Istituto di Acustica e Sensoristica - IDASC - Sede Roma Tor Vergata (attivo dal 18/11/1923 al 31/12/2021)
21th Century Projections of Precipitation Extremes in the Mediterranenan From a medium resolution GCM
2011 Cioffi F.; U. Lall; E. Volodin; C. Karamperidou; R. Purini
A note on long Rossby waves on a quiescent abyss
2011 Crisciani, F; Purini, R
Extreme Precipitation in the Mediterranean Region: Climate Structure and Predictability
2011 Lall, U; Cioffi, F; Volodin, E; Karamperidou, C; Purini, R
Mixing Processes in a Weakly Stratifird Ocean: A case Study for the Terra Nova Bay (Antarctica) Polynya
2011 Leuzzi, G; Monti, P; Purini, R
The effect of Bora on the Adriatic Sea: a comparison with two three-dimensional ocean models
2011 N, Rachev; Dietrich, D; Piacsek, S; Purini, R
Extreme precipitation in the South and South-East Mediterrannean: climate structure and predictability
2010 U, Lall; Cioffi, F; Volodini, Em; Karamperidou, C; Purini, R
GCM Projections of Precipitations Extremes in the Mediterranean: Changes and Low Frequency Characteristics
2010 Cioffi F.; U. Lall; E.M.Volodin; C. Karamperidou; R. Purini
Revising Stommel's model for the understanding of the abrupt climate change
2010 Scatamacchia R.; R. Purini; C. Rafanelli
A note on the Ekman numbers at the interface of a two-layer, quasi-geostrophic flow
2009 Crisciani, F; Purini, R; Severini, M
On the mechanisms of natural variability of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation in the climate model INMCM3.0
2009 Em, Volodin; Diansky, Na; Purini, R; Transerici, C
Climate variations in the Nothern Hemisphere based on the use of an Atmosphere-Ocean IPCC model.
Frictional dissipation at the interface of a two-layer quasi-geostrophic flow
2008 Crisciani F. ; Purini R. ; Severini M.
Numerical simulations of the Adriatic Sea Autumn Circulation
2008 N, Rachev; Purini, R
La glaciazione come possibile risposta del sistema climatico atmosfera-oceano al riscaldamento globale in atto: fatti e congetture
2007 Purini, R
La ventilazione profonda nel Mare di Ross
2007 Bergamasco A.; W.P. Budgell; S. Carniel; J. Chiggiato; M. Sclavo; R. Purini
On storm surges induced by the Bora wind in the Lagoon of Venice
2007 G, Berrelli; Leuzzi, G; Purini, R
Bollettino Geofisico
2006 M Colacino, A Bernardi Editor in Chief; Director, Responsible; Anfossi, D; Camuffo, D; Dalu, G; Mugnai, A; Purini, R; Tomasi, C; of the Editorial Board, Members
Indagine sul sopralzo differenziato indotto dalla Bora nella Laguna di Venezia
2006 Berrelli S.; G. Leuzzi; R. Purini
Interaction of edge waves with swell on a beach
2006 Joo Lee, Kwi; Shugan, I; Jung Sun, An; Purini, R
On the dynamical conditions concomitant with the bottom anoxia in the Northern Adriatic Sea: A numerical case study for the 1977 event
2006 Rachev, N; Catalano, G; Crisciani, F; Cantoni, C; Purini, R