Sfoglia per Organizzazione
t(8;21) breakpoints are clustered between alternatively spliced exons of MTG8
1995 Tighe, J.E.; Calabi, F.
Tactile multisensing on flexible aluminum nitride
2012 Petroni, S; Guido, F; Torre, B; Falqui, A; Todaro, Mt; Cingolani, R; DE VITTORIO, Massimo
Tailoring chiro-optical effects by helical nanowire arrangement
2015 Esposito, M; Tasco, V; Todisco, F; Benedetti, A; Tarantini, I; Cuscuna, M; Dominici, L; De Giorgi, M; Passaseo, A
Tailoring Density and Optical and Thermal Behavior of Gold Surfaces and Nanoparticles Exploiting Aromatic Dithiols
2010 Bruno, G; Babudri, F; Operamolla, A; V Bianco, G; Losurdo, M; M Giangregorio, M; Hassan Omar, O; Mavelli, F; M Farinola, G; Capezzuto, P; Naso, F
Tailoring Gold Nanoclusters to Applications: from VLS-Growth to Cluster Functionalization
2007 Giangregorio, Mm; Bianco, Gv; Sacchetti, A; Ambrico, M; Losurdo, M; Capezzuto, P; Bruno, G
Tailoring Gold Nanoisland-Based Biosensors for Ultrasensitive Detection of Doxorubicin in Biological Fluids
2024 Quarta, A.; Bettini, S.; Cuscuna', Massimo; Lorenzo, D.; Epifani, G.; Gigli, G.; Valli, L.; Aliyev, J. A.; Kazimov, E. E.; Bakhishova, M. J.; Gasymov, O. K.; Simeone, D.
Tailoring melanins for bioelectronics: polycysteinyldopamine as an ion conducting redox-responsive polydopamine variant for pro-oxidant thin films
2015 Della Vecchia, Nicola Fyodor; Marega, Riccardo; Ambrico, Marianna; Iacomino, Mariagrazia; Micillo, Raffaella; Napolitano, Alessandra; Bonifazi, Davide; d'Ischia, Marco
Tailoring nanostructure of ZnO thin films by plasma assisted and Au-catalyst assisted MOCVD
2008 M. Losurdo; M. M. Giangregorio; G. Malandrino; P. Capezzuto; I. L. Fragala; G. Bruno
Tailoring Nanostructure of ZnO Thin Films by Plasma Assisted MOCVD and Catalyzed Growth
2007 M. Losurdo; M. Giangregorio; P. Capezzuto; G. Bruno; G. Malandrino; I. Fragala
Tailoring optical properties of Blue-Gap Poly(p-phenylene vinylene)s for LEDs applications
2010 Dilonardo, E; M Giangregorio, M; Losurdo, M; Capezzuto, P; Bruno, G; Cardone, A; Martinelli, C; M Farinola, G; Babudri, F; Naso, F
Tailoring the emission spectrum of colloidal nanocrystals by means of lithographically-imprinted hybrid vertical microcavities
2005 Todaro, Maria Teresa ; Stomeo, Tiziana ; Carbone, Luigi ; GIGLI, GIUSEPPE ; MANNA, LIBERATO ; CINGOLANI, ROBERTO ; De Vittorio, Massimo ; De Giorgi, Milena ; ANNI, MARCO ; Martiradonna, Luigi
Tailoring the wettability of surface-textured copper using sub-THz bursts of femtosecond laser pulses
