Istituto Motori - IM - Sede Napoli (attivo dal 18/11/1923 al 31/12/2023)
Studio del sistema di monitoraggio continuo delle emissioni
2011 Borghese, Antonio; Prati, MARIA VITTORIA; Mariani, Antonio; Bosella, Sabrina
Photoionisation and structures of jet-formed toluene clusters
2010 Di Palma, Tm; Bende, A; Borghese, A
Mass spectrometry of toluene clusters using a laser produced plasma for tunable single photon ionization
2009 Di Palma, Tm; Borghese, A
Optical soundings of cars exhaust and urban atmosphere with laser-plasma light and open-path spectrophotometry
2009 Borghese, A; Speranza, L
Tunable single-photon ionization TOF mass spectrometry using laser-produced plasma as the table-top VUV light source
2009 Di Palma T.M.; Prati M.V.; Borghese A.;
Coagulation of organic carbon nanoparticles in exhaust conditions
2008 Lanzuolo, G; Sgro, La; Filippo, Ad; Barone, Ac; Borghese, A; D'Alessio, A
Measurements of Nanoparticles of Organic Carbon and Soot in Flames and Vehicle Exhausts
2008 A Sgro, Lee; Borghese, Antonio; Speranza, Luciano; C Barone, Alberto; Minutolo, Patrizia; Bruno, Annalisa; D'Anna, Andrea; D'Alessio, Antonio
Characterization of a UV VUV light source based on a gas-target ns-laser-produced plasma
2007 Di Palma T.M.; Borghese A.;
Evaluation of the lifetime of nanoparticles of organic carbon (NOC) from measured and predicted size distributions near roadways
2007 Lanzuolo G.; Sgro L.A.; Barone A.C.; D'Alessio A.; Borghese A. ; De Filippo A.
Laser-plasma-based vacuum-ultraviolet light source for tunable single-photon ionization
Combustion-generated nanoparticles of organic carbon in flames and engine exhausts
2005 D'Alessio A. ; D'Anna A. ; Barone A.C. ; Borghese A. ; Speranza L. ; Minutolo P.
In-situ determination of particle size distribution in flames and at the exhausts of Diesel and gasoline engines
2005 D'Anna A.; D'Alessio A.; Barone A.C.; Lanzuolo G.; Minutolo P.; Borghese A.
Detection of combustion formed nanoparticles
2003 Sgro, La; Basile, G; Barone, Ac; D'Anna, A; Munitolo, P; Borghese, A; D'Alessio, A
Nano-sized organic carbon emissions of an in-use vehicle powered with a 'Common Rail' Diesel engine.
2003 Borghese A. ; Prati M.V. ; Sgro L.A.; Minutolo P.
Aspetti ambientali della combustione stazionaria
2002 Beretta F.; Borghese A. ; Cascio G.; D'Alessio A.; Pini A.
Ultraviolet light absorption in flames, engine exhausts and urban atmosphere
2002 Borghese A. ; Basile G.; D'Alessio A.
analysis of exhausts emitted by engines and stationary burners, by means of u.v. - visible extinction and fluorescence spectroscopy
2001 S.S. Merola; G. Gambi; C. Allouis; F. Beretta; A. Borghese; A D'Alessio
Analysis of exhausts emitted by i.c. engines and stationary burners, by means of u.v. extinction and fluorescence spectroscopy
2001 Merola S.S. ; Gambi G. ; Allouis C. ; Beretta F. ; Borghese A. ; D'Alessio A.
Spectrophotometry of fine aerosols emitted by internal combustion engines
2000 Borghese A.
Ultraviolet absorption and fluorescence measurements in turbulent spray flames
2000 Allouis; A. D'Alessio; F. Beretta; A. Borghese