Istituto di Scienze del Patrimonio Culturale - ISPC - Sede Secondaria Lecce
The Use of Lightweight Aggregates in Geopolymeric Mortars: The Effect of Liquid Absorption on the Physical/Mechanical Properties of the Mortar
2024 Vasanelli, E.; Calò, S.; Cascardi, A.; Aiello, M. A.
DRMS for the mechanical characterization of lime mortars: Influence of user-controlled variables on the correlations between UCS and drilling results
2023 Vasanelli, E; Quarta, G
The Acait of Tricase (LE, Apulia, Italy): an agricultural cooperative for tobacco production. Surveys and conservation status
2023 Calia, A; Ferrari, I; Giuri, F; Monte, A; Quarta, G; Vasanelli, E
New insights into the use of drilling test for the characterization of soft lime mortars
2022 Vasanelli, E; Calia, A; Masieri, M; Quarta, G
The use of drilling test to investigate the salt distribution in air lime mortars
2022 Vasanelli, E; Di Fusco, G; Quarta, G; Calia, A
Evaluation of Concrete Strength by Combined NDT Techniques: Practice, Possibilities and Recommendations
2021 Sbartaï, Zm; Luprano, Vam; Vasanelli, E
High temperature effects on the properties of a high porosity calcareous stone building material
2021 Vasanelli, E; Quarta, G; Masieri, M; Calia, A
How Investigators Can Answer More Complex Questions About Assess Concrete Strength and Lessons to Draw from a Benchmark
2021 Breysse D.; Romão X.; Goncalves A.; Alwash M.; Balayssac J.P.; Biondi S.; Candigliota Elena; Chiauzzi L.; Corbett D.; Garnier V.; Grantham M.; Gunes O.; Luprano Vincenza A. M.; Masi A.; Moczko A.; Pfister Valerio; Szilagyi K.; Monteiro Valente A.; Vasanelli E.
Identification and Processing of Outliers
2021 Romão X.; Vasanelli E.
Identification of Test Regions and Choice of Conversion Models
2021 Balayssac J.P.; Vasanelli E.; Luprano V.A.M.; Kenai S.; Romão X.; Chiauzzi L.; Masi A.; Sbartaï Z.M.
In-Situ Strength Assessment of Concrete: Detailed Guidelines
2021 Breysse D; Balayssac; J P; Alwash M; Biondi S; Chiauzzi L; Corbett D; Garnier V; Gonçalves A; Grantham M; Gunes O; Kenaï S; Luprano V; Masi A; Moczko A; Qasrawi H Y; Romão X; Sbartaï Z; Monteiro; A V; Vasanelli; E
2021 Capasso, F. E.; Giandomenico, M.; Muca, S.; Gaetani, M. C.; Iafrate, S.; Bartolini, M.; Santamaria, U.; Calia, A.; Vasanelli, E.; Melica, D.
The effects of an historical fire on a porous calcarenite from an industrial-archaeological building in the south of Italy
2021 Vasanelli, E; Quarta, G; Micelli, F; Calia, A
A non destructive testing method for masonry by using UPV and cross validation procedure
2020 Vasanelli, E; Micelli, F; Colangiuli, D; Calia, A; Aiello, Ma
Effect of fire on the durability of a porous calcarenite: the case study of a tobacco factory in Tricase (Lecce, Southern Italy)
2020 Vasanelli, E; Calia, A; Quarta, G; Melica, D; Masieri, M; Monte, A; Micelli, F
Effects of Short Fibers on the Long-Term Behavior of RC/FRC Beams Aged under Service Loading
2019 Micelli, F; Candido, L; Vasanelli, E; Aiello, Ma; Plizzari, G
Stone consolidation with SiO2 nanoparticles: Effects on a high porosity limestone
2019 Vasanelli, E; Calia, A; Masieri, M; Baldi, G
Effect of ageing by salt crystallization on a calcarenitic stone consolidated with nano-SiO2
2018 Vasanelli, E; Calia, A; Masieri, M; Baldi, G
Combining non-invasive techniques for reliable prediction of soft stone strength in historic masonries
2017 Vasanelli, Emilia; Colangiuli, Donato; Calia, Angela; Sbartaï Zoubir, Mehdi; Breysse, Denys
Estimating in situ concrete strength combining direct and indirect measures via cross validation procedure
2017 Vasanelli, E; Colangiuli, D; Calia, A; Luprano, Vam