2023 Gaudiuso, C.; Fanelli, F.; Mezzapesa, F. P.; Volpe, A.; Ancona, A.
Tailoring water stability of cellulose nanopaper by surface functionalization
2018 Operamolla, Alessandra; Casalini, Stefano; Console, Dario; Capodieci, Laura; Di Benedetto, Francesca; Bianco, GIUSEPPE VALERIO; Babudri, Francesco
2016 Ferdinanda Annesi ; Antonio Qualtieri ; Alfredo Pane ; Lorenzo Florese ; Luciano De Sio ; Giulio Caracciolo ; Tiziana Placido ; ; Daniela Pozzi ; Roberto Comparelli ; Maria Lucia Curri ; Angela Agostiniano ; ; Roberto Bartolino ;
Targeting FR-expressing cells in ovarian cancer with Fab-functionalized nanoparticles: A full study to provide the proof of principle from in vitro to in vivo
2015 Quarta, Alessandra; Bernareggi, Davide; Benigni, Fabio; Luison, Elena; Nano, Giuseppe; Nitti, Simone; Cesta Maria, Candida; Di Ciccio, Luciano; Canevari, Silvana; Pellegrino, Teresa; Figini, Mariangela
Targeting of GSK3 beta promotes imatinib-mediated apoptosis in quiescent CD34(+) chronic myeloid leukemia progenitors, preserving normal stem cells
2012 Reddiconto, G; Toto, C; Palama, I; De Leo, S; de Luca, E; De Matteis, S; Dini, L; Passerini, CG; Di Renzo, N; Maffia, M; Coluccia, AML
Tautomerism in 5-aminotetrazole investigated by core-level photoelectron spectroscopy and Delta SCF calculations.
2012 M Pinto, R; A Dias, A; Coreno, M; DE SIMONE, Monica; M Giuliano, B; P Santos, J; L Costa, M
Tautomerism in 5-methyltetrazole investigated by core-level photoelectron spectroscopy and DSCF calculations
2011 Pinto, Rm; Dias, Aa; Coreno, M; DE SIMONE, Monica; Giuliano, Bm; Santos, Jp; Costa, Ml
Tautomerism in cytosine and uracil: An experimental and theoretical core level spectroscopic study
2009 V Feyer a, ; O Plekan a, ; R Richter a, ; M Coreno b, ; G Vallllosera c, ; KC Prince ad, ; A B Trofimov e, ; IL Zaytseva, E; TE Moskovskaya, E; EV Gromov, E; J Schirmer f,
Tautomerism in pyrimidine derivatives investigated with core level spectroscopy techniques
2010 M Giuliano, B; Feyer, V; C Prince, K; Coreno, M; Evangelisti, L; Melandri, S; Caminati, W
Tecnologia plasmochimica per la deposizione di film sottili di materiali inorganici: Leghe di silicio amorfo per applicazioni fotovoltaiche
1988 G. Bruno; P. Capezzuto; G. Cicala; F. Cramarossa; V. Tassielli; G. Latrofa
TEM characterization of InxGa1-xAs/GaAs multi quantum wires grown by MOCVD on V-grooved substrates
1998 A. Taurino; M. Catalano; A. Passaseo; R. Rinaldi; R. Cingolani
TEM characterization of single and multiple InGaAs/GaAs quantum wires grown by metal-organic vapor phase epitaxy on V-grooved substrates
1999 Taurino, A; Catalano, M; Vasanelli, L; Passaseo, A; Rinaldi, R; Rcingolani,
TEM observation of InGaAs/GaAs quantum wires grown on V-grooved substrates
1998 Taurino, A; Catalano, M; Vasanelli, L; Carlino, E; Passaseo, A; Rinaldi, R; Cingolani, R
Temperature dependence of the optical properties of ZnSe films deposited on quartz substrate
2006 Perna, G; Lastella, M; Ambrico, M; Capozzi, V
Temperature-Dependent Absorption Edge and Photoconductivity of Tl2In2S3Se Layered Single Crystals
2012 I. Guler a; M. Ambrico b; T. Ligonzo c; N.M. Gasanly d
A Template Metal-Organic Chemical Vapour Deposition Route to the Fabrication of Free Standing Co3O4 Nanotube Arrays
