2022 Barnabei, Massimo; Borri, Alessandro; De Gaetano, Andrea; Manes, Costanzo; Palumbo, Pasquale; Pires, Jorge Guerra
Noise Propagation in Chemical Reaction Networks: Analysis of a Molecular Subtractor Module
2019 Cosentino, Carlo; Manes, Costanzo; Palombo, Giovanni; Palumbo, Pasquale
Sampled-data observer-based glucose control for the artificial pancreas
2017 Borri A.; Palumbo P.; Manes C.; Panunzi S.; De Gaetano A.
Preliminary results on glucose control with sampled information
2016 Borri, A; Panunzi, S; Palumbo, P; Manes, C; DE GAETANO, Andrea
Whi5 phosphorylation embedded in the G1/S network dynamically controls critical cell size and cell fate
2016 Palumbo, Pasquale; Vanoni, Marco; Cusimano, Valerio; Busti, Stefano; Marano, Francesca; Manes, Costanzo; Alberghina, Lilia
A chain approach for state observation of a class of MIMO nonlinear systems with time-varying output delays
2013 Cacace, F; Germani, A; Manes, C
An incremental least squares algorithm for large scale linear classification
2013 Cassioli, A.; Chiavaioli, A.; Manes, C.; Sciandrone, M.
Partial Spectrum Assignment for Systems with Delayed State Feedback
2013 Cacace, F; Germani, A; Manes, C
Stable Internally Positive Representations of Continuous Time Systems
2013 Cacace, F; Germani, A; Manes, C
A New Approach to the Internal Positive Representation of Linear MIMO Systems
2012 Cacace, F.; Germani, A.; Manes, C.; Setola, R.
An Exponential Observer with Delay-Dependent Gain for a Class of Nonlinear Systems with Time-Varying Measurement Delay
2012 Cacace, F; Germani, A; Manes, C
Internally Positive Representation of a Class of Continuous Time Systems
2012 Cacace, F.; Farina, L.; Germani, A.; Manes, C.
Observer-based stabilizing control for a class of nonlinear retarded systems
2012 Germani, A; Manes, C; Pepe, P
Two Families of Semiglobal State Observers for Analytic Discrete-Time Systems
2012 Germani, A; Manes, C
The Roots of Unity and a Direct Method for the Computation of Stable Internal Positive Representations of Linear Systems
2011 Cacace, F.; Germani, A.; Manes, C.
State estimation of stochastic systems with switching measurements: a polynomial approach
2009 Germani, A; Manes, C; Palumbo, P
Comparative Study of Unscented Kalman Filter and Extended Kalman Filter for Position/Attitude Estimation in Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
2008 Fiorenzani, T; Manes, C; Oriolo, G; Peliti, P
Mobile robot localization based on a polynomial approach
2007 Manes, C.; Martinelli, A.; Martinelli, F.; Palumbo, P.
Simultaneous system identification and channel estimation: a hybrid system approach
2007 Germani, A; Manes, C; Palumbo, P
State space representation of a class of MIMO systems via combination of positive systems
2007 Germani, A; Manes, C; Palumbo, P