Istituto di Biofisica - IBF - Sede Secondaria Trento
Photoprotection in the antenna complexes of photosystem II - Role of individual xanthophylls in chlorophyll triplet quenching.
2008 Mozzo, M; Dall'Osto, L; Hienerwadel, ; R, ; Bassi, R; Croce, R
Singlet and triplet state transitions of carotenoids in the antenna complexes of higher-plant photosystem I.
2007 Croce R; Mozzo M; Morosinotto T; Romeo A; Hienerwadel R; Bassi R.
The low-energy forms of photosystem I light-harvesting complexes: spectroscopic properties and pigment-pigment interaction characteristics.
2007 Croce, R; Chojnicka, A; Morosinotto, T; Ihalainen, Ja; van Mourik, F; Dekker, Jp; Bassi, R; van Grondelle, R
Understanding the changes in the circular dichroism of light harvesting complex II upon varying its pigment composition and organization.
2007 Georgakopoulou S; van der Zwan G; Bassi R; van Grondelle R; van Amerongen H; Croce R
LHCI: the antenna complex of Photosystem I in plants and green algae.
2006 Croce, R; T, Morosinotto; R, Bassi
Probing the structure of Lhca3 by mutation analysis.
2006 Mozzo, M; Morosinotto, T; Bassi, R; Croce, R
Diffusion of light-harvesting complex II in the thylakoid membranes.
2005 Consoli E.; Croce R.; Dunlap D.D.; Finzi L.
Excitation decay pathways of Lhca proteins A time resolved fluorescence study.
2005 Ihalainen J.A.; Croce R.; Morosinotto T.; van Stokkum I.H.M.; Bassi R.; Dekker J.P.; van Grondelle R.
Excitation energy transfer pathways in Lhca4
2005 Gibasiewicz, K; Croce, R; Morosinotto, T; Ihalainen, J; van Stokkum, I; Dekker, Jp; Bassi, R; van Grondelle, R
Pigment-Pigment interactions in Lhca4 Antenna complex of Higher Plants
2005 Morosinotto, T; Mozzo, M; Bassi, R; Croce, R
Chlorophyll b to chlorophyll a energy transfer kinetics in the CP29 antenna complex: a comparative femtosecond absorption study between native and reconstituted proteins.
2003 Croce, R; Muller, Mg; Bassi, R; Holzwarth, Ar
Molecular, Genetics and Biophysical aspects of Photosynthesis
2003 Murgia, I; Tarantino, D; Vannini, C; Bracale, M; Carravieri, S; Soave, C Casazza AP; Rossini, S; Croce, R; Soave, C
On the origin of far red fluorescence of Photosystem I.
2003 Morosinotto T.; Breton J.; Bassi R.; Croce R.
On the origin of far red fluorescence of Photosystem I.
2003 Morosinotto T.; Breton J.; Bassi R.; Croce R.
Red spectral forms of Chlorophylls in green plant PSI - A site selective and High pressure Spectroscopy Study
2003 Ihalainen, Ja; Ratsep, M; Jensen, Pe; Scheller, Hv; Croce, R; Bassi, R; Korppitommola, Jei; Freiberg, A
The nature of a chlorophyll ligand in Lhca proteins determines the far red fluorescence emission typical of Photosystem I
2003 Morosinotto T. ; Breton J. ; Bassi R. ;Croce R.
The nature of a chlorophyll ligand in Lhca proteins determines the far red fluorescence emission typical of photosystem I.
2003 Morosinotto T.; Breton J; Bassi R.; Croce R.
The nature of a single aminoacid ligand determines the far red fluorescence typical of Photosystem I
2003 Morosinotto T.; Breton J.; Bassi R.; Croce R.
The photochemical trapping rate from red spectral states in PSI-LHCI is determined by thermal activation of energy transfer to bulk chlorophylls.
2003 Jennings, Rc; Zucchelli, G; Croce, R; Garlaschi, Fm
The recombinant Lhca2 and Lhca3 subunits of the photosystem I antenna system
2003 Castelletti, S; Morosinotto, T; Robert, B; Caffarri, S; Bassi, R; Croce, R