2009 S Perdicaro, L M; G Toro, R; E Fragalà, M; Malandrino, G; LO NIGRO, Raffaella; Bongiorno, C; Losurdo, M; M Giangregorio, M; Bruno, G
Temporal evolution of the N2(C3?u) vibrational levels produced by single surface streamer in N2-O2 mixtures
2012 Simek, M; Dilecce, G; Prukner, V; Ambrico, Pf; Debenedictis, S; Babický, V; Schmidt, J
Temporal response of CVD diamond detectors to modulated low energy X-ray beams
2004 Conte, G; Rossi, Mc; Salvatori, S; Spaziani, F; Avigal, Y; Kalish, R; Ascarelli, P; Trucchi, D
Temporal shaping and time-varying orbital angular momentum of displaced vortices
2020 Hosseini, Fazele; Sadeghzadeh Mohammad, A; Rahmani, Amir; Laussy Fabrice, P; Dominici, Lorenzo
Temporary anion states of pyrimidine and haloderivatives
2011 Modelli, A; Bolognesi, P; Avaldi, L
TGF-beta inihibitor-loaded polyelectrolyte multilayers capsules for sustained targeting of hepatocarcinoma cells
2012 Vergaro, Viviana; Baldassarre, Francesca; de Santisa, Flavia; Ciccarella, Giuseppe; Ciccarella, Giuseppe; Giannelli, Gianluigi; Leporatti, Stefano
The Thasian and Phygian provenance of the Marbles used for six female Roman Sculptures in the Loggia dei Lanzi
2002 Attanasio, D; Pallecchi, P; Platania, R; Rocchi, P
Theoretical and experimental CARS rotational distributions of H2(X 1 sigma g+) in a radio-frequency capacitive discharge plasma.
2004 Vashakhatov, ; DE PASCALE, Olga; Mcapitelli,
Theoretical and experimental investigation of laser induced plasma expansion
2003 Acasavola, Gcolonna; A De Giacomo, ; Mcapitelli,
A theoretical and experimental study of the near edge X-ray absorption fine structure (NEXAFS) and X-ray photoelectron spectra (XPS) of nucleobases: Thymine and adenine
2008 Plekan, O; Feyer, V; Richter, R; Coreno, M; de Simone, M; Prince, Kc; Trofimov, Ab; Gromov, Ev; Zaytseva, Il; Schirmer, J
Theoretical and Experimental Study of Valence-Shell Ionization Spectra of Guanine
2009 I L Zaytseva a, ; A B Trofimov a, ; J Schirmer b, ; O Plekan c, ; V Feyer c, ; R Richter c, ; M Coreno d, ; K C Prince c,
Theoretical determination of the microstructure of Cs covering of Mo in negative ion sources for nuclear fusion applications
2015 Damone, Angelo; Panarese, Antonio; Coppola Carla, Maria; Jansky, J; Coletti, Cecilia; Chiodo, Letizia; Serianni, Gianluigi; Antoni, Vanni; Longo, Savino
Theoretical investigation on laser induced plasma spectroscopy of copper alloys
2006 G.Colonna; A.Casavola; A.DeGiacomo; M.Dell'Aglio; O.DePascale
Theoretical modeling of laser ablation of quaternary bronze alloys: case studies comparing femtosecond and nanosecond LIBS experimental data
2009 Lfornarini, ; Fantoni, R; Colao, F; Santagata, A; Teghil, R; Elhassan, A; Harith, Ma
Theoretical modelling of laser induced breakdown spectroscopy in water
2005 A. Casavola; G. Colonna; M. Capitelli
A theoretical study of the 1B1(O 1s -> pi*) and 1A1(O 1s -> 3s) excited states of formaldehyde
2003 B Trofimov, A; Vgromov, E; Hkoppel, ; Schirmer, J; C Prince, K; Richter, R; DE SIMONE, Monica; Coreno, M
Theoretical study on oligothiophene N-succinimidyl esters: size and push-pull effects
2008 Piacenza, M; Zambianchi, M; Barbarella, G; Gigli, G; Della Sala, F
Theoretical vibrational-excitation cross sections and rate coefficients for electron-impact resonant collisions involving rovibrationally excited N2 and NO molecules
