a; Cattaneo; F.b; Vecchi; G.b; Falasconi; M.b; Guizzetti; G.b; Andreani; L.C.b; Romanato; F.c; Businaro; L.c; Di Fabrizio; E.c; Passaseo; A.d; De Vittorio; M.d
Second-harmonic generation measured on a GaAs photonic crystal planar waveguide 1-gen-2003 Andreani, ; Lca, ; Cattaneo, ; Fa, ; Guizzetti, ; Ga, ; Malvezzi, ; Ama, ; Patrini, ; Ma, ; Vecchi, ; Ga, ; Romanato, ; Fbc, ; Businaro, ; Lbc, ; Di, Fabrizio; Ebc, ; Passaseo, ADRIANA GRAZIA; Ac, ; De, Vittorio; M,
Secondary electron yield of Cu technical surfaces: Dependence on electron irradiation 1-gen-2013 Larciprete, R.; Grosso, D. R.; Commisso, M.; Flammini, R.; Cimino, R.
Segregation in InGaAs/GaAs quantum wells: MOCVD versus MBE 1-gen-2003 Rosenauer; A.a; Melzer; M.a; Schowalter; M.a; Gerthsen; D.a; Piscopiello; E.b; Passaseo; A.b; Cingolani; R.b; Peter Reithmaier; J.c; Krebs; R.c; Forchel; A.c; Van Tendeloo; G
Segregation in InxGa1-xAs/GaAs Stranski-Krastanow layers grown by metal-organic chemical vapour deposition. 1-gen-2005 Piscopiello, E; Rosenauer, A; Passaseo, A; Rossi, Ehm; Van Tendeloo, G
Selective grafting of amine groups on polyethylene by modulated NH3 plasmas 1-gen-1999 Creatore, M; Cicala, G; Favia, P; Lamendola, R; D'Agostino, R
Selective Growth of PbSe on One or Both Tips of Colloidal Semiconductor Nanorods 1-gen-2005 Carbone, Luigi ; MANNA, LIBERATO ; CINGOLANI, ROBERTO ; Casula, Maria Francesca ; Kudera, Stefan ; Snoeck, Etienne ; Parak, Wolfgang J. ; Falqui, Andrea
Selective isomerization of alpha-pinene 1-gen-2002 Ferragina C.; Cafarelli P.; Perez G.
Selective oxidation of 5-hydroxymethyl-2-furaldehyde to 2,5- diformyl-furane by catalytic sistems based on vanadyl phosphate 1-gen-2005 C. Carlini; P. Patrono; A. M. Raspolli Galletti; G. Sbrana
Selective Vibrational Pumping of Molecular Hydrogen via Gas Phase Atomic Recombination 1-gen-2009 Esposito, F; Capitelli, M
Selectivity in the inelastic rotational scattering of D2 and HD molecules from graphite: Similarities and differences respect to the H2 case 1-gen-2018 Rutigliano; M. Pirani; F.
Selectivity in the inelastic rotational scattering of hydrogen molecules from graphite 1-gen-2016 Maria Rutigliano; Fernando Pirani
Self-Assembled pillar-like structures in nanodiamond layers by pulsed spray technique 1-gen-2014 Cicala G. ; Massaro A. ; Velardi L. ; Senesi G.S. ; Valentini A.
