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Titolo Data di pubblicazione Autore(i) File
Valence band reconstruction in graphite by grazing incidence (e,2e) spectroscopy 1-gen-1997 Iacobucci, S; Rioual, S; Neri, D; Camilloni, R; Luches, P; Nannarone, S; Stefani, G
Valence photoionization and photofragmentation of aromatic amino acids 1-gen-2008 Plekan, O; Feyer, V; Richter, R; Coreno, M; Kcprince,
Valence photoionization dynamics in circular dichroism of chiral free molecules: The methyl-oxirane 1-gen-2005 Stranges S. a; Turchini S. b; Alagia M. c; Alberti G. d; Contini G. b; Decleva P. e; Fronzoni G. e; Stener M. e; Zema N. b; Prosperi T. b
Valence photoionization of the N2 molecule in the region of the N 1s-> Rydberg excitations 1-gen-2012 Kivimäki, A; Sankari, R; Flammini, R; Coreno, M; Álvarezruiz, J; Richter, R
Validation of colorimetric assays for hydrogen peroxide, nitrate and nitrite ions in complex plasma‐treated water solutions 1-gen-2021 Veronico, Valeria; Favia, Pietro; Fracassi, Francesco; Gristina, Roberto; Sardella, Eloisa
Valorization of bio-glycerol: New catalytic materials for the synthesis of glycerol carbonate via glycerolysis of urea 1-gen-2009 Aresta, M; Dibenedetto, A; Nocito, F; Ferragina, C
Van der Waals interactions in a monosolvated chiral fluorinated molecule: R2PI vibroelectronic spectra of (R)-1-phenyl-2,2,2-trifluoroethanol clustered with water 1-gen-2007 Giardini, A; Rondino, F; Cattenacci, G; Paladini, A; Piccirillo, S; Satta, M; Speranza, M
Vanadium-metal(IV)phosphates as catalysts for the oxidative dehydrogenation of ethane 1-gen-2005 L. Lisi; G. Ruoppolo; M. P. Casaletto; P. Galli; M. A. Massucci; P. Patrono; F. Pinzari
Vanadyl phosphate catalysts in biodiesel production 1-gen-2007 Di Serio, M; Cozzolino, M; Tesser, R; Patrono, P; Pinzari, F; Bonelli, B; Santacesaria, E
Vanadyl phosphate dihydrate supported on oxides for the catalytic conversion of ethane to ethylene 1-gen-2003 Lisi, L; Patrono, P; Ruoppolo, G
Vapor-phase nucleation of individual CdSe nanostructures from shape-engineered nanocrystal seeds 1-gen-2008 Fasoli, A; Pisana, S; Colli, A; Carbone, L; Manna, L; Ferrari, AC
Variable angle spectroscopic ellipsometry characterization of graphene oxide and reduced graphene oxide thin films 1-gen-2020 Giuseppina Politano, Grazia; Vena, Carlo; Desiderio, Giovanni; Versace, Carlo
Variable angle spectroscopic ellipsometry characterization of turbostratic CVD-grown bilayer and trilayer graphene 1-gen-2020 Giuseppina Politano, Grazia; Vena, Carlo; Desiderio, Giovanni; Versace, Carlo
Variable Angle Spectroscopic Ellipsometry investigation of CVD-grown monolayer graphene 1-gen-2019 Castriota, Marco; Politano Grazia, Giuseppina; Vena, Carlo; DE SANTO, MARIA PENELOPE; Desiderio, Giovanni; Davoli, Mariano; Cazzanelli, Enzo; Versace, Carlo
Variable Photon Energy Photoelectron Spectroscopy and Magnetism of YbCp3 and LuCp3 1-gen-2010 Coreno Marcello, A; de Simone Monica, B; Coates Rosemary, C; S d, Denning Mark; G d, Denning Robert; C d, Green Jennifer; Hunston Charlene, C; Kaltsoyannis Nikolas, C; Sella Andrea, C
