Sfoglia per Organizzazione
UiO-67-derived bithiophene and bithiazole MIXMOFs for luminescence sensing and removal of contaminants of emerging concern in wastewater
2022 Mercuri, G; Moroni, M; Galli, S; Piccirillo, C; Capodilupo, Al; Tuci, G; Giambastiani, G; Rossin, A
Ultimate Photo-Thermo-Acoustic Efficiency of Graphene Aerogels
2019 De Nicola, Francesco; Tenuzzo, Lorenzo Donato; Viola, Ilenia; Zhang, Rujing; Zhu, Hongwei; Marcelli, Augusto; Lupi, Stefano
Ultra-high-vacuum epitaxial growth of MgB2(0001) thin films on Mg(0001) via molecular beam epitaxy
2004 Macovez R.; Cepek C.; Sancrotti M.; Goldoni A.; Petaccia L.; Larciprete R.; Lizzit S.
Ultra-short pulse laser ablation of Al70Cu20Fe10 alloy: nanoparticles generation and thin films deposition
2009 Teghil, R; D'Alessio, L; De Bonis, A; Ferro, D; Galasso, A; Lanza, G; Santagata, A; Villani, P; Sordelet, Dj
Ultra-short pulse laser ablation of Al70Cu20Fe10 alloy: nanoparticles generation and thin film deposition
2008 Teghil, R; Dalessio, L; A De Bonis, ; Ferro, D; Galasso, A; Lanza, G; Asantagata, ; Villani, P
Ultra-short pulsed laser deposition of super-hard thin films of transition metal borides
2010 De Bonis, A; Rau, Jv; Santagata, A; Galasso, A; Maio, L; Teghil, R
Ultra-trace determination of total mercury in Italian bottled waters
2019 Vardè, Massimiliano; Servidio, Alessandro; Vespasiano, Giovanni; Pasti, Luisa; Cavazzini, Alberto; Di Traglia, Mario; Rosselli, Annalisa; Cofone, Franco; Apollaro, Carmine; RL Cairns, Warren; Scalabrin, Elisa; De Rosa, Rosanna; Procopio, Antonio
Ultrafast control and Rabi oscillations of polaritons
2014 Dominici, Lorenzo; Colas, D.; Donati, S.; RestrepoCuartas, Juan Pablo; De Giorgi, Milena; Ballarini, Dario; Guirales, G.; LópezCarreño, Juan Camilo; Bramati, Alberto; Gigli, Giuseppe; Del Valle, Elena; Laussy, Fabrice P.; Sanvitto, Daniele
Ultrafast dissociation of methanol and formic acid at the oxygen K edge
2005 K. C. Prince; R. Richter; M. de Simone; M. Coreno; H. Farrokhpour;M. Tabrizchi
Ultrafast Electron-Hole Dynamics in Core/Shell CdSe/CdS Dot/Rod Nanocrystals
2008 Lupo, Mg; Della Sala, F; Carbone, L; Zavelanirossi, M; Fiore, A; Luer, L; Polli, D; Cingolani, R; Manna, L; Lanzani, G
Ultrafast optical switching in distributed feedback polymer laser
2007 Perissinotto, S; Lanzani, G; ZavelaniRossi, M; Salerno, M; Gigli, G
Ultrashort pulsed laser deposition of ITO thin films
2006 Rteghil, ; Adebonis, ; Agalasso, ; Agiardini, ; Vmarotta, ; Gpparisi, ; Asantagata, ; Pvillani,
Ultrashort pulsed laser vaporisation of icosahedral Al-Pd-Mn
2005 R. Teghil; L. D'Alessio; A. De Bonis; A. Galasso; P. Villani; M. Zaccagnino; A. Santagata;D.J. Sordelet
Ultrasound Signal Enhancement of Halloysite Clay Nanotubes at Medical Diagnostic Frequencies
2015 Casciaro, S; Conversano, F; Pisani, P; Greco, A; Casciaro, E; DI PAOLA, Marco; Franchini, R; Layekuakille, A; Leporatti, S; Gigli, G
Ultrastrong light-matter coupling in electrically doped microcavity OLEDs
2014 Mazzeo, M; Genco, A; Gambino, S; Ballarini, D; Mangione, F; Di Stefano, O; Patanè, S; Savasta, S; Sanvitto, D; Gigli, G
Ultrathin microcrystalline silicon films deposition at very low temperatures on plastic substrates
2003 Losurdo, M; Grimaldi, A; Sacchetti, A; Giangregorio, Mm; Capezzuto, P; Ambrico, M; Bruno, G
Ultraviolet-Visible Plasmonic Properties of Gallium Nanoparticles Investigated by Variable-Angle Spectroscopic and Mueller Matrix Ellipsometry
2014 Yang, Yang; Akozbek, Neset; Kim, TongHo; Marcos Sanz, Juan; Moreno, Fernando; Losurdo, Maria; Brown, April S.; Everitt, Henry O.
