Istituto per la Protezione Sostenibile delle Piante - IPSP - Sede Secondaria Sesto Fiorentino (FI)
85 years counteracting an invasion: chestnut ecosystems and landscapes survival against ink disease
2024 Marzocchi, G.; Maresi, G.; Luchi, N.; Pecori, F.; Gionni, A.; Longa, C. M. O.; Pezzi, G.; Ferretti, Fabrizio
Next-generation methods for early disease detection in crops
2024 Trippa, Daniela; Scalenghe, Riccardo; Basso Marcos, Fernando; Panno, Stefano; Davino, Salvatore; Morone, Chiara; Giovino, Antonio; Oufensou, Safa; Luchi, Nicola; Yousefi, Sanaz; Martinelli, Federico
Duplex real-time PCR assay for the simultaneous detection of Ophiostoma novo-ulmi and Geosmithia spp. in elm wood and insect vectors
2023 Pepori, Al; Luchi, N; Pecori, F; Santini, A
Phytophthora spp. diversity in commercial nursery stocks shown through examination of plant health practices for growers and traders of ornamental plants
2023 Migliorini, D; Pecori, F; Arati, G; Luchi, N; Begliomini, E; Gnesini, A; Ghelardini, L; Santini, A
Real-Time Portable LAMP Assay for a Rapid Detection of *Xylella fastidiosa* In-Field
2023 Luchi, N; Migliorini, D; Pecori, F; Santini, A
Specificity and Sensitivity of a Rapid LAMP Assay for Early Detection of Emerald Ash Borer (Agrilus planipennis) in Europe
2023 Peterson, Dl; Kyle, K; Sallé, A; Pecori, F; Migliorini, D; Santini, A; Luchi, N; Cleary, M
A Rapid Method for Extracting High-Quality DNA from Soils
2022 Vettraino, Am; Luchi, N
DNA Extraction Methods to Obtain High DNA Quality from Different Plant Tissues
2022 Rizzo, D; Da Lio, D; Bartolini, L; Francia, C; Aronadio, A; Luchi, N; Campigli, S; Marchi, G; Rossi, E
Expansion of Ash Dieback towards the scattered Fraxinus excelsior range of the Italian peninsula
2022 Migliorini, D; Pepori, Al; Luchi, N; Nigrone, E; Pecori, F; Santini, A
Globalization, invasive forest pathogen species, and forest tree health
2022 Luisa Ghelardini; Alberto Santini;Nicola Luchi
Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification (LAMP) and SYBR Green qPCR for Fast and Reliable Detection of Geosmithia morbida (Kolarik) in Infected Walnut
2022 Rizzo, D; Aglietti, C; Benigno, A; Bracalini, M; Da Lio, D; Bartolini, L; Cappellini, G; Aronadio, A; Francia, C; Luchi, N; Santini, A; Cacciola, So; Panzavolta, T; Moricca, S
Plant Pathology - Methods and Protocols
2022 Luchi, Nicola
Plant Sampling for Production of Essential Oil and Evaluation of Its Antimicrobial Activity In Vitro
2022 Menicucci, F; Palagano, E; Raio, A; Cencetti, G; Luchi, N; Ienco, A; Michelozzi, M
Development of a loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) assay for the identification of the invasive wood borer Aromia bungii (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) from frass
2021 Rizzo, D; Luchi, N; Da Lio, D; Bartolini, L; Nugnes, F; Cappellini, G; Bruscoli, T; Salemi, C; Griffo, Rv; Garonna, Ap; Rossi, E
First report of Erwinia amylovora in Tuscany, Italy
2021 Migliorini, D; Pecori, F; Raio, A; Luchi, N; Rizzo, D; Campani, C; Neri, L; Santini, A
Rapid detection of pityophthorus juglandis (Blackman) (coleoptera, curculionidae) with the loop-mediated isothermal amplification (lamp) method
2021 Rizzo, D; Moricca, S; Bracalini, M; Benigno, A; Bernardo, U; Luchi, N; Da Lio, D; Nugnes, F; Cappellini, G; Salemi, C; Cacciola, So; Panzavolta, T
Rapid diagnostics for Gnomoniopsis smithogilvyi (syn. Gnomoniopsis castaneae) in chestnut nuts: new challenges by using LAMP and real-time PCR methods
2021 Vettraino, Am; Luchi, N; Rizzo, D; Pepori, Al; Pecori, F; Santini, A
Caliciopsis moriondi, a new species for a fungus long confused with the pine pathogen C. pinea
2020 Migliorini, D; Luchi, N; Pepori, Al; Pecori, F; Aglietti, C; Maccioni, F; Munck, I; Wyka, S; Broders, K; Wingfield, Mj; Santini, A
Early Detection of Fungal Plant Pathogens by Real-Time Quantitative PCR: The Case of Diplodia sapinea on Pine
2020 Luchi, N; Santini, A; Salvianti, F; Pinzani, P
Fast and reliable molecular methods to detect fungal pathogens in woody plants
2020 Luchi, N; Ioos, R; Santini, A