Istituto di Scienza e Tecnologie dell'Informazione "Alessandro Faedo" - ISTI
Numerical modelling of historical masonry structures with the finite element code NOSA-ITACA
2023 Girardi, M; Padovani, C; Pellegrini, D; Porcelli, M; Robol, L
Implicit reward structures for implicit reliability models
2022 Masetti, G; Robol, L; Chiaradonna, S; Di Giandomenico, F
Random bad state estimator to address false data injection in critical infrastructures
2022 Masetti, G; Chiaradonna, S; Robol, L; Di Giandomenico, F
Structured backward errors in linearizations
2021 Noferini, V.; Robol, L.; Vandebril, R.
A finite element model updating method based on global optimization
2020 Girardi, M; Padovani, C; Pellegrini, D; Robol, L
Computing performability measures in Markov chains by means of matrix functions
2020 Masetti, G; Robol, L
FE model updating of masonry towers: modeling and numerical issues
2020 Azzara, Rm; Girardi, M; Padovani, C; Pellegrini, D; Robol, L
Hm-toolbox: Matlab software for hodlr and HSS matrices
2020 Massei S.; Robol L.; Kressner D.
Rational Krylov and ADI iteration for infinite size quasi-Toeplitz matrix equations
2020 Robol, L
Factoring block Fiedler Companion Matrices
2019 Del Corso G. M.; Poloni F.; Robol L.; Vandebril R.
Fast and backward stable computation of the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of matrix polynomials
2019 Aurentz J.; Mach T.; Robol L.; Vandebril R.; Watkins D. S.
Fast solvers for two-dimensional fractional diffusion equations using rank structured matrices
2019 Massei, S; Mazza, M; Robol, L
FE model updating of the Matilde donjon in Livorno
2019 Azzara, Rm; Girardi, M; Padovani, C; Pellegrini, D; Robol, L
FE model updating: sensitivity, reliability and regularization issues
2019 Girardi M.; Padovani C.; Pellegrini D.; Robol L.
Finite element model updating for structural applications
2019 Girardi M.; Padovani C.; Pellegrini D.; Porcelli M.; Robol L.
ISTI Young Researcher Award "Matteo Dellepiane" - Edition 2019
2019 Barsocchi, P; Candela, L; Crivello, A; Esuli, A; Ferrari, A; Girardi, M; Guidotti, R; Lonetti, F; Malomo, L; Moroni, D; Nardini, Fm; Pappalardo, L; Rinzivillo, S; Rossetti, G; Robol, L
Low-rank updates and a divide-and-conquer method for linear matrix equations
2019 Kressner, D; Massei, S; Robol, L
Model updating procedure to enhance structural analysis in FE Code NOSA-ITACA
2019 Girardi, M; Padovani, C; Pellegrini, D; Robol, L
MOSCARDO - Tecnologie ICT per il MOnitoraggio Strutturale di Costruzioni Antiche basato su Reti di sensori wireless e DrOni [MMS Lab, Rapporto tecnico n. 2]
2019 Girardi M.; Padovani C.; Pellegrini D.; Robol L.
Nonlinear FE model updating for masonry constructions via linear perturbation and modal analysis
2019 Girardi, M.; Padovani, C.; Pellegrini, D.; Robol, L.