Istituto per i Sistemi Agricoli e Forestali del Mediterraneo - ISAFOM - Sede Secondaria Catania
A Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Framework for Zero Emission Vehicle Fleet Renewal Considering Lifecycle and Scenario Uncertainty
2024 Aiello, Giuseppe; Quaranta, Salvatore; Inguanta, Rosalinda; Certa, Antonella; Venticinque, Mario
A Fog Computing Monitoring System For Fused Visible And Infrared Imagery with an application to building preservation
2023 Giuseppe Aiello; Slavatore Quaranta; Maria Giuseppina Bruno; Giulia Marcon; Islam Asem Salah Abusohyon; Mario Venticinque
Mutli-Objectve performance assessment of vehicles for logistic operations: methodology and case study
2023 Quaranta, Salvatore; Aiello, Giuseppe; Inguanta, Rosalinda; Bonafede, Francesco; Asem Salah Abusohyon, Islam; Venticinque, Mario
Worker safety in agriculture 4.0: A new approach for mapping operator's vibration risk through Machine Learning activity recognition
2022 Aiello, G; Catania, P; Vallone, M; Venticinque, M
Energy consumption model of aerial urban logistic infrastructures
2021 Aiello, G; Inguanta, R; D'Angelo, G; Venticinque, M
Finding the Proper Mental Stress Model Depending on Context using Edge Devices and Machine Learning
2021 Faro, Alberto; Giordano, Daniela; Venticinque, Mario
Internetworked wrist sensing devices for pervasive and M-Connected Eldercare
2021 Faro, A; Giordano, D; Venticinque, M
The Last Mile of M-Connected-Healthcare in the Covid Age: Data Sharing at Large Scale
2021 Faro, Alberto; Giordano, Daniela; Venticinque, Mario
Wireless Programmable Body Sensor Networks and Situated Healthcare
2021 Faro A.; Giordano D.; Venticinque M.
Bioactive compounds in pollen of Cynara cardunculus var. altilis: first results
2020 Genovese, C; Leonardi, C; Arlotta, C; Venticinque, M; Toscano, V; Raccuia, SALVATORE ANTONINO
Chemical characterization of Sicilian commercial cardoon honeys
2020 Genovese, C; Arlotta, C; Venticinque, M; Calderaro, P; Raccuia, SALVATORE ANTONINO
Deploying Wifi, RF and BLE sensors for pervasive monitoring and control
2020 Faro, Alberto; Giordano, Daniela; Venticinque, Mario
Edge Devices Internetworking to Pervasive Monitor and Control People in the Covid Age
2020 Faro, Alberto; Giordano, Daniela; Venticinque, Mario
ESP32 based edge devices to bridge smart devices to MQTT broker for healthcare purposes in the COVID scenario
2020 Faro, Alberto; Giordano, Daniela; Venticinque, Mario
Production of cardoon (Cynara cardunculus L. var. altilis) sprouts with high nutraceutical value: first results
2020 Toscano, V.; Genovese, C.; Putrino, A.; Puglia, G. D.; Venticinque, M.; Raccuia, S. A.
The Employment of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for Analyzing and Mitigating Disaster Risks in Industrial Sites
2020 Aiello, Giuseppe; Hopps, Fabrizio; Santisi, Domenico; Venticinque, Mario
Drone based inspection services in industrial contexts: Risk assessment and market opportunities
2018 Aiello, G; Hopps, F; Venticinque, M; Santisi, ; D,
Automatic distributor for juices extracted from fresh fruit
2016 Torrisi, Salvatore; Anonymous; Venticinque, Mario
Automatic distributor for juices extracted from fresh fruit
2016 Torrisi, Salvatore; Anonymous, ; Venticinque, Mario
Evaluation of cardoon seeds presscake for animal feeding
2016 Genovese, C; Platania, C; Venticinque, M; Calderaro, P; Argento, S; Scandurra, S; Raccuia, SALVATORE ANTONINO