Istituto di Ricerca Sulle Acque - IRSA - Sede Secondaria Brugherio
Assessing sustainability of agriculture through water footprint analysis and in-stream monitoring activities
2018 D'Ambrosio, Ersilia; DE GIROLAMO, ANNA MARIA; Rulli Maria, Cristina
Coupling the water footprint accounting of crops and in-stream monitoring activities at the catchment scale
2018 D'Ambrosio, Ersilia; DE GIROLAMO, ANNA MARIA; Cristina Rulli, Maria
Antropogenic input of nitrogen and riverine export from a Mediterranean catchment. The Celone, a temporary river case study
2017 De Girolamo A.M.; Balestrini R.; D'Ambrosio E.; Pappagallo G.; Soana E.; Lo Porto A.
Nitrate concentrations and source identification in a Mediterranean river system
2017 de Girolamo, Am; D'Ambrosio, E; Pappagallo, G; Rulli, Mc; Lo Porto, A
Characterising the hydrological regime of an ungauged temporary river system: a case study
2016 D'Ambrosio, Ersilia; D'Ambrosio, Ersilia; de Girolamo, Anna Maria; Barca, Emanuele; Ielpo, Pierina; Ielpo, Pierina; Rulli, Maria Cristina
Analysing hydrological regime of a river network in a Mediterranean basin using multivariate analysis
2014 E. D'Ambrosio; A.M. De Girolamo; A. Lo Porto; G. Pappagallo; M.C. Rulli
Impatto delle attività antropiche su un fiume temporaneo. Il torrente Celone (Puglia) Impact of anthropogenic activities on a temporary river. The Celone River (Puglia, Italy)
2014 DE GIROLAMO, ANNA MARIA; Calabrese, Angelantonio; Pappagallo, Giuseppe; D'Ambrosio, Ersilia; LO PORTO, Antonio