Istituto per la Protezione Sostenibile delle Piante - IPSP - Sede Secondaria Portici (NA)
Feeding specialization shapes the bottom-up effect of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi across a plant–aphid–parasitoid system
2024 Cascone, P.; Iodice, L.; Gualtieri, L.; Russo, A.; Cesaro, P.; Yang, Z.; Ruocco, M.; Monti, M. M.; Massa, N.; Lingua, G.; Guerrieri, E.
Beauveria bassiana rewires molecular mechanisms related to growth and defense in tomato
2023 Proietti, S; Falconieri, Gs; Bertini, L; Pascale, A; Bizzarri, E; Moralessanfrutos, J; Sabidó, E; Ruocco, M; Monti, Mm; Russo, A; Dziurka, K; Ceci, M; Loreto, F; Caruso, C
Interaction with the entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana influences tomato phenome and promotes resistance to Botrytis cinerea infection
2023 Russo A.; Winkler J.B.; Ghirardo A.; Monti M.M.; Pollastri S.; Ruocco M.; Schnitzler J.P.; Loreto F.
Trichoderma harzianum Volatile Organic Compounds Regulated by the THCTF1 Transcription Factor Are Involved in Antifungal Activity and Beneficial Plant Responses
2023 Rubio, Mb; Monti, Mm; Gualtieri, L; Ruocco, M; Hermosa, R; Monte, E
Volatilome and proteome responses to Colletotrichum lindemuthianum infection in a moderately resistant and a susceptible bean genotype
2023 Monti M.M.; Mancini I.; Gualtieri L.; Domingo G.; Beccaccioli M.; Bossa R.; Bracale M.; Loreto F.; Ruocco M.
Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) Profiles of Different Trichoderma Species and Their Potential Application
2022 Gualtieri L.; Monti M.M.; Mele F.; Russo A.; Pedata P.A.; Ruocco M.
Volatile organic compounds in the interaction between plants and beneficial microorganisms
2022 Russo A.; Pollastri S.; Ruocco M.; Monti M.M.; Loreto F.
Context-dependent effects of trichoderma seed inoculation on anthracnose disease and seed yield of bean (Phaseolus vulgaris): Ambient conditions override cultivar-specific differences
2021 Gutierrezmoreno, K; Ruocco, M; Monti, Mm; de la Vega, Om; Heil, M
Biologia e applicazioni in agricoltura dei funghi appartenenti al genere Trichoderma
2020 Ruocco M.; Gualtieri L.; Monti M.M.
Morphological and molecular characterization of lema bilineata (Germar), a new alien invasive leaf beetle for europe, with notes on the related species lema daturaphila kogan & goeden
2020 Monti M.M.; Ruocco M; Grobbelaar E.; Pedata P.A.
The Vocabulary of Trichoderma-Plant Interactions. In: Trichoderma: Host Pathogen Interactions and Applications.
2020 Monti, Mm; Pedata, Pa; Gualtieri, L; Ruocco, Michelina; M,
Drosophila melanogaster and its microbiota: the response of the holobiont to xenobiotic challenge
2019 Pedata, Pa; Testa, A; Ventorino, V; Romano, I; Pepe, O; Crescenzi, C; Monti, Mm
Laboratorio Valloni: idee per preservare la biodiversità.
2019 Testa A.; Conti S.; Formato A.; Melchionna G.; Monti M.A.; Pedata P.A.
Studying proteomic changes in Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) primed plants
2019 Mancini, I; Monti, Mm; Gualtieri, L; Marsoni, M; Vannini, C; Loreto, F; Bracale, M; Ruocco, M
Morphological and molecular characterization of Lema bilineata, a new invasive species for Europe.
Polyketide synthases of Diaporthe helianthi and involvement of DhPKS1 in virulence on sunflower
2018 Ruocco M.; Baroncelli R.; Cacciola S.O.; Pane C.; Monti M.M.; Firrao G.; Vergara M.; Magnano di San Lio G.; Vannacci G.; Scala F.
Trichoderma and plants on chat.
2018 Ruocco, M; Monti, Mm; Gualtieri, L; De Palma, M; D'Agostino, N; Chiurazzi, M; Navazio, L; Tucci, M; Lorito, M
VOCs profiles of different Trichoderma species and their potential in vivo detection
2018 Monti, Mm; Gualtieri, L; Cozzolino, A; Ruocco, M
A revision of the Encarsia pergandiella species complex (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae) shows cryptic diversity in parasitoids of whitefly pests
2017 Gebiola, M; Monti, Mm; Johnson, Rc; Woolley, Jb; Hunter, Ms; Giorgini, M; Pedata, Pa
No evidence of parthenogenesis-inducing bacteria involved in Thripoctenus javae thelytoky: an unusual finding in Chalcidoidea
2016 Monti M.M.; Nugnes F.; Gualtieri L.; Gebiola M.; Bernardo U.