Unconventional patterning by Solvent-Assisted Surface-tension-driven Lithography
2015 Toro Roberta Grazia ; Caschera Daniela; Palamà Ilaria Elena ; D'Amone Stefania ; Biasiucci Mariano ; Federici Fulvio; Gigli Giuseppe ; Cortese Barbara
Understanding Polarization Properties of InAs Quantum Dots by Atomistic Modeling of Growth Dynamics
2013 Tasco, Vittorianna; Usman, Muhammad; Todaro, MARIA TERESA; DE GIORGI, Milena; Passaseo, ADRIANA GRAZIA
Understanding the electromagnetic interactions and electron transfer in Ga Nanoparticles-graphene-metal substrate sandwich systems
2019 Yael Gutiérrez ; Maria M. Giangregorio ; April S. Brown; Fernando Moreno;Maria Losurdo
Understanding the metal free alginate gelation process
2021 Ursini, O.; Angelini, R.; Franco, S.; Cortese, B.
Underwater Wenzel and Cassie oleophobic behaviour
2015 Palamà, I E; D'Amone, S; Arcadio, V; Caschera, D; Toro, R G; Gigli, G; Cortese, B
An unexpected reversal in the pharmacological stereoselectivity of benzothiadiazine AMPA positive allosteric modulators
2016 Battisti, Umberto M.; Citti, Cinzia; Rastelli, Giulio; Pinzi, Luca; Puja, Giulia; Ravazzini, Federica; Ciccarella, Giuseppe; Braghiroli, Daniela; Cannazza, Giuseppe
Unexpected Upper Critical Dimension for Spin Glass Models in a Field Predicted by the Loop Expansion around the Bethe Solution at Zero Temperature
2022 Angelini M.C.; Lucibello C.; Parisi G.; Perrupato G.; Ricci Tersenghi Federico; Rizzo T.
Unintentional Si Incorporation in GaN/AlN interface grown on SiC by PAMBE
2006 T.H. Kim; S. Choi; P. Wu; C. Yi; A.S. Brown; M. Losurdo; G. Bruno
Universal scaling of resonances in vector correlation photoionization parameters
2005 GrumGrzhimailo, A.N. .; Fritzsche, S. ; O'Keeffe, P. ; Meyer, M.
Universality class of the motility-induced critical point in large scale off-lattice simulations of active particles
2021 Maggi, C.; Paoluzzi, M.; Crisanti, A.; Zaccarelli, E.; Gnan, N.
Unveiling Polymorphs and Polytypes of the 2D Layered Semiconducting Gallium Monosulfide
2024 Gutiérrez, Yael; Agresti, Filippo; Juan, Dilson; Dicorato, Stefano; Giangregorio, Maria Michela; Moreno, Fernando; García‐fernández, Pablo; Junquera, Javier; Armelao, Lidia; Losurdo, Maria
