Istituto di Ricerca sulla Crescita Economica Sostenibile - IRCrES - Sede Secondaria Roma
A review of literature on evaluating the scientific, social and political impact of social sciences and humanities research
2018 Emanuela Reale; Dragana Avramov; Kubra Canhial; Claire Donovan; Ramon Flecha; Poul Holm; Charles Larkin; Benedetto Lepori; Judith MosoniFried; Esther Oliver; Emilia Primeri; Lidia Puigvert; Andrea Scharnhorst; Andra s Schubert; Marta Soler; Sandor Soos; Teresa Sorde; Charles Travis;Rene Van Horik
From 'climate science' to 'climate research': interdisciplinarity, taxonomies and 'grand challenges'
2018 Carrozza, Chiara; Primeri, Emilia; Spinello, ANDREA ORAZIO
An analysis of the role and engagement of universities with regard to participation in the Framework Programme
2016 Ciffolilli A.; Colombelli A.; Primeri E.; Reale E.; Scellato G.; Bannò M.; Caviggioli F.; Condello S.; De Marco A.M.; Spinello A.O.; Ughetto E.; Scherngell T.; HellerSchuh B.; Wolleb E.
Career trajectories of PhD graduates in the social sciences and humanities drivers for career moves
2016 Morettini, Lucio; Primeri, Emilia; Reale, Emanuela; Zinilli, Antonio
Approaches to policy and governance in higher education.
2015 Reale, E; Primeri, E
The Transformation of University Institutional and Organizational Boundaries
2015 Reale, E; Primeri, E
Early careers researchers training: the construction and maintenance of academic prestige in changing environments
2014 Emilia Primeri; Emanuela Reale
Evaluation and academic recruitment: new challenges, old practices?
2014 Emilia Primeri
Evaluation through impact: a different viewpoint
2014 Reale E.; Nedeva M.; Thomas D.; Primeri E.
How disciplines react to universities steering: what impact on missions?
2014 Reale Emanuela; Primeri Emilia
Measuring the opening of national R&D programs: what indicators for what purposes?
2014 Primeri, Emilia; Reale, Emanuela; Lepori, Benedetto; Laredo, Philippe; Nedeva, Maria; Thomas, Duncan
Reforming Universities in Italy: Towards a New Paradigm?
2014 Reale, E; Primeri, E
Valutazione e reclutamento accademico: cambiamenti e criticità
2014 Primeri, Emilia
Investments in joint and open programmes and analysis of their economic impact
2013 Reale, E; Lepori, B; Nedeva, M; Thomas, D; Primeri, E; Chassagneux, E; Laredo, P
Measuring opening of national R&D programs: what indicators for what purposes?
2013 Primeri, E; Reale, E; Lepori, B; Laredo, P; Nedeva, M; Thomas, D
Redefining the role of the nation state in the Italian higher education system: quality assurance and evaluation as new instruments for the university governance?
2013 Emilia Primeri; Emanuela Reale
Early careers researchers training: the construction and maintenance of academic prestige in changing environments
2012 Primeri, Emilia; Reale, Emanuela
How Europe Impacts on Academic Research: The Transformative Potential of the European Framework Programmes
2012 Primeri, E; Reale, E
How Europe shapes academic research: insights from participation in European Union Framework Programmes
2012 Primeri E.; Reale E.
New uses of the institutional databases of universities: indicators of research activity
2011 Reale, E; De Filippo, D A; Gómez, I; Lepori, B; Potì, B; Primeri, E; Probst, C; Casado, E S