Istituto di Ricerca Sulle Acque - IRSA  

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Effects of municipal waste compost on microbial biodiversity and energy production in terrestrial microbial fuel cells 1-gen-2023 Garbini, G. L.; Barra Caracciolo, A.; Rolando, L.; Visca, A.; Borello, D.; Cosentini, C.; Gagliardi, G.; Ieropoulos, I.; Grenni, P.
Nature-based solutions using organic amendments for biorestoration of alkaline spoil material 1-gen-2023 Rolando, L.; Barra Caracciolo, A.; Garbini, G. L.; Visca, A.; Mariani, L.; Finizio, A.; Mazzurco-Miritana, V.; Nogues Gonzalez, I.; Grenni, P.
Antibiotics and antibiotic resistance genes in anaerobic digesters and predicted concentrations in agroecosystems 1-gen-2022 Visca, Andrea; Rauseo, Jasmin; Spataro, Francesca; Patrolecco, Luisa; Grenni, Paola; Massini, Giulia; Miritana Valentina, Mazzurco; BARRA CARACCIOLO, Anna
Bioaccumulation of antibiotics and resistance genes in lettuce following cattle manure and digestate fertilization and their effects on soil and phyllosphere microbial communities 1-gen-2022 Barra Caracciolo, A.; Visca, A.; Rauseo, J.; Spataro, F.; Garbini, G. L.; Grenni, P.; Mariani, L.; Mazzurco Miritana, V.; Massini, G.; Patrolecco, L.
Biodeterioration Assessment of a Unique Old Pharaonic Kingdom Wooden Statue Using Advanced Diagnostic Techniques 1-gen-2022 Atwa, Dm; Ibrahim, S; Stani, C; Birarda, G; Ali, N; Abdullah, E; Vaccari, L; Grenni, P; Visca, A; Badr, Y; Soliman, W
Effects of Ciprofloxacin Alone or in Mixture with Sulfamethoxazole on the Efficiency of Anaerobic Digestion and Its Microbial Community 1-gen-2022 Miritana V.M.; Patrolecco L.; Barra Caracciolo A.; Visca A.; Piccinini F.; Signorini A.; Rosa S.; Grenni P.; Garbini G.L.; Spataro F.; Rauseo J.; Massini G.
Anaerobic digestion and removal of sulfamethoxazole, enrofloxacin, ciprofloxacin and their antibiotic resistance genes in a full-scale biogas plant 1-gen-2021 Visca, A; Barra Caracciolo, A; Grenni, P; Patrolecco, L; Rauseo, J; Massini, G; Mazzurco Miritana, V; Spataro, F
Antibiotics and antibiotic resistance genes in an urbanized stretch of the River Danube 1-gen-2021 Barra Caracciolo A; Visca A; Patrolecco L; Ademollo N; Rauseo J; Rolando L; Spataro F; Monostory K; Sperlagh B; Grenni P
Bioaugmentation as an effective technique for degradation of foaming agent conditioned soils 1-gen-2021 Rolando L; Barra Caracciolo A; Pescatore T; Rauseo J; Visca A; Garbini GL; Patrolecco L; Grenni P
Bioaugmentation With a Consortium of Bacterial Sodium Lauryl Ether Sulfate-Degraders for Remediation of Contaminated Soils 1-gen-2021 Rolando, Ludovica; BARRA CARACCIOLO, Anna; Grenni, Paola; Mariani, Livia; Rauseo, Jasmin; Spataro, Francesca; Garbini, Gian Luigi; Visca, Andrea; Patrolecco, Luisa
Effect of organic fertilizers on antibiotic and antibiotic resistance gene spread in agroecosystems 1-gen-2021 Visca A; Grenni P; Patrolecco L; Spataro F; Rauseo J; Massini G; Barra Caracciolo A
Effects of Sulfamethoxazole on Growth and Antibiotic Resistance of A Natural Microbial Community 1-gen-2021 Rauseo, Jasmin; BARRA CARACCIOLO, Anna; Spataro, Francesca; Visca, Andrea; Ademollo, Nicoletta; Pescatore, Tanita; Grenni, Paola; Patrolecco, Luisa
Effects of Sulfamethoxazole on Growth and Antibiotic Resistance of A Natural Microbial Community 1-gen-2021 Rauseo, Jasmin; Barra Caracciolo, Anna; Spataro, Francesca; Visca, Andrea; Ademollo, Nicoletta; Pescatore, Tanita; Grenni, Paola; Patrolecco, Luisa
Legacy and emerging pollutants in an urban river stretch and effects on the bacterioplankton community 1-gen-2021 Visca, A; Barra Caracciolo, A; Grenni, P; Rolando, L; Mariani, L; Rauseo, J; Spataro, F; Monostory, K; Sperlagh, B; Patrolecco, P
Microbial activity and energy production of terrestrial MFCs in presence of compost and persistent organic pollutants 1-gen-2021 Borello, D; Gagliardi, G; Barra Caracciolo, A; Garbini, Gl; Visca, A; Rolando, L; Aimola, G; Ancona, V; Grenni, P
Microbial soil biodiversity in beech forests of European mountains 1-gen-2021 Dinca, L; Onet, A; Samuel, Ad; Tognetti, R; Uhl, E; Bosela, M; Gömöryová, E; Bielak, K; Skrzyszewski, J; Huki, E; Zlatanov, T; Dediosgarcía, J; Tonon, G; Giammarchi, F; Svoboda, M; Dobor, L; Rolando, L; Rauseo, J; Pescatore, T; Garbini, Gl; Visca, A; Patrolecco, L; Barra Caracciolo, A; Grenni, Paola
Microcosm experiment for assessing sunflower capability to grow on a PCB-contaminated soil 1-gen-2021 Ancona, V; Gatto, A; Aimola, G; Rascio, I; Tumolo, M; Losacco, D; Locaputo, V; Grenni, P; Garbini, Gl; Rolando, L; Visca, A; Uricchio, Vf; Barra Caracciolo, A
Effects of Sulfamethoxazole on the Microbial Community Dynamics During the Anaerobic Digestion Process 1-gen-2020 Mazzurco Miritana, V; Massini, G; Visca, A; Grenni, P; Patrolecco, L; Spataro, F; Rauseo, J; Garbini, Gl; Signorini, A; Rosa, S; Barra Caracciolo, A
Environmental Fate of Antibiotics and Resistance Genes in Livestock Waste and Digestate from Biogas Plants 1-gen-2020 Barra Caracciolo, A; Visca, A; Massini, G; Patrolecco, L; Mazzurco Miritana, V; Grenni, P
Isolation and Characterization in a Soil Conditioned With Foaming Agents of a Bacterial Consortium Able to Degrade Sodium Lauryl Ether Sulfate 1-gen-2020 Rolando, Ludovica; Grenni, Paola; Rauseo, Jasmin; Pescatore, Tanita; Patrolecco, Luisa; Garbini, GIAN LUIGI; Visca, Andrea; BARRA CARACCIOLO, Anna