Uptake and distribution of labeled antibodies into pH-sensitive microgels
2010 Blasi L.; Argentiere S.; Morello G.; Palama I.; Barbarella G.; Cingolani R.;Gigli G.
Use of cholesteryl polysulfides in self-assembly and soft lithography on Au(1 1 1) and ITO
2005 Giuseppe Ciccarella ; Annamaria Maffei ; Giuseppe Vasapollo ; Laura Blasi ; Dario Pisignano ; Rosaria Rinaldi
Use of lipid bilayers as support for biomolecules integration in OTFT biosensors
2010 S Cotrone M Magliulo MD Angione A Mallardi, M Ambrico; T Ligonzo M Colella G Palazzo, L Torsi
Use of lipid bilayers as support for biomolecules integration in OTFT biosensors
2010 S Cotrone M Magliulo MD Angione A Mallardi, M Ambrico; T Ligonzo M Colella G Palazzo, L Torsi
Use of Modified 3D Scaffolds to Improve Cell Adhesion and Drive Desired Cell Responses
2012 S. Rigogliuso; F. Carfì Pavia; V. Brucato; V. La Carrubba; P. Favia; F. Intranuovo; R. Gristina; G. Ghersi
Use of Plasma Coated PET for the Study of Neuronal Cell Behaviour
2007 Gristina, R; Sardella, E; Nardulli, M; Favia, P; Dagostino, R; Bottiglione, M
Use of the absolute Auger Parameter for Vanadium in the Study of the Dielectric Relaxation of Cerium Vanadate
2002 Castle J.E.; Salvi A.M.; Decker F.; Moretti G.
Use of the shell model for plasma physics simulation
2011 E. Boella; G. Coppa; A. D'Angola; F. Fiuza; L.O. Silva
Use of two-dimensional photoelectron spectroscopy in the decomposition of an inner-shell excitation spectrum broadened by super-Coster-Kronig decay
2013 Kivimäki, A; Norman, P; Coreno, M; DE SIMONE, Monica; Grazioli, C; Totani, R; Ressel, B; Ottosson, H; Puglia, C
Using LIBS to investigate elemental content in plants and composts during soil remediation processes
2012 Claudio Zaccone; Marcella Dell'Aglio; Giorgio S. Senesi; Ziad AlChami; Rosalba Gaudiuso; Alessandro De Giacomo; Olga De Pascale; Teodoro M. Miano
Using UV-based Nanoimprint Lithography to Fabricate Single and Multilayer negative Index Materials
2012 Bergmair, I; Dastmalchi, B; Bergmair, M; Hesser, G; Losurdo, M; Bruno, G; Helgert, C; Pshenayseverin, E; Pertsch, T; Kley, Eb; Huebner, U; Penciu, R; H Shen, N; Kafesaki, M; Soukoulis, Cm; Hingerl, K; Muehlberger, M
UV photocathodes based on MWPECVD undoped and nitrogen-doped diamond films
2016 Cicala, Grazia; Velardi, Luciano; Valentini, Antonio
UV photocathodes based on rich-diamond and rich-graphite nanodiamond particles
2016 L. Velardi; D. Melisi; A. Valentini; G. Cicala
UV Plasmonic Behavior of Various Metal Nanoparticles in the Nearand Far-Field Regimes: Geometry and Substrate Effects
2013 M Sanz, J; Ortiz, D; Alcaraz de la Osa, R; M Saiz, J; Gonzalez, F; S Brown, A; Losurdo, M; O Everitt, H; Moreno, F
UV Reduced Graphene Oxide PEDOT:PSS Nanocomposite for Perovskite Solar Cells
2016 Giuri, Antonella; Masi, Sofia; Colella, Silvia; Listorti, Andrea; Rizzo, Aurora; Gigli, Giuseppe; Liscio, Andrea; Treossi, Emanuele; Palermo, Vincenzo; Rella, Simona; Malitesta, Cosimino; Corcione, Carola Esposito
