Istituto di Scienze e Tecnologie della Cognizione - ISTC
Available and unavailable decoys in capuchin monkeys (Sapajus spp.) decision-making
2024 Marini, M.; Colaiuda, E.; Gastaldi, S.; Addessi, E.; Paglieri, F.
Effects of Robot’s Adaptive Autonomy on Users Experience in a Museum Scenario
2024 Cantucci, F.; Marini, M.; Falcone, R.
Facial impression of trustworthiness biases statement credibility unless suppressed by facemask
2024 Marini, M.; Paglieri, F.; Ansani, A.; Caruana, F.; Viola, M.
Real is the new sexy: the influence of perceived realness on self-reported arousal to sexual visual stimuli
2024 Marini, M.; Ansani, A.; Demichelis, A.; Mancini, G.; Paglieri, F.; Viola, M.
Redefining User Expectations: The Impact of Adjustable Social Autonomy in Human–Robot Interaction
2024 Cantucci, F.; Falcone, R.; Marini, M.
Context-effect bias in capuchin monkeys (Sapajus spp.): exploring decoy influences in a value-based food choice task
2023 Marini, Marco; Boschetti, Chiara; Gastaldi, Serena; Addessi, Elsa; Paglieri, Fabio
I Want To Be Safe: Understanding The Main Drivers Behind Vaccination Choice Throughout The Pandemic
2023 Marini, M.; Demichelis, A.; Menicagli, D.; Mancini, G.; Panizza, F.; Bilancini, E.; Cevolani, G.
Recognition memory in movie scenes: the soundtrack induces mood-coherent bias, but not through mood induction
2023 Ansani, A.; Marini, M.; Poggi, I.; Mallia, L.
There is more to attraction than meets the eye: Studying decoy‐induced attention allocation without eye tracking
2023 Marini, Marco; Sapienza, Alessandro; Paglieri, Fabio
Analyzing the Perceived Utility of Covid-19 Countermeasures: The Role of Pronominalization, Moral Foundations, Moral Disengagement, Fake News Embracing, and Health Anxiety
2022 Ansani, A.; Marini, M.; Cecconi, C.; Dragoni, D.; Rinallo, E.; Poggi, I.; Mallia, L.
Trusting COVID-19 vaccines as individual and social goal
2022 Falcone, Rosario; Ansani, Alessandro; Coli', Elisa; Marini, Marco; Sapienza, Alessandro; Castelfranchi, Cristiano; Paglieri, Fabio
Music and time perception in audiovisuals: Arousing soundtracks lead to time overestimation no matter their emotional valence
2021 Ansani, A.; Marini, M.; Mallia, L.; Poggi, I.
The impact of facemasks on emotion recognition, trust attribution and re-identification
2021 Marini, M.; Ansani, A.; Paglieri, F.; Caruana, F.; Viola, M.
Vaccini e fiducia: una ricerca esplorativa
2021 Rino Falcone; Elisa Colì; Marco Marini; Alessandro Sapienza; Cristiano Castelfranchi; Fabio Paglieri
How Soundtracks Shape What We See: Analyzing the Influence of Music on Visual Scenes Through Self-Assessment, Eye Tracking, and Pupillometry
2020 Ansani, A.; Marini, M.; D?errico, F.; Poggi, I.
Decoy effects in intertemporal and probabilistic choices the role of time pressure, immediacy, and certainty
2019 Marini, M; Paglieri, F