2012 Laporta, Vincenzo; Celiberto, Roberto; Wadehra, J. M.
Theory of electronically nonadiabatic reactions: Rotational, coriolis, spin-orbit couplings and the hyperquantization algorithm
2001 Aquilanti, V; Cavalli, S; De Fazio, D; Volpi, A
Theory of optical response in semiconductor heterostructures
2003 Tomassini, N; Pilozzi, L; Schiumarini, D; D'Andrea, Andrea
Therapeutic PCL scaffold for reparation of resected osteosarcoma defect
2017 Palama, Ie; Arcadio, V; D'Amone, S; Biasiucci, M; Gigli, G; Cortese, B
Thermal analysis study of zirconium and titanium phosphate-2,2'-bipyridyl
2006 Vecchio, S; DI ROCCO, Romolo; Ferragina, C
Thermal and kinetic study of copper 2,9-dimethyl-1,10-phenanthroline complex intercalated in g zirconium and g titanium phosphates
2005 Vecchio, S; DI ROCCO, Romolo; Ferragina, C
Thermal and kinetic study of deydration and decomposition processes for copper complex intercalated in g-zirconium and g-titanium phosphates
2005 Vecchio, S; DI ROCCO, Romolo; Ferragina, C; Materazzi, S
Titolo | Data di pubblicazione | Autore(i) | File |
t(8;21) breakpoints are clustered between alternatively spliced exons of MTG8 | 1-gen-1995 | Tighe, J.E.; Calabi, F. | |
Tactile multisensing on flexible aluminum nitride | 1-gen-2012 | Petroni, S; Guido, F; Torre, B; Falqui, A; Todaro, Mt; Cingolani, R; DE VITTORIO, Massimo | |
Tailoring chiro-optical effects by helical nanowire arrangement | 1-gen-2015 | Esposito, M; Tasco, V; Todisco, F; Benedetti, A; Tarantini, I; Cuscuna, M; Dominici, L; De Giorgi, M; Passaseo, A | |
Tailoring Density and Optical and Thermal Behavior of Gold Surfaces and Nanoparticles Exploiting Aromatic Dithiols | 1-gen-2010 | Bruno, G; Babudri, F; Operamolla, A; V Bianco, G; Losurdo, M; M Giangregorio, M; Hassan Omar, O; Mavelli, F; M Farinola, G; Capezzuto, P; Naso, F | |
Tailoring Gold Nanoclusters to Applications: from VLS-Growth to Cluster Functionalization | 1-gen-2007 | Giangregorio, Mm; Bianco, Gv; Sacchetti, A; Ambrico, M; Losurdo, M; Capezzuto, P; Bruno, G | |
Tailoring Gold Nanoisland-Based Biosensors for Ultrasensitive Detection of Doxorubicin in Biological Fluids | 1-gen-2024 | Quarta, A.; Bettini, S.; Cuscuna', Massimo; Lorenzo, D.; Epifani, G.; Gigli, G.; Valli, L.; Aliyev, J. A.; Kazimov, E. E.; Bakhishova, M. J.; Gasymov, O. K.; Simeone, D. | |
Tailoring melanins for bioelectronics: polycysteinyldopamine as an ion conducting redox-responsive polydopamine variant for pro-oxidant thin films | 1-gen-2015 | Della Vecchia, Nicola Fyodor; Marega, Riccardo; Ambrico, Marianna; Iacomino, Mariagrazia; Micillo, Raffaella; Napolitano, Alessandra; Bonifazi, Davide; d'Ischia, Marco | |
Tailoring nanostructure of ZnO thin films by plasma assisted and Au-catalyst assisted MOCVD | 1-gen-2008 | M. Losurdo; M. M. Giangregorio; G. Malandrino; P. Capezzuto; I. L. Fragala; G. Bruno | |
Tailoring Nanostructure of ZnO Thin Films by Plasma Assisted MOCVD and Catalyzed Growth | 1-gen-2007 | M. Losurdo; M. Giangregorio; P. Capezzuto; G. Bruno; G. Malandrino; I. Fragala | |