UV-based nanoimprint lithography: a method to fabricate single and multilayer negative index materials
2012 I. Bergmair; B. Dastmalchi; M. Bergmair; G. Hesser; M. Losurdo; G. Bruno; Helgert; E. PshenaySeverin; E.B. Kley; U. Huebner; N. H. Shen; M. Kafesaki; C.M. Soukoulis; K. Hingerl; M. Muehlberg
UV-photoassisted MOCVD growth of GaN
2005 M. Losurdo; M.M. Giangregorio; P. Capezzuto; G. Bruno
UV-visible emission as a probe of core excitations applied to the furan and carbon dioxide molecules
2009 Kivimäki, A; Coreno, M; Álvarez Ruiz, J; DE SIMONE, Monica; Dampc, M; Zubek, M
Valence band reconstruction in graphite by grazing incidence (e,2e) spectroscopy
1997 Iacobucci, S; Rioual, S; Neri, D; Camilloni, R; Luches, P; Nannarone, S; Stefani, G
Valence photoionization and photofragmentation of aromatic amino acids
2008 Plekan, O; Feyer, V; Richter, R; Coreno, M; Kcprince,
Valence photoionization dynamics in circular dichroism of chiral free molecules: The methyl-oxirane
2005 Stranges S. a; Turchini S. b; Alagia M. c; Alberti G. d; Contini G. b; Decleva P. e; Fronzoni G. e; Stener M. e; Zema N. b; Prosperi T. b
Valence photoionization of the N2 molecule in the region of the N 1s-> Rydberg excitations
2012 Kivimäki, A; Sankari, R; Flammini, R; Coreno, M; Álvarezruiz, J; Richter, R
Titolo | Data di pubblicazione | Autore(i) | File |
UiO-67-derived bithiophene and bithiazole MIXMOFs for luminescence sensing and removal of contaminants of emerging concern in wastewater | 1-gen-2022 | Mercuri, G; Moroni, M; Galli, S; Piccirillo, C; Capodilupo, Al; Tuci, G; Giambastiani, G; Rossin, A | |
Ultimate Photo-Thermo-Acoustic Efficiency of Graphene Aerogels | 1-gen-2019 | De Nicola, Francesco; Tenuzzo, Lorenzo Donato; Viola, Ilenia; Zhang, Rujing; Zhu, Hongwei; Marcelli, Augusto; Lupi, Stefano | |
Ultra-high-vacuum epitaxial growth of MgB2(0001) thin films on Mg(0001) via molecular beam epitaxy | 1-gen-2004 | Macovez R.; Cepek C.; Sancrotti M.; Goldoni A.; Petaccia L.; Larciprete R.; Lizzit S. | |
Ultra-short pulse laser ablation of Al70Cu20Fe10 alloy: nanoparticles generation and thin films deposition | 1-gen-2009 | Teghil, R; D'Alessio, L; De Bonis, A; Ferro, D; Galasso, A; Lanza, G; Santagata, A; Villani, P; Sordelet, Dj | |
Ultra-short pulse laser ablation of Al70Cu20Fe10 alloy: nanoparticles generation and thin film deposition | 1-gen-2008 | Teghil, R; Dalessio, L; A De Bonis, ; Ferro, D; Galasso, A; Lanza, G; Asantagata, ; Villani, P | |
Ultra-short pulsed laser deposition of super-hard thin films of transition metal borides | 1-gen-2010 | De Bonis, A; Rau, Jv; Santagata, A; Galasso, A; Maio, L; Teghil, R | |
Ultra-trace determination of total mercury in Italian bottled waters | 1-gen-2019 | Vardè, Massimiliano; Servidio, Alessandro; Vespasiano, Giovanni; Pasti, Luisa; Cavazzini, Alberto; Di Traglia, Mario; Rosselli, Annalisa; Cofone, Franco; Apollaro, Carmine; RL Cairns, Warren; Scalabrin, Elisa; De Rosa, Rosanna; Procopio, Antonio | |