Self-Assembled structures in Nanodiamond Layer by Spray technique 1-gen-2014 Cicala, Grazia; Perna, Giuseppe; Marzulli, Domenico; Melisi, Domenico; De Pascali, Giuseppe; Valentini, Antonio; S Senesi, Giorgio; Alessandromassaro, ; Velardi, Luciano; Capozzi, Vito
Self-assembling and Biofunctionalization of Plasmonic Gallium and Gold Nanoparticles on Semiconductors for Label Free Bio and Chemo-sensing 1-gen-2009 M. LOSURDO; P.C. WU; G.V.BIANCO; M.M. GIANGREGORIO; T.H. KIM; G. BRUNO; A.S. BROWN
Self-assembling and manipulation of nanoparticles in topological defects 1-gen-2016 A. Mazzulla; P. Pagliusi; C. Provenzano; D. Kasyanyuk; Yu. Reznikov; M. Giocondo;G. Cipparrone
Self-Assembling of novel multifunctionalizing oligoarylenedithiols on plasmonic metal nanoparticles fr label-free biosensing 1-gen-2009 M. LOSURDO; G.V. BIANCO; M. M. GIANGREGORIO, P. CAPEZZUTO; G. BRUNO; A. OPERAMOLLA; O. HASSAN OMAR; G. FARINOLA; F. BABUDRI; F. NASO
Self-Assembling of Proteins and Enzymes at nanoscale for Biodevice Applications 1-gen-2004 Rinaldi, Rosaria; Pompa, Piero; Maruccio, Giuseppe; Biasco, Adriana; Visconti, Paolo; Pisignano, Dario; Blasi, Laura; Sgarbi, Nicoletta; Krebs, Blondine; Cingolani, Roberto
Self-assembly of a light-harvesting antenna formed by a dendrimer, a RuII complex, and a NdIII ion 1-gen-2008 Giansante, C.; Ceroni, P.; Balzani, V.; Vogtle, F.
Self-assembly of pillar structures in nanodiamond layers 1-gen-2014 Cicala, Grazia; Massaro, A; Velardi, L; S Senesi, G; Valentini, A
Self-consistent collisional radiative models for hydrogen atoms: atom-atom interaction and radiation transport 1-gen-2012 Gcolonna, ; Pietanza, Ld; D'Ammando, G
Self-consistent modeling of the effect of wall-neutral reactions on parallel plate radio frequency discharge plasma in pure hydrogen 1-gen-2007 Diomede, P; Hassouni, K; Longo, S; Capitelli, M
Self-consistent particle model of discharge plasmas in hydrogen 1-gen-2006 S.Longo; M.Capitelli; P.Diomede S. Longo; M. Capitelli; P. Diomede
Self-consistent simulations of the plasma-wall transition layer 1-gen-2008 D. Tskhakaya; S. Kuhn; Y. Tomita; K. Matyash; R. Schneider; F. Taccogna
Self-induced harmonic generation in a storage-ring free-electron laser 1-gen-2008 G. De Ninno; E. Allaria; M. Coreno; S. Chowdhury; F. Curbis; M.B. Danailov; B. Diviacco; M. Ferianis; E. Karantzoulis; E.C. Longhi; I.V. Pinayev; C. Spezzani; M. Trovo; V.N. Litvinenko.
Self-organized growth of ZnTe nanoscale islands on (001)GaAs 1-gen-1998 Longo, M; M Mancini, N Lovergine A; Passaseo, A; Leo, G; Mazzer, M; Berti, M; V Drigo, A
Self-powered catalytic microfluidic platforms for fluid delivery 1-gen-2017 Zizzari, A.; Bianco, M.; del Mercato, L. L.; Carraro, M.; Bonchio, M.; Frigion, M.; Montagna, F.; Gigli, G.; Viola, I.; Arima, V.
Self-propulsion against a moving membrane: Enhanced accumulation and drag force 1-gen-2017 Marini Bettolo Marconi, U.; Sarracino, A.; Maggi, C.; Puglisi, A.
Self-similarity in Hall plasma discharges: applications to particle models 1-gen-2005 Taccogna, F; Longo, S; Capitelli, M; Schneider, R
Self-Sustained Density Oscillations of Swimming Bacteria Confined in Microchambers 1-gen-2015 Paoluzzi, M.; Di Leonardo, R.; Angelani, L.
The semiclassical and quantum-classical approaches to elementary surface processes: dissociative chemisorption and atom recombination on surfaces 1-gen-2008 Cacciatore, M; Rutigliano, M
Semiclassical and Quantum-Classical simulation of Elementary Surface Processes: H Atom Recombination on Graphite and CH4 Dissociation on ZSM-5 zeolite 1-gen-2007 Cacciatore, M; Rutigliano, M
Semiclassical Molecular Dynamics simulation of surface processes: application to the hydrogen atom recombination on graphite 1-gen-2004 Cacciatore, M; Rutigliano, M
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