Vascular Psoriasis Area Severity Index: A dermoscopic standard technique for assessing severity psoriasis and therapeutic management 1-gen-2017 Carlesimo, M; Garelli, V; Fortuna, M C; De Vita, G; Sorrisovalvo, L; Buccolini, F; Melini, A; Di Nunno, D; Pranteda, G; Rossi, A
Vector beams generated by tunable liquid crystal polarization holograms 1-gen-2017 Ruiz, U; Pagliusi, P; Provenzano, C; Cipparrone, G
Vector correlations in the F plus HD reaction 1-gen-2012 Krasil'Nikov, Mb; Vasyutinskii, Os; De Fazio, D; Cavalli, S; Aquilanti, V
Velocity Distribution of H- ions in Low Temperature Hydrogen Plasma 1-gen-2008 Diomede, P; Longo, S
A velocity map imaging apparatus for gas phase studies at FERMI@Elettra 1-gen-2012 P. O'Keeffe a; V. Feyer b; P. Bolognesi a; M. Coreno a; C. Callegari b; G. Cautero b; A. Moise b; K.C. Prince b;c; R. Richter b; R. Sergo b; M. Alagia c; M. de Simone c; A. Kivimäki c; M. Devetta d; T. Mazza d; P. Piseri d; V. Lyamayev e; R. Katzy e; F. Stienkemeier e; Y. Ovcharenko f; T. Möller f; L. Avaldi a
Velocity Map Imaging in pump-probe experiments combining 1-gen-2010 O'Keeffe, P
Velocity-map imaging of near-threshold photoelectrons in Ne and Ar 1-gen-2011 P. OKeeffe; P. Bolognesi; R. Richter; A. Moise; Y. Ovcharenko; G. C. King;L. Avaldi
Velocity-space cascade in magnetized plasmas: Numerical simulations 1-gen-2018 Pezzi, O; Servidio, S; Perrone, D; Valentini, F; Sorrisovalvo, L; Greco, A; Matthaeus, W H; Veltri, P
A versatile facility for the calibration of X-ray polarimeters with polarized and unpolarized controlled beams 1-gen-2008 Muleri, F; Soffitta, P; Bellazini, R; Brez, A; Costa, E; Mastropietro, M
A Versatile Synthesis for New 9,10- Bis(4-alkoxyphenyl)-2,7-diiodophenanthrenes: Useful Precursors for Conjugated Polymers 1-gen-2007 Grisorio, Roberto; Suranna, gian paolo; Mastrorilli, Piero; Francesco Nobile, Cosimo
Vertically oriented nano-graphene structures deposited by pulsed laser ablation of graphite 1-gen-2006 E. Cappelli; S. Orlando; M. Servidori; C. Scilletta
Very High Performance GaN HEMT devices by Optimized Buffer and Field Plate Technology 1-gen-2006 P.Romanini; M. Peroni; C. Lanzieri; A. Cetronio; M. Calori A. Passaseo; B. Potì; A. Chini; L. Mariucci; A. Di Gaspare; V. Teppati; V. Camarchia
Very Long Operational Lifetime at High Initial Luminance of Deep Red Phosphorescent Organic Light-Emitting Diodes With Double Emission Layers 1-gen-2008 Maiorano, V; Mazzeo, M; Mariano, F; Ben Khalifa, M; Carallo, S; Dussertvidalet, B; Cingolani, R; Gigli, G
Very-near-field plume simulation of a stationary plasma thruster. 1-gen-2004 Ftaccogna, ; Longo, S; Capitelli, M
Vibrational and electronic properties of hydrogen adsorbed on single-wall carbon nanotubes 1-gen-2004 Chiarello G.; Maccallini E.; Agostino R.G.; Caruso T.; Formoso V.; Papagno L.; Colavita E.; Goldoni A.; Larciprete R.; Lizzit S.; Petaccia L.