Ultrafast control and Rabi oscillations of polaritons | 1-gen-2014 | Dominici, Lorenzo; Colas, D.; Donati, S.; RestrepoCuartas, Juan Pablo; De Giorgi, Milena; Ballarini, Dario; Guirales, G.; LópezCarreño, Juan Camilo; Bramati, Alberto; Gigli, Giuseppe; Del Valle, Elena; Laussy, Fabrice P.; Sanvitto, Daniele | |
Ultrafast dissociation of methanol and formic acid at the oxygen K edge | 1-gen-2005 | K. C. Prince; R. Richter; M. de Simone; M. Coreno; H. Farrokhpour;M. Tabrizchi | |
Ultrafast Electron-Hole Dynamics in Core/Shell CdSe/CdS Dot/Rod Nanocrystals | 1-gen-2008 | Lupo, Mg; Della Sala, F; Carbone, L; Zavelanirossi, M; Fiore, A; Luer, L; Polli, D; Cingolani, R; Manna, L; Lanzani, G | |
Ultrafast optical switching in distributed feedback polymer laser | 1-gen-2007 | Perissinotto, S; Lanzani, G; ZavelaniRossi, M; Salerno, M; Gigli, G | |
Ultrashort pulsed laser deposition of ITO thin films | 1-gen-2006 | Rteghil, ; Adebonis, ; Agalasso, ; Agiardini, ; Vmarotta, ; Gpparisi, ; Asantagata, ; Pvillani, | |
Ultrashort pulsed laser vaporisation of icosahedral Al-Pd-Mn | 1-gen-2005 | R. Teghil; L. D'Alessio; A. De Bonis; A. Galasso; P. Villani; M. Zaccagnino; A. Santagata;D.J. Sordelet | |
Ultrasound Signal Enhancement of Halloysite Clay Nanotubes at Medical Diagnostic Frequencies | 1-gen-2015 | Casciaro, S; Conversano, F; Pisani, P; Greco, A; Casciaro, E; DI PAOLA, Marco; Franchini, R; Layekuakille, A; Leporatti, S; Gigli, G | |
Ultrastrong light-matter coupling in electrically doped microcavity OLEDs | 1-gen-2014 | Mazzeo, M; Genco, A; Gambino, S; Ballarini, D; Mangione, F; Di Stefano, O; Patanè, S; Savasta, S; Sanvitto, D; Gigli, G | |
Ultrathin microcrystalline silicon films deposition at very low temperatures on plastic substrates | 1-gen-2003 | Losurdo, M; Grimaldi, A; Sacchetti, A; Giangregorio, Mm; Capezzuto, P; Ambrico, M; Bruno, G | |
Ultraviolet-Visible Plasmonic Properties of Gallium Nanoparticles Investigated by Variable-Angle Spectroscopic and Mueller Matrix Ellipsometry | 1-gen-2014 | Yang, Yang; Akozbek, Neset; Kim, TongHo; Marcos Sanz, Juan; Moreno, Fernando; Losurdo, Maria; Brown, April S.; Everitt, Henry O. | |
Unconventional patterning by Solvent-Assisted Surface-tension-driven Lithography | 1-gen-2015 | Toro Roberta Grazia ; Caschera Daniela; Palamà Ilaria Elena ; D'Amone Stefania ; Biasiucci Mariano ; Federici Fulvio; Gigli Giuseppe ; Cortese Barbara | |
Understanding Polarization Properties of InAs Quantum Dots by Atomistic Modeling of Growth Dynamics | 1-gen-2013 | Tasco, Vittorianna; Usman, Muhammad; Todaro, MARIA TERESA; DE GIORGI, Milena; Passaseo, ADRIANA GRAZIA | |
Understanding the electromagnetic interactions and electron transfer in Ga Nanoparticles-graphene-metal substrate sandwich systems | 1-gen-2019 | Yael Gutiérrez ; Maria M. Giangregorio ; April S. Brown; Fernando Moreno;Maria Losurdo | |
Understanding the metal free alginate gelation process | 1-gen-2021 | Ursini, O.; Angelini, R.; Franco, S.; Cortese, B. | |
Underwater Wenzel and Cassie oleophobic behaviour | 1-gen-2015 | Palamà, I E; D'Amone, S; Arcadio, V; Caschera, D; Toro, R G; Gigli, G; Cortese, B | |
