Istituto per lo Studio degli Ecosistemi - ISE - Sede Verbania (attivo dal 18/11/1923 al 31/12/2021)
Location and stability of a recombinant ovine prion protein in synthetic humic-like mineral complexes
2012 Pucci, Amaranta; Russo, Fabio; A Rao, Maria; Gianfreda, Liliana; Calamai, Luca; P D'Acqui, Luigi
Compost incorporation, soil aggregates and organic C sequestration in two different Tuscan soils
2010 Pini, R; Sparvoli, E; Scatena, M; Pucci, A; D'Acqui, LUIGI PAOLO; L, P
Compost incorporation, soil aggregates and organic C sequestration in two different Tuscan soils.
2010 Pini, Roberto; Sparvoli, Enzo; Scatena, Manuele; Pucci, Amaranta; D'Acqui, LUIGI PAOLO
Dynamics of Soil Organic Matter Degradation Studied by Low Temperature Ashing Coupled to DRIFT-FTIR Spectroscopy
2010 Piedra Buena, A; Almendros, G; Pucci, A; Tinoco, P; D'Acqui, LUIGI PAOLO; L, P
Implications For An RNA-Clay World: Interaction Of Cytosine With Clay Minerals
2010 Pucci, A; Branciamore, S; Casarosa, M; Dacqui, ; L, P; Gallori, ; E,
Implications For An RNA-Clay World:Interaction Of Cytosine With Clay Minerals
2010 Pucci A.; S. Branciamore; M. Casarosa; L. P. DAcqui; E. Gallori.
Interaction of Cytosine with Clay Minerals: Implications for an RNA-Clay Word
2010 Pucci A.; Branciamore S.; Casarosa M.; DAcqui L. P.; Gallori E.
Origin of life: interplay between mineral matrices and organics ?
2010 Pucci A.; Branciamore S.; DAcqui L. P.; Gallori E.
Soil properties prediction of western Mediterranean islands with similar climatic environments by means of mid-infrared diffuse reflectance spectroscopy
2010 Dacqui, Lp; Pucci, A; Janik, Lj
Interaction Between A Model Prion Protein and Organo-Mineral Complexes
2009 Pucci A; Russo F; D'Acqui; L P; Rao; M A; Gianfreda L; Calamai; L
Interaction of nucleobases with clay minerals: implications for an RNA-clay world.
2009 Pucci A; Branciamore S; Casarosa M; D'Acqui; L P; Gallori; E
Model Prion Protein adsorption on Native Organic Matter of Soil Aggregates.
2009 Pucci A; Calamai L; DAcqui; L P
Coupled LTA - PAS FTIR Approach for Studies of Organic Matter Dynamics and Function at the Interface of Soil Aggregates
2008 D'Acqui, Lp; Pucci, A; Calamai, L
Coupled LTA - PAS FTIR Approach for Studies of Organic Matter Dynamics and Function at the Interface of Soil Aggregates
2008 D'Acqui L.P.; Pucci A.; Calamai L.
Coupled LTA - PAS FTIR Approach for Studies of Organic Matter Dynamics and Function at the Interface of Soil Aggregates. 5th International Symposium of Interactions of Soil Minerals with Organic Components and Microorganisms.
2008 D'Acqui L.P.; Pucci A.; Calamai L.
Fate of Prions in Soil : Interactions of RecPrP with Organic Matter of Soil Aggregates as revealed by LTA-PAS
2008 Pucci, Amaranta; D'Acqui, LUIGI PAOLO; Calamai, Luca
In situ characterization of SOM as revealed by coupled LTA-PAS-FTIR approach
2008 D'Acqui L.P.; Pucci A.; Calamai L.
Interferences of suspended clay fraction in protein quantitation by several determination methods
2008 I. Lozzi; A. Pucci; O.L. Pantani; L.P. D'Acqui; L. Calamai
Studio delle Interazioni di una Proteina Prionica Ricombinante con la Sostanza Organica in aggregati di suolo mediante l'approccio LTA-PAS-FTIR
2007 Pucci A.; D'Acqui L.P.; Calamai L.
The properties of native SOM in undisturbed sol aggregates as revealed by coupled LTA-PAS-FTIR approach
2007 D'Acqui, Lp; Pucci, A; Calamai, L