Istituto di Geoscienze e Georisorse - IGG - Sede Pisa
Al Huwaysah 010: The most reduced brachinite, so far
2023 Carli, C; Barbaro, A; Murri, M; Domeneghetti, Mc; Langone, A; Bruschini, E; Stephant, A; Alvaro, M; Stefani, S; Cuppone, T; Casalini, M; Migliorini, A; Roush, Tl; Pratesi, G
Apatite chemistry in shoshonitic magmas: Insights into the volatile evolution at La Fossa volcano (Vulcano Island, Aeolian Arc, Italy)
2023 Dallara, E; Fulignati, P; Costa, S; Gioncada, A; Langone, A; Pistolesi, M
Crystal plasticity and fluid availability govern the ability of titanite to record the age of deformation
2023 Corvò, S; Maino, M; Piazolo, S; Kylanderclark, Arc; Orlando, A; Seno, S; Langone, A
HTLP metamorphism and fluid-fluxed melting during multistage anatexis of continental crust (N Sardinia, Italy)
2023 Casini, L; Maino, M; Langone, A; Oggiano, G; Corvò, S; Estrada, Jr; Liesa, M
Sb-Au-bearing chalcedonies in hot geothermal systems: insights from the jasperoids of Poggio Peloso (southern Tuscany, Italy)
2023 Gliozzo, E; Brogi, A; Ruggieri, G; Langone, A
Syn-tectonic contact aureole and metasomatic reaction zones in carbonate and pelitic host rocks (Elba Island, Italy)
2023 Zucchi, M; Tursi, F; Brogi, A; Liotta, D; Spiess, R; Caggianelli, A; Ventruti, G; Langone, A
Tectono-metamorphic evolution of a post-variscan mid-crustal shear zone in relation to the Tethyan rifting (Ivrea-Verbano Zone, Southern Alps)
2023 Simonetti, M; Langone, A; Bonazzi, M; Corvo, S; Maino, M
The peridotite-pyroxenite sequence of Rocca d'Argimonia (Ivrea-Verbano Zone, Italy): Evidence for reactive melt flow and slow cooling in the lowermost continental crust
2023 Tribuzio, R; Renna, Mr; Antonicelli, M; Liu, T; Wu, Fy; Langone, A
Trace-element heterogeneity in rutile linked to dislocation structures: Implications for Zr-in-rutile geothermometry
2023 Verberne, R; van Schrojenstein Lantman, Hw; Reddy, Sm; Alvaro, M; Wallis, D; Fougerouse, D; Langone, A; Saxey, Dw; Rickard, Wda
Crustal Contamination and Hybridization of an Embryonic Oceanic Crust during the Red Sea Rifting (Tihama Asir Igneous Complex, Saudi Arabia)
2022 Basch, V; Sanfilippo, A; Vigliotti, L; Langone, A; Rasul, N; Khorsheed, M; Al Nomani, S; Al Qutub, A; Ligi, M
Filling the Bearpaw gap: Evidence for palaeoenvironment-driven taxon distribution in a diverse, non-marine ecosystem from the late Campanian of west-Central Alberta, Canada
2022 Fanti, F; Bell, Pr; Vavrek, M; Larson, D; Koppelhus, E; Sissons, Rl; Langone, A; Campione, N E; Sullivan, C
Growth rate rather than temperature affects the B/Ca ratio in the calcareous red alga Lithothamnion corallioides
2022 Piazza, G; Bracchi, Va; Langone, A; Meroni, An; Basso, D
Reply to Mazzarini et al. comment on 'Unveiling ductile deformation during fast exhumation of a granitic pluton in a transfer zone'
2022 Spiess, R; Langone, A; Caggianelli, A; Stuart, Fm; Zucchi, M; Bianco, C; Brogi, A; Liotta, D
Role of inherited compositional and structural heterogeneity in shear zone development at mid-low levels of the continental crust (the Anzola shear zone; Ivrea-Verbano Zone, Southern Alps)
2022 Corvo, S; Maino, M; Piazolo, S; Seno, S; Langone, A
The influence of oxygen fugacity and chlorine on amphibole-liquid trace element partitioning at upper-mantle conditions
2022 Cannao', E; Tiepolo, M; Borghini, G; Langone, A; Fumagalli, P
An attractive blue diopside from Sissone Valley, western Alps, Italy
2021 Caucia, F; Scacchetti, M; Marinoni, L; Gilio, M; Langone, A; Bartoli, O; Vanotti, M; Foianini, I
Local variations of metamorphic record from compositionally heterogeneous rocks (Cima di Gagnone, Central Alps): Inferences on exhumation processes of (U)HP-HT rocks
2021 Corvò S.; Maino M.; Langone A.; Schenker F.L.; Piazolo S.; Casini L.; Seno S.;
Mapping tectono-metamorphic discontinuities in orogenic belts: implications for mid-crust exhumation in NW Himalaya
2021 Benetti B.; Montomoli C.; Iaccarino S.; Langone A.; Carosi R.
New geochemical and Sr-Nd isotopic data on medieval plant ash-based glass: The glass collection from San Lorenzo in Carmignano (12th-14th centuries AD, Italy)
2021 Gliozzo E.; Braschi E.; Langone A.; Ignelzi A.; Favia P.; Giuliani R.
The Bajgan Complex revealed as a Cretaceous ophiolite-bearing subduction complex: A key to unravel the geodynamics of Makran (southeast Iran)
2021 Pandolfi L.; Barbero E.; Marroni M.; Delavari M.; Dolati A.; Di Rosa M.; Frassi C.; Langone A.; Farina F.; MacDonald C.S.; Saccani E.