Tailoring optical properties of Blue-Gap Poly(p-phenylene vinylene)s for LEDs applications | 1-gen-2010 | Dilonardo, E; M Giangregorio, M; Losurdo, M; Capezzuto, P; Bruno, G; Cardone, A; Martinelli, C; M Farinola, G; Babudri, F; Naso, F | |
Tailoring the emission spectrum of colloidal nanocrystals by means of lithographically-imprinted hybrid vertical microcavities | 1-gen-2005 | Todaro, Maria Teresa ; Stomeo, Tiziana ; Carbone, Luigi ; GIGLI, GIUSEPPE ; MANNA, LIBERATO ; CINGOLANI, ROBERTO ; De Vittorio, Massimo ; De Giorgi, Milena ; ANNI, MARCO ; Martiradonna, Luigi | |
Tailoring the wettability of surface-textured copper using sub-THz bursts of femtosecond laser pulses | 1-gen-2023 | Gaudiuso, C.; Fanelli, F.; Mezzapesa, F. P.; Volpe, A.; Ancona, A. | |
Tailoring water stability of cellulose nanopaper by surface functionalization | 1-gen-2018 | Operamolla, Alessandra; Casalini, Stefano; Console, Dario; Capodieci, Laura; Di Benedetto, Francesca; Bianco, GIUSEPPE VALERIO; Babudri, Francesco | |
TARGETING CANCER CELLS WITH FLUORESCENTLY LABELED GNR S /DNA COMPLEXES | 1-gen-2016 | Ferdinanda Annesi ; Antonio Qualtieri ; Alfredo Pane ; Lorenzo Florese ; Luciano De Sio ; Giulio Caracciolo ; Tiziana Placido ; ; Daniela Pozzi ; Roberto Comparelli ; Maria Lucia Curri ; Angela Agostiniano ; ; Roberto Bartolino ; | |
Targeting FR-expressing cells in ovarian cancer with Fab-functionalized nanoparticles: A full study to provide the proof of principle from in vitro to in vivo | 1-gen-2015 | Quarta, Alessandra; Bernareggi, Davide; Benigni, Fabio; Luison, Elena; Nano, Giuseppe; Nitti, Simone; Cesta Maria, Candida; Di Ciccio, Luciano; Canevari, Silvana; Pellegrino, Teresa; Figini, Mariangela | |
Targeting of GSK3 beta promotes imatinib-mediated apoptosis in quiescent CD34(+) chronic myeloid leukemia progenitors, preserving normal stem cells | 1-gen-2012 | Reddiconto, G; Toto, C; Palama, I; De Leo, S; de Luca, E; De Matteis, S; Dini, L; Passerini, CG; Di Renzo, N; Maffia, M; Coluccia, AML | |
Tautomerism in 5-aminotetrazole investigated by core-level photoelectron spectroscopy and Delta SCF calculations. | 1-gen-2012 | M Pinto, R; A Dias, A; Coreno, M; DE SIMONE, Monica; M Giuliano, B; P Santos, J; L Costa, M | |
Tautomerism in 5-methyltetrazole investigated by core-level photoelectron spectroscopy and DSCF calculations | 1-gen-2011 | Pinto, Rm; Dias, Aa; Coreno, M; DE SIMONE, Monica; Giuliano, Bm; Santos, Jp; Costa, Ml | |
Tautomerism in cytosine and uracil: An experimental and theoretical core level spectroscopic study | 1-gen-2009 | V Feyer a, ; O Plekan a, ; R Richter a, ; M Coreno b, ; G Vallllosera c, ; KC Prince ad, ; A B Trofimov e, ; IL Zaytseva, E; TE Moskovskaya, E; EV Gromov, E; J Schirmer f, | |
Tautomerism in pyrimidine derivatives investigated with core level spectroscopy techniques | 1-gen-2010 | M Giuliano, B; Feyer, V; C Prince, K; Coreno, M; Evangelisti, L; Melandri, S; Caminati, W | |
