Istituto di Scienze e Tecnologie della Cognizione - ISTC
Early development of object manipulation in capuchin monkeys: A naturalistic approach
2024 Araujo, G.; Truppa, V.; Izar, P.
Manual preference, performance, and dexterity for bimanual grass‐feeding behavior in wild geladas (Theropithecus gelada)
2024 Truppa, Valentina; Gamba, Marco; Togliatto, Roberta; Caselli, Marta; Zanoli, Anna; Palagi, Elisabetta; Norscia, Ivan
Withdraw-to-eat movements of the Platyrrhine Sapajus libidinosus to the changing affordance of tubers with eating
2024 Whishaw, Ian; Mirza Agha, Behroo; Marino, Luca Antonio; Izar, Patricia; Truppa, Valentina
Are You as Fooled as I am? Visual Illusions in Human (Homo) and Nonhuman (Sapajus, Gorilla, Pan, Pongo) Primate Species
2023 Hanus, Daniel; Truppa, Valentina; Call, Josep
Spatial frequency and global-local visual processing in capuchin monkeys (Sapajus spp.) and humans (Homo sapiens)
2023 Palumbo, M; Spinozzi, G; Truppa, V; De Lillo, C
Planning actions with a magnetic tool: how initial tool orientation and number of functional ends influence motor planning abilities in capuchin monkeys (Sapajus spp.)
2022 Sabbatini, Gloria; Pallotti, Sara; Meglio, Giusy; Truppa, Valentina
Anticipating future actions: Motor planning improves with age in wild bearded capuchin monkeys (Sapajus libidinosus)
2021 Truppa, V; Sabbatini, G; Izar, P; Fragaszy, Dm; Visalberghi, E
Optional tool use: The case of wild bearded capuchins (Sapajus libidinosus) cracking cashew nuts by biting or by using percussors
2021 Visalberghi, E; Barca, V; Izar, P; Fragaszy, Dm; Truppa, V
Attention to social stimuli is modulated by sex and exposure time in tufted capuchin monkeys
2020 Schino G.; Carducci P.; Truppa V.
Touch improves visual discrimination of object features in capuchin monkeys (Sapajus spp.)
2020 Carducci, P; Squillace, V; Manzi, G; Truppa, V
Touch Supports Visual Recognition of Objects in Capuchin Monkeys (Sapajus spp.)
2020 Carducci, Paola; Manzi, Giorgio; Truppa, Valentina
Age affects action planning in wild bearded capuchin monkeys (Sapajus libidinosus)
2019 Truppa V.; Sabbatini G.; Izar P.; Fragaszy D.;Visalberghi E.
Manual skills for processing plant underground storage organs (USOs) by wild bearded capuchins
2019 Truppa, V; Marino, ; L, A; Izar, P; Fragaszy, ; D, M; Visalberghi, Elisabetta; E,
Object grasping and manipulation in capuchin monkeys (genera Cebus and Sapajus)
2019 Truppa V; Carducci P; Sabbatini G
Tactile information improves visual object discrimination in kea, Nestor notabilis, and capuchin monkeys, Sapajus spp.
2018 Carducci, P; Schwing, R; Huber, L; Truppa, V
Capuchin Monkeys (Sapajus spp.) Take Advantage of Tactile Information to Visually Recognise Different Object Features
2017 Carducci, P.; Squillace, V.; Simeoni, B.; Manzi, G.; Truppa, V.
2017 Paola Carducci; Valerio Squillace; Barbara Simeoni; Giorgio Manzi; Valentina Truppa
Global/local processing of hierarchical visual stimuli in a conflict-choice task by capuchin monkeys (Sapajus spp.)
2017 Truppa, Valentina; Carducci, Paola,; De Simone, Diego Antonio,; Bisazza, Angelo; De Lillo, Carlo
Platyrrhine Cognition
2017 Truppa, V; Sabbatini, G; Polizzi di Sorrentino, E
Primates' propensity to explore objects: How manual actions affect learning in children and capuchin monkeys
2017 Taffoni F.; Polizzi di Sorrentino E.; Sabbatini G.; Formica D.; Truppa V.