Vibrational energy exchange in nitrogen: application of new rate constants for kinetic modeling 1-gen-2006 A. Kurnosov; A. Napartovich; S. Shnyrev ; M. Cacciatore
Vibrational energy exchanges between N2 and strongly excited CO molecules: Their role in vibrational kinetics 1-gen-2004 M.Cacciatore; A.Kurnosov; A.Napartovich; S.Shnyrev
Vibrational energy exchanges in nitrogen: application of new rate constants for kinetic modelling 1-gen-2007 Kurnosov, A; Napartovich, A; Shnyrev, S; Cacciatore, M
Vibrational Energy transfer in N2-N2 Collisions: a New Semiclassical Study 1-gen-2005 M.Cacciatore; A.Kurnosov; A.Napartovich
Vibrational excitation and negative ion production in radio frequency parallel plate H2 plasmas 1-gen-2005 Diomede, P; Longo, S; Capitelli, M
Vibrational kinetics for numerical simulation of thermal non equilibrium flows 1-gen-1996 Vbellucci, ; Dgiordano, ; Gcolonna, ; Mcapitelli, ; Iarmenise, ; Cbruno,
Vibrational kinetics of diatomic molecules in parallel plate RF plasmas 1-gen-2008 Longo, S; Diomede, P; Capitelli, M
Vibrational Kinetics, electron dynamics and elementary processes in H2 and D2 Plasmas for Negative Ion Production: Modelling Aspects 1-gen-2005 Mcapitelli, ; Rceliberto, ; DE PASCALE, Olga; Pdiomede, ; Fesposito, ; Agicquel, ; Cgorse, ; Khassouni, ; Alaricchiuta, ; Slongo, ; Dpagano, ; Mrutigliano, ; Mcacciatore,
Vibrational Kinetics, Electron Dynamics and Elementary Processes in H2 and D2 Plasmas for Negative Ion Production: Modelling Aspects 1-gen-2006 Mcapitelli, ; Mcacciatore, ; Rceliberto, ; Pascale, Ode; Pdiomede, ; Fesposito, ; Agicquel, ; Cgorse, ; Khassouni, ; Alaricchiuta, ; Slongo, ; Dpagano, ; Mrutigliano,
Vibrational level population of H2 and H2+ in the early Universe 1-gen-2011 C. M. Coppola; S. Longo; M. Capitelli; F. Palla; D. Galli
Vibrational spectra and thermal dehydration of Co2P2O7·6H2O diphosphate 1-gen-2003 Harcharras M.; Ennaciri A.; Capitelli F.; Mattei G.
VIBRATIONAL STATE DEPENDENCE OF AND D ASYMMETRY PARAMETERS FOR THE HOMO PHOTOELECTRON BAND OF METHYLOXIRANE 1-gen-2008 Contini, G; Zema, N; Turchini, S; Catone, D; Prosperi, T; Carravetta, V; Bolognesi, P; Avaldi, L; Feyer, V
Vibrational state dependence of b and D asymmetry parameters for the homo photoelectron band of methyl-oxirane. 1-gen-2008 G. Contini; N. Zema; S. Turchini; D. Catone; T. Prosperi; V. Carravetta; P. Bolognesi; L. Avaldi; V. Feyer
Vibrational state dependence of beta and D asymmetry parameters: The case of the highest occupied molecular orbital photoelectron spectrum of methyl-oxirane 1-gen-2007 Contini, G; Zema, N; Turchini, S; Catone, D; Prosperi, T; Carravetta, V; Bolognesi, P; Avaldi, L; Feyer, V
Vibrational structure of core to Rydberg state excitations of carbon dioxide and dinitrogen oxide 1-gen-1999 C Prince, K; Avaldi, L; Coreno, M; Camilloni, R; DE SIMONE, Monica
Vibrationally excited hydrogen molecules formation on a cesiated surface 1-gen-2018 Rutigliano, Maria; Palma, Amedeo; Sanna, Nico
Vibrationally resolved oxygen K->pi* spectra of O and CO 1-gen-1999 M Coreno a, ; M de Simoneb, ; C, ; Princeb, Kc; Richterb, R; Vondracekb, M; Avaldid, L; Camillonid, R
Vibrationally resolved photoionization of N-2 near threshold 1-gen-2012 O'Keeffe, P; Bolognesi, P; Moise, A; Richter, R; Ovcharenko, Y; Avaldi, L
Vibrationally selected O+-O+ fragmentation of O-2 below the adiabatic double-ionization potential studied via electron-electron coincidence spectroscopy 1-gen-1999 Bolognesi, P; B Thompson, D; Avaldi, L; A MacDonald, M; A Lopes, M C; R Cooper, D; C King, G
Vinylidene dissociation following the Auger-electron decay of inner-shell ionized acetylene 1-gen-2008 Flammini, R; Fainelli, E; Maracci, F; Avaldi, L
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