An unexpected reversal in the pharmacological stereoselectivity of benzothiadiazine AMPA positive allosteric modulators | 1-gen-2016 | Battisti, Umberto M.; Citti, Cinzia; Rastelli, Giulio; Pinzi, Luca; Puja, Giulia; Ravazzini, Federica; Ciccarella, Giuseppe; Braghiroli, Daniela; Cannazza, Giuseppe | |
Unexpected Upper Critical Dimension for Spin Glass Models in a Field Predicted by the Loop Expansion around the Bethe Solution at Zero Temperature | 1-gen-2022 | Angelini M.C.; Lucibello C.; Parisi G.; Perrupato G.; Ricci Tersenghi Federico; Rizzo T. | |
Unintentional Si Incorporation in GaN/AlN interface grown on SiC by PAMBE | 1-gen-2006 | T.H. Kim; S. Choi; P. Wu; C. Yi; A.S. Brown; M. Losurdo; G. Bruno | |
Universal scaling of resonances in vector correlation photoionization parameters | 1-gen-2005 | GrumGrzhimailo, A.N. .; Fritzsche, S. ; O'Keeffe, P. ; Meyer, M. | |
Universality class of the motility-induced critical point in large scale off-lattice simulations of active particles | 1-gen-2021 | Maggi, C.; Paoluzzi, M.; Crisanti, A.; Zaccarelli, E.; Gnan, N. | |
Unveiling Polymorphs and Polytypes of the 2D Layered Semiconducting Gallium Monosulfide | 1-gen-2024 | Gutiérrez, Yael; Agresti, Filippo; Juan, Dilson; Dicorato, Stefano; Giangregorio, Maria Michela; Moreno, Fernando; García‐fernández, Pablo; Junquera, Javier; Armelao, Lidia; Losurdo, Maria | |
Uptake and distribution of labeled antibodies into pH-sensitive microgels | 1-gen-2010 | Blasi L.; Argentiere S.; Morello G.; Palama I.; Barbarella G.; Cingolani R.;Gigli G. | |
Use of cholesteryl polysulfides in self-assembly and soft lithography on Au(1 1 1) and ITO | 1-gen-2005 | Giuseppe Ciccarella ; Annamaria Maffei ; Giuseppe Vasapollo ; Laura Blasi ; Dario Pisignano ; Rosaria Rinaldi | |
Use of lipid bilayers as support for biomolecules integration in OTFT biosensors | 1-gen-2010 | S Cotrone M Magliulo MD Angione A Mallardi, M Ambrico; T Ligonzo M Colella G Palazzo, L Torsi | |
Use of lipid bilayers as support for biomolecules integration in OTFT biosensors | 1-gen-2010 | S Cotrone M Magliulo MD Angione A Mallardi, M Ambrico; T Ligonzo M Colella G Palazzo, L Torsi | |
Use of Modified 3D Scaffolds to Improve Cell Adhesion and Drive Desired Cell Responses | 1-gen-2012 | S. Rigogliuso; F. Carfì Pavia; V. Brucato; V. La Carrubba; P. Favia; F. Intranuovo; R. Gristina; G. Ghersi | |
Use of Plasma Coated PET for the Study of Neuronal Cell Behaviour | 1-gen-2007 | Gristina, R; Sardella, E; Nardulli, M; Favia, P; Dagostino, R; Bottiglione, M | |
Use of the absolute Auger Parameter for Vanadium in the Study of the Dielectric Relaxation of Cerium Vanadate | 1-gen-2002 | Castle J.E.; Salvi A.M.; Decker F.; Moretti G. | |
Use of the shell model for plasma physics simulation | 1-gen-2011 | E. Boella; G. Coppa; A. D'Angola; F. Fiuza; L.O. Silva | |
Use of two-dimensional photoelectron spectroscopy in the decomposition of an inner-shell excitation spectrum broadened by super-Coster-Kronig decay | 1-gen-2013 | Kivimäki, A; Norman, P; Coreno, M; DE SIMONE, Monica; Grazioli, C; Totani, R; Ressel, B; Ottosson, H; Puglia, C | |
