Istituto di Geologia Ambientale e Geoingegneria - IGAG
A Web-GIS for the Analysis of Scientific Literature on Earthquake-Triggered Landslides
2025 Fiorucci, Federica; Schiliro', Luca; Rossi, Mauro; Polpetta, Federica; Fortunato, Carolina; Reichenbach, Paola
Analysis of Earthquake-Triggered Landslides through an Integrated Unmanned Aerial Vehicle-Based Approach: A Case Study from Central Italy
2024 Schilirò, Luca; Massaro, Luigi; Forte, Giovanni; Santo, Antonio; Tommasi, Paolo
A web-based GIS (web-GIS) database of the scientific articles on earthquake-triggered landslides
2023 Schilirò, Luca; Rossi, Mauro; Polpetta, Federica; Fiorucci, Federica; Fortunato, Carolina; Reichenbach, Paola
From theory to practice: optimisation of available information for landslide hazard assessment in Rome relying on official, fragmented data sources
2023 Esposito, C; Mastrantoni, G; Marmoni, Gm; Antonielli, B; Caprari, P; Pica, A; Schilirò, L; Mazzanti, P; Bozzano, F
Preliminary insights from hydrological field monitoring for the evaluation of landslide triggering conditions over large areas
2023 Schiliro', Luca; Marmoni Gian Marco, ; Matteo, Fiorucci; Massimo, Pecci; Mugnozza Gabriele Scarascia,
The Pretare-Piedilama Clastic Deposit: New Evidence of a Quaternary Rock Avalanche Event in Central Apennines (Italy)
2023 Putignano, Ml; Di Luzio, E; Schilirò, L; Pietrosante, A; Giano, Si
A systematic review of scientific literature on earthquake-induced landslides
2022 Schilirò, Luca; Rossi, Mauro; Polpetta, Federica; Fiorucci, Federica; Fortunato, Carolina; Reichenbach, Paola
An integrated approach for the reconstruction of rockfall scenarios from UAV and satellite-based data in the Sorrento Peninsula (southern Italy)
2022 Schilirò, Luca; Robiati, Carlo; Smeraglia, Luca; Vinci, Francesco; Iannace, Alessandro; Parente, Mariano; Tavani, Stefano
Earthquake-induced reactivation of landslides under variable hydrostatic conditions: evaluation at regional scale and implications for risk assessment
2022 Maria Giannini, Leonardo; Varone, Chiara; Esposito, Carlo; Marco Marmoni, Gian; Scarascia Mugnozza, Gabriele; Schilirò, Luca
Servizio per lo studio di "Determinazione delle soglie pluviometriche critiche di attivazione/riattivazione dei dissesti di versante nel territorio di Roma Capitale perimetrati dall'Autorità di Bacino Distrettuale dell'Appennino Centrale con Decreti Segretariali nn. 81/2018 e 82/2021
2022 Esposito, C; Marmoni, Gm; Giannini, Lm; Schilirò, L
Cultural heritage and rockfalls: analysis of multi-scale processes nearby the Lucus Angitiae archaeological site (Central Italy)
2021 DI LUZIO, Emiliano; Schilirò, Luca; Gaudiosi, Iolanda
Regional Analyses of Rainfall-Induced Landslide Initiation in Upper Gudbrandsdalen (South-Eastern Norway) Using TRIGRS Model
2021 Schiliro', Luca; Cepeda, José; Devoli, Graziella; Piciullo, Luca
The potential of spatial statistics for the reconstruction of a subsoil model: A case study for the Firenze-Prato-Pistoia Basin, Central Italy
2021 Giannini, Lm; Varone, C; Esposito, C; Scarascia Mugnozza, G; Schilirò, L
The Pretare-Piedilama rock block deposit: evidence of a further case of Quaternary rock avalanche in Central Apennines, Italy
2021 Putignano, Maria Luisa ; Di Luzio, Emiliano ; Schilirò, Luca ; Pietrosante, Andrea ; Ivo Giano, Salvatore
Landslides triggered after the 16 August 2018 Mw 5.1 Molise earthquake (Italy) by a combination of intense rainfalls and seismic shaking
2020 Martino, S.; Antonielli, B.; Bozzano, F.; Caprari, P.; Discenza, M. E.; Esposito, C.; Fiorucci, M.; Iannucci, R.; Marmoni, G. M.; Schilirò, L.
Quaternary rock avalanches in the Apennines: New data and interpretation of the huge clastic deposit of the L'Aquila Basin (central Italy)
2020 Benedetta, Antonielli; Della Seta Marta, ; Carlo, Esposito; Scarascia Mugnozza Gabriele, ; Schiliro', Luca; Marco, Spadi; Marco, Tallini
Validation of a Shallow Landslide Susceptibility Analysis Through a Real Case Study: An Example of Application in Rome (Italy)
2020 Poueme Djueyep, G; Esposito, C; Schiliro, L; Bozzano, F
Impact of landslides on transportation routes during the 2016-2017 Central Italy seismic sequence
2019 Martino, S.; Bozzano, F.; Caporossi, P.; D'Angiò, D.; Della Seta, M.; Esposito, C.; Fantini, A.; Fiorucci, M.; Giannini, L. M.; Iannucci, R.; Marmoni, G. M.; Mazzanti, P.; Missori, C.; Moretto, S.; Piacentini, D.; Rivellino, S.; Romeo, R. W.; Sarandrea, P.; Schilirò, L.; Troiani, F.; Varone, C.
Sediment texture in rock avalanche deposits: insights from field and experimental observations
2019 Schilirò, L; Esposito, C; F V, De Blasio; Scarascia Mugnozza, G
The role of initial soil conditions in shallow landslide triggering: Insights from physically based approaches
2019 Schilirò, L.; Poueme Djueyep, G.; Esposito, C.; Scarascia Mugnozza, G.