Istituto di Metodologie per l'Analisi Ambientale - IMAA
Reproducibility of pansharpening methods and quality indexes versus data formats
2021 Arienzo, A; Aiazzi, B; Alparone, L; Garzelli, A
Impact of a spatial decorrelation of the noise on the estimation accuracy of temporal changes in the scene from a couple of single-look SAR images
2020 Garzelli, A; Aiazzi, B; Alparone, L; Argenti, F; Arienzo, A; Zoppetti, C
Fast multispectral pansharpening based on a hyper-ellipsoidal color space
2019 Bruno Aiazzi; Luciano Alparone; Alberto Arienzo; Andrea Garzelli; Simone Lolli
Influence of the System MTF on the On-Board Lossless Compression of Hyperspectral Raw Data
2019 Aiazzi, B; Selva, M; Arienzo, A; Baronti, S
Monitoring of changes in vegetation status through integration of time series of hyper-sharpened Sentinel-2 red-edge bands and information-theoretic textural features of Sentinel-1 SAR backscatter
2019 Aiazzi, B; Alparone, L; Arienzo, A; Garzelli, A; Zoppetti, C
Reproducibility of spectral and radiometric normalized similarity indices for multiband images
2019 Alberto Arienzo; Luciano Alparone; Bruno Aiazzi; Stefano Baronti; Andrea Garzelli
Deployment of pansharpening for correction of local misalignments between MS and Pan
2018 Aiazzi, B; Alparone, L; Arienzo, A; Baronti, S; Garzelli, A; Santurri, L
Influence of the System MTF on the lossless compression of hyperspectral raw data
2018 Aiazzi, Bruno; Selva, Massimo; Arienzo, Alberto; Baronti, Stefano