Using LIBS to investigate elemental content in plants and composts during soil remediation processes | 1-gen-2012 | Claudio Zaccone; Marcella Dell'Aglio; Giorgio S. Senesi; Ziad AlChami; Rosalba Gaudiuso; Alessandro De Giacomo; Olga De Pascale; Teodoro M. Miano | |
Using UV-based Nanoimprint Lithography to Fabricate Single and Multilayer negative Index Materials | 1-gen-2012 | Bergmair, I; Dastmalchi, B; Bergmair, M; Hesser, G; Losurdo, M; Bruno, G; Helgert, C; Pshenayseverin, E; Pertsch, T; Kley, Eb; Huebner, U; Penciu, R; H Shen, N; Kafesaki, M; Soukoulis, Cm; Hingerl, K; Muehlberger, M | |
UV photocathodes based on MWPECVD undoped and nitrogen-doped diamond films | 1-gen-2016 | Cicala, Grazia; Velardi, Luciano; Valentini, Antonio | |
UV photocathodes based on rich-diamond and rich-graphite nanodiamond particles | 1-gen-2016 | L. Velardi; D. Melisi; A. Valentini; G. Cicala | |
UV Plasmonic Behavior of Various Metal Nanoparticles in the Nearand Far-Field Regimes: Geometry and Substrate Effects | 1-gen-2013 | M Sanz, J; Ortiz, D; Alcaraz de la Osa, R; M Saiz, J; Gonzalez, F; S Brown, A; Losurdo, M; O Everitt, H; Moreno, F | |
UV Reduced Graphene Oxide PEDOT:PSS Nanocomposite for Perovskite Solar Cells | 1-gen-2016 | Giuri, Antonella; Masi, Sofia; Colella, Silvia; Listorti, Andrea; Rizzo, Aurora; Gigli, Giuseppe; Liscio, Andrea; Treossi, Emanuele; Palermo, Vincenzo; Rella, Simona; Malitesta, Cosimino; Corcione, Carola Esposito | |
UV-based nanoimprint lithography: a method to fabricate single and multilayer negative index materials | 1-gen-2012 | I. Bergmair; B. Dastmalchi; M. Bergmair; G. Hesser; M. Losurdo; G. Bruno; Helgert; E. PshenaySeverin; E.B. Kley; U. Huebner; N. H. Shen; M. Kafesaki; C.M. Soukoulis; K. Hingerl; M. Muehlberg | |
UV-photoassisted MOCVD growth of GaN | 1-gen-2005 | M. Losurdo; M.M. Giangregorio; P. Capezzuto; G. Bruno | |
UV-visible emission as a probe of core excitations applied to the furan and carbon dioxide molecules | 1-gen-2009 | Kivimäki, A; Coreno, M; Álvarez Ruiz, J; DE SIMONE, Monica; Dampc, M; Zubek, M | |
Valence band reconstruction in graphite by grazing incidence (e,2e) spectroscopy | 1-gen-1997 | Iacobucci, S; Rioual, S; Neri, D; Camilloni, R; Luches, P; Nannarone, S; Stefani, G | |
Valence photoionization and photofragmentation of aromatic amino acids | 1-gen-2008 | Plekan, O; Feyer, V; Richter, R; Coreno, M; Kcprince, | |
Valence photoionization dynamics in circular dichroism of chiral free molecules: The methyl-oxirane | 1-gen-2005 | Stranges S. a; Turchini S. b; Alagia M. c; Alberti G. d; Contini G. b; Decleva P. e; Fronzoni G. e; Stener M. e; Zema N. b; Prosperi T. b | |
Valence photoionization of the N2 molecule in the region of the N 1s-> Rydberg excitations | 1-gen-2012 | Kivimäki, A; Sankari, R; Flammini, R; Coreno, M; Álvarezruiz, J; Richter, R |
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