Istituto di Scienze dell'Atmosfera e del Clima - ISAC - Sede Secondaria Roma
Retrieval of characteristic parameters for water vapour transmittance in the development of ground based sun-sky radiometric measurements of columnar water vapour
2014 Campanelli, M; Nakajima, T; Khatri, P; Takamura, T; Uchiyama, A; Estelles, V; Liberti, GIAN LUIGI; G, L; Malvestuto, Vincenzo; V,
The hysteresis cycle of concentration in a solution droplet under changing humidity
2014 Malvestuto V.; Ascoli S.; Lanotte A.S.
An experimental study of microclimate at Coliseum (Rome, Italy)
2010 DE SIMONE, Sara; Di Menno, I; Malvestuto, V; Gallo, V; Rafanelli, C; Poscolieri, M
Summertime columnar content of atmospheric water vapor from ground-based Sun-sky radiometer measurements through a new in situ procedure
2010 Campanelli, M; Lupi, A; Nakajima, T; Malvestuto, V; Tomasi, C; Estellés, V
Application of the SKYRAD improved Langley plot method for the in situ calibration of CIMEL sun-sky photometers
2007 Campanelli M. ; V. Estelles ; C. Tomasi ; T. Nakajima ; V. Malvestuto ; J. A. MartinezLozano
A study of rainfall in the Roman area in the years 1951-2000
2006 Testa, O; Colacino, M; Lavagnini, A; Malvestuto, V
Relating Saharan Dust to Particulate Matter Amounts in the City of Rome (Italy), a Four-Year Study
2006 Gobbi, GIAN PAOLO; Gp, ; Ciolli, G; Marconi, A; Cattani, G; Malvestuto, V; Barnaba, F; Angelini, F; Inglessis, M
Modifica della propagazione del calore in laterizi coperti di licheni
2003 I. Di Menno; V. Malvestuto; L. De Santoli
On the correlation between the depth of the boundary layer and the columnar aerosol size distribution
2003 Campanelli, Monica; Delle Monache, Luca; Malvestuto, Vincenzo; Olivieri, Bruno
On the correlation between the depth of the boundary layer and the columnar aerosol size distribution
2003 Campanelli, M; Delle monache, L; Malvestuto, V; Olivieri, B
The rendering of pore diameter distribution in a porous medium by electron microscope frames
2003 Malvestuto V.; Di Menno I.; Serafino A.; Ingo G.M
Evidence of a convective boundary layer developing on the Antarctic Plateau during the summer
1999 Mastrantonio, Giangiuseppe; Ga, C; Malvestuto, Vincenzo; Va, C; Argentini, Stefania; Sa, C; Georgiadis, Teodoro; Tb, ; Viola, ANGELO PIETRO; Aa, C
The solid-liquid equilibrium in a supersaturated droplet
1991 .S. Ascoli; V. Malvestuto; M. E. Schiano