VIROLOGIA VEGETALE (attivo dal 18/11/1923 al 31/12/2021)
Role of the major antigenic membrane protein in phytoplasma transmission by two insect vector species
2015 Rashidi M.; Galetto L.; Bosco D.; Bulgarelli A.; Vallino M.; Veratti F.; Marzachì C.
Acquisition capability of the grapevine Flavescence dorée by the leafhopper vector Scaphoideus titanus Ball correlates with phytoplasma titre in the source plant
2014 Galetto, L; Miliordos, D; Roggia, C; Rashidi, M; Sacco, D; Marzachì, C; Bosco, D
Interactive transmission of two phytoplasmas in the vector inset. Accepted for Annals of Applied Biology
2014 Rashidi, M; D'Amelio, R; Galetto, L; Marzachì, C; Bosco, D
In vivo assays to test the role of phytoplasma membrane proteins on vector acquisition and transmission capabilities
2013 Rashidi M.; Galetto L.; Bulgarelli A.; Veratti F.; Bosco D.; Marzachì C.
Overtime expression of selected chrysanthemum yellows phytoplasma genes during infection of plant and leafhopper vectors
2013 Galetto, L; Pacifico, D; Abbà, S; Bertin, S; Palmano, S; Rashidi, M; Bosco, D; Firrao, G; Marzachì, C
Risultati preliminari sull'espressione genica del fitoplasma del giallume della margherita nella pianta e nell'insetto vettore
2013 Pacifico, D; Galetto, L; Abbà, S; Bertin, S; Palmano, S; Rashidi, M; Bosco, D; Firrao, G; Marzachì, C
The antigenic membrane protein Amp of chrysanthemum yellows phytoplasma is involved in transmission by leafhopper vectors
2013 Rashidi M.; Galetto L.; Bulgarelli A.; Veratti F.; Bosco D.; Marzachì C.
Trasmissione dei fitoplasmi mediante insetti vettori: metodi per lo studio in vivo del ruolo delle proteine di memebrana di chrysanthemum yellows phytoplasma
2013 Rashidi M.; Galetto L.; Marzachì C.; Bosco D.
Cytoskeleton proteins of the insect vector are involved in phytoplasma infection
2012 Galetto L.; Rashidi M.; Bosco D.; Marzachì C.
Dissecting the effects of fusion phytoplasma membrane proteins on vector acquisition and transmission capabilities
2012 Rashidi M.; Galetto L.; Veratti F.; Bosco D.; Marzachi C.
Expression of 'Candidatus Phytoplasma asteris' genes during Arabidopsis thaliana infection
2012 Pacifico, D; Palmano, S; Firrao, G; Rashidi, M; Bertin, S; Marzachì, C