Tecnologia plasmochimica per la deposizione di film sottili di materiali inorganici: Leghe di silicio amorfo per applicazioni fotovoltaiche | 1-gen-1988 | G. Bruno; P. Capezzuto; G. Cicala; F. Cramarossa; V. Tassielli; G. Latrofa | |
TEM characterization of InxGa1-xAs/GaAs multi quantum wires grown by MOCVD on V-grooved substrates | 1-gen-1998 | A. Taurino; M. Catalano; A. Passaseo; R. Rinaldi; R. Cingolani | |
TEM characterization of single and multiple InGaAs/GaAs quantum wires grown by metal-organic vapor phase epitaxy on V-grooved substrates | 1-gen-1999 | Taurino, A; Catalano, M; Vasanelli, L; Passaseo, A; Rinaldi, R; Rcingolani, | |
TEM observation of InGaAs/GaAs quantum wires grown on V-grooved substrates | 1-gen-1998 | Taurino, A; Catalano, M; Vasanelli, L; Carlino, E; Passaseo, A; Rinaldi, R; Cingolani, R | |
Temperature dependence of the optical properties of ZnSe films deposited on quartz substrate | 1-gen-2006 | Perna, G; Lastella, M; Ambrico, M; Capozzi, V | |
Temperature-Dependent Absorption Edge and Photoconductivity of Tl2In2S3Se Layered Single Crystals | 1-gen-2012 | I. Guler a; M. Ambrico b; T. Ligonzo c; N.M. Gasanly d | |
A Template Metal-Organic Chemical Vapour Deposition Route to the Fabrication of Free Standing Co3O4 Nanotube Arrays | 1-gen-2009 | S Perdicaro, L M; G Toro, R; E Fragalà, M; Malandrino, G; LO NIGRO, Raffaella; Bongiorno, C; Losurdo, M; M Giangregorio, M; Bruno, G | |
Temporal evolution of the N2(C3?u) vibrational levels produced by single surface streamer in N2-O2 mixtures | 1-gen-2012 | Simek, M; Dilecce, G; Prukner, V; Ambrico, Pf; Debenedictis, S; Babický, V; Schmidt, J | |
Temporal response of CVD diamond detectors to modulated low energy X-ray beams | 1-gen-2004 | Conte, G; Rossi, Mc; Salvatori, S; Spaziani, F; Avigal, Y; Kalish, R; Ascarelli, P; Trucchi, D | |
Temporal shaping and time-varying orbital angular momentum of displaced vortices | 1-gen-2020 | Hosseini, Fazele; Sadeghzadeh Mohammad, A; Rahmani, Amir; Laussy Fabrice, P; Dominici, Lorenzo | |
Temporary anion states of pyrimidine and haloderivatives | 1-gen-2011 | Modelli, A; Bolognesi, P; Avaldi, L | |
TGF-beta inihibitor-loaded polyelectrolyte multilayers capsules for sustained targeting of hepatocarcinoma cells | 1-gen-2012 | Vergaro, Viviana; Baldassarre, Francesca; de Santisa, Flavia; Ciccarella, Giuseppe; Ciccarella, Giuseppe; Giannelli, Gianluigi; Leporatti, Stefano | |
The Thasian and Phygian provenance of the Marbles used for six female Roman Sculptures in the Loggia dei Lanzi | 1-gen-2002 | Attanasio, D; Pallecchi, P; Platania, R; Rocchi, P | |
Theoretical and experimental CARS rotational distributions of H2(X 1 sigma g+) in a radio-frequency capacitive discharge plasma. | 1-gen-2004 | Vashakhatov, ; DE PASCALE, Olga; Mcapitelli, | |
Theoretical and experimental investigation of laser induced plasma expansion | 1-gen-2003 | Acasavola, Gcolonna; A De Giacomo, ; Mcapitelli, | |
