Note Illustrative della Carta geologica d'Italia alla scala 1:50.000, F. 320 Castel del Piano, Servizio Geologico d'Italia - ISPRA - Capitolo XIV - La Carta geologico-tecnica per la microzonazione sismica
2024 Benvenuti, M. G.; Cioni, R.; Conticelli, S.; Francalanci, L.; Lavorini, G.; Marroni, M.; Pandolfi, L.; Catanzariti, R.; Magi, F.; Vaselli, O.; Avanzinelli, R.; Casalini, M.; Laurenzi, M. A.; Del Soldato, M.; Moretti, S.; Frassi, C.; Arias, A.; Ciurli, G.; Costantino, N.; Felici, F.; Giorgi, N.; Giudetti, G.; Fanti, R.; Cosentino, G.; Mendicelli, A.; Moscatelli, M.; Porchia, A.; Rook, L.; Tommasini, S.; Paternostro, S.; Valeriani, L.; Dini, A.; Capezzuoli, E.; Peronace, E.; Ripepe, M.; Sepúlveda-Birke, J. P.; Moratti, G.
Servizio Geologico d'Italia. (2024). Carta Geologica d'Italia alla scala 1:50.000, F. 320 Castel del Piano
2024 Conticelli, S.; Benvenuti, M.; Moratti, G.; Cioni, R.; Francalanci, L.; Marroni, M.; Pandolfi, L.; Avanzinelli, R.; Casalini, M.; Catanzariti, R.; Laurenzi, M. A.; Paternostro, S.; Tommasini, S.; Masetti, G.; Cavallina, C.; Cosentino, G.; Ellero, A.; Abebe, T.; Consani, V.; Di Luca, M.; Frassi, C.; Giorgi, N.; La Pira, C.; Levi, N.; Loprieno, A.; Sepulveda-Birke, J. P.; Tanini, C.; Valeriani, L.
High-Precision in Situ 87Sr/86Sr Analyses through Microsampling on Solid Samples: Applications to Earth and Life Sciences
2018 Di Salvo, S; Braschi, E; Casalini, M; Marchionni, S; Adani, T; Ulivi, M; Orlando, A; Tommasini, S; Avanzinelli, R; Mazza, Ppa; Conticelli, S; Francalanci, L
Rapid mixing and short storage timescale in the magma dynamics of a steady-state volcano
2018 Petrone, C; Braschi, E; Francalanci, L; Casalini, M; Tommasini, S
Unraveling the hidden origin and migration of plagioclase phenocrysts by in situ Sr isotopes: The case of final dome activity at Nisyros volcano,...
2014 Braschi E.; Francalanci L.; Tommasini S.; Vougioukalakis G.E.
Inverse differentiation pathway by multiple mafic magma refilling in the last magmatic activity of Nisyros Volcano, Greece
2012 Braschi, Eleonora; Francalanci, Lorella; Vougioukalakis Georges, E
Petrochemical contributions to the under standing of geolgoy and volcano behaviour of Stromboli.
2010 Francalanci, L; Braschi, E; Macaluso, M
Highly Sr radiogenic tholeiitic magmas in the latest inter-Plinian acitivity of Santorini volcano, Greece.
2009 Vaggelli, G; Pellegrini, M; Vougioukalakis, G; Innocenti, S; Francalanci, L
A west-east geochemical and isotopic traverse along the volcanism of the Aeolian Island arc, southern Thyrrhenian sea, Italy: Inferences on mantle source processes.
2007 Francalanci L.; Avanzinelli R.; Tommasini S.; Heuman A.
Discussion. Is there a compositional gap at Nysiros volcano? A comment on: Magma generation at the eastern section of the Hellenic arc: Hf, Nd, Pb, and Sr isotope geochemistry of Nisyros and Yali volcanoes (Greece).
2007 Francalanci L.; Varekamp J.C.; Vougioukalakis G.E.; Innocenti F.; Manetti P.
Petrology and volcanology of Kimolos and Polyegos volcanoes within the context of the south Aegean arc, Greece.
2007 Francalanci, L; Vougioukalakis, Ge; Fytikas, M
Textural effects of steady state behaviour of the Stromboli feeding system.
2007 Armienti, P; Francalanci, L; Landi, P
An integrated structural and petrochemical approach to unravel dyke injection conditions and volcano flank instability at Stromboli (Italy).
2006 Corazzato, C; Menna, M; Tibaldi, A; Renzulli, A; Francalanci, L; Petrone, Cm; Vezzoli, L Acocella V
Mineral chemistry profile: a valuable approach to unravel magma mixing processes in the recent volcanic activity of Stromboli, Italy.
2006 Petrone, Cm; Olmi, F; Braschi, E; Francalanci, L
The December 2002-2003 effusive event at Stromboli volcano, Italy: Insights into the shallow plumbing system by petrochemical studies.
2006 Landi, P; Francalanci, L; Pompilio, M; Rosi, M; Corsaro, Ra; Petrone, Cm; Nardini, I; Miraglia, L
The occurrence of forsterite and highly oxidizing conditions in basaltic lavas from Stromboli volcano, Italy.
2006 Cortes, Ja; Wilson, M; Condliffe, E; Francalanci, L
The San Pedro-Cerro Grande volcanic complex (Nayarit, Mexico): Inferences on volcanology and magma evolution.
2006 Petrone C.M.; Francalanci L.; Ferrari L.; Schaaf P.; Conticelli S.
Timescale of magmatic processes by in-situ Sr-isotope data in the present-day activity of Stromboli, Italy.
2006 Francalanci, L; Nardini, I; Tiepolo, M; Chertkoff, Dg; Morgan, Dj; Avanzinelli, R; Davidson, Jp
2002-2003 Stromboli crisis: micro-scale variations recording macro-scale processes.
2005 Nardini I.; Francalanci L.; Tiepolo M.; Vannucci R.; Chertkoff G.D.; Davidson J.P.
A west-east traverse along the magmatism of the south Aegean volcanic arc in the ligh of volcanological, chemical and isotope data.
2005 Francalanci L.; Vougiokalakis G.E.; Perini G.; Manetti P.