A theoretical and experimental study of the near edge X-ray absorption fine structure (NEXAFS) and X-ray photoelectron spectra (XPS) of nucleobases: Thymine and adenine | 1-gen-2008 | Plekan, O; Feyer, V; Richter, R; Coreno, M; de Simone, M; Prince, Kc; Trofimov, Ab; Gromov, Ev; Zaytseva, Il; Schirmer, J | |
Theoretical and Experimental Study of Valence-Shell Ionization Spectra of Guanine | 1-gen-2009 | I L Zaytseva a, ; A B Trofimov a, ; J Schirmer b, ; O Plekan c, ; V Feyer c, ; R Richter c, ; M Coreno d, ; K C Prince c, | |
Theoretical determination of the microstructure of Cs covering of Mo in negative ion sources for nuclear fusion applications | 1-gen-2015 | Damone, Angelo; Panarese, Antonio; Coppola Carla, Maria; Jansky, J; Coletti, Cecilia; Chiodo, Letizia; Serianni, Gianluigi; Antoni, Vanni; Longo, Savino | |
Theoretical investigation on laser induced plasma spectroscopy of copper alloys | 1-gen-2006 | G.Colonna; A.Casavola; A.DeGiacomo; M.Dell'Aglio; O.DePascale | |
Theoretical modeling of laser ablation of quaternary bronze alloys: case studies comparing femtosecond and nanosecond LIBS experimental data | 1-gen-2009 | Lfornarini, ; Fantoni, R; Colao, F; Santagata, A; Teghil, R; Elhassan, A; Harith, Ma | |
Theoretical modelling of laser induced breakdown spectroscopy in water | 1-gen-2005 | A. Casavola; G. Colonna; M. Capitelli | |
A theoretical study of the 1B1(O 1s -> pi*) and 1A1(O 1s -> 3s) excited states of formaldehyde | 1-gen-2003 | B Trofimov, A; Vgromov, E; Hkoppel, ; Schirmer, J; C Prince, K; Richter, R; DE SIMONE, Monica; Coreno, M | |
Theoretical study on oligothiophene N-succinimidyl esters: size and push-pull effects | 1-gen-2008 | Piacenza, M; Zambianchi, M; Barbarella, G; Gigli, G; Della Sala, F | |
Theoretical vibrational-excitation cross sections and rate coefficients for electron-impact resonant collisions involving rovibrationally excited N2 and NO molecules | 1-gen-2012 | Laporta, Vincenzo; Celiberto, Roberto; Wadehra, J. M. | |
Theory of electronically nonadiabatic reactions: Rotational, coriolis, spin-orbit couplings and the hyperquantization algorithm | 1-gen-2001 | Aquilanti, V; Cavalli, S; De Fazio, D; Volpi, A | |
Theory of optical response in semiconductor heterostructures | 1-gen-2003 | Tomassini, N; Pilozzi, L; Schiumarini, D; D'Andrea, Andrea | |
Therapeutic PCL scaffold for reparation of resected osteosarcoma defect | 1-gen-2017 | Palama, Ie; Arcadio, V; D'Amone, S; Biasiucci, M; Gigli, G; Cortese, B | |
Thermal analysis study of zirconium and titanium phosphate-2,2'-bipyridyl | 1-gen-2006 | Vecchio, S; DI ROCCO, Romolo; Ferragina, C | |
Thermal and kinetic study of copper 2,9-dimethyl-1,10-phenanthroline complex intercalated in g zirconium and g titanium phosphates | 1-gen-2005 | Vecchio, S; DI ROCCO, Romolo; Ferragina, C | |
Thermal and kinetic study of deydration and decomposition processes for copper complex intercalated in g-zirconium and g-titanium phosphates | 1-gen-2005 | Vecchio, S; DI ROCCO, Romolo; Ferragina, C; Materazzi, S |
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