Istituto di Geoscienze e Georisorse - IGG - Sede Pisa
Structure-activity relationship studies and in vitro and in vivo anticancer activity of novel 3-aroyl-1,4-diarylpyrroles against solid tumors and hematological malignancies
2020 Puxeddu, M.; Shen, H.; Bai, R.; Coluccia, A.; Nalli, M.; Mazzoccoli, C.; Da Pozzo, E.; Cavallini, C.; Martini, C.; Orlando, V.; Biagioni, S.; Mazzoni, C.; Coluccia, A. M. L.; Hamel, E.; Liu, T.; Silvestri, R.; La Regina, G.
Targeting the interaction between the SH3 domain of Grb2 and Gab2
2020 Malagrino, F.; Coluccia, A.; Bufano, M.; Regina, G. L.; Puxeddu, M.; Toto, A.; Visconti, L.; Paone, A.; Magnifico, M. C.; Troilo, F.; Cutruzzola, F.; Silvestri, R.; Gianni, S.
U-Pb zircon and Ar-Ar amphibole ages from Sardinian migmatites (Italy) and review of migmatite ages from the Variscan belt
2019 Cruciani, G; Franceschelli, M; Langone, A; Puxeddu, M
Zn-Al-rich chlorite in interleaved phyllosilicate grains from the low-temperature metamorphic Ordovician terrane of Iglesiente, south-west Sardinia,..
2015 Cruciani, G; Franceschelli, M; Battaglia, S; Pasci, S; Puxeddu, M
A volcano-sedimentary sequence with albitite layers in the Variscan basement of NE Sardinia: A petrographical and geochemical study
2012 Costamagna L.G.; Cruciani G.; Franceschelli M.; Puxeddu M.
Metabasite from the Variscan belt in NE Sardinia, Italy: within-plate OIB-like melts with very high Sr and low Nd isotope ratios
2010 Cruciani G. ; Dini A. ; Franceschelli M. ; Puxeddu M. ; Utzeri D.
Amphibole-bearing migmatites from the Variscan Belt of NE Sardinia, Italy: Partial melting of mid-Ordovician igneous sources.
2008 Cruciani G.; Franceschelli M.; Jung S.; Puxeddu M.; Utzeri D.
Metabasites with eclogite facies relics from Variscides in Sardinia, Italy: a review.
2007 Franceschelli, M; Puxeddu, M; Cruciani, G; Utzeri, D
Caratterizzazione geochimica di migmatiti varische della Sardegna Nord-Orientale.
2006 Cruciani G.; Franceschelli M.; Puxeddu M.; Utzeri D.
Geochronology and isotope transport systematics in a subsurface granite from the Larderello-Travale geothermal system (Italy).
2006 Villa I. , ; Ruggieri G. ; Puxeddu M. ; Bertini G.
Segnalazione di una lente di metabasite alcalina nel basamento metamorfico della Sardegna nord-orientale.
2006 Cruciani, G; Dini, A; Franceschelli, M; Puxeddu, M; Utzeri, D
Layered amphibolite sequenze in NE Sardinia, Italy: remnant of a pre-Variscan mafic silicic layered intrusion?
2005 Franceschelli M.; Puxeddu M.; Cruciani G.; Dini A.; Loi M.
Origin and evolution of pliocene-pleistocene granites from the Larderello geothermal field (Tuscan magmatic province, Italy).
2005 Dini, A; Gianelli, G; Puxeddu, M; Ruggieri, G
Variscan metamorphism in Sardinia, Italy: review and discussion.
2005 Franceschelli M.; Puxeddu M.; Cruciani G.
Variscan and Alpine metamorphic events in the northern Apennines (Italy):a review.
2004 Franceschelli, M; Gianelli, G; Pandeli, E; Puxeddu, M
Geochemistry and origin of chloritoid schist from the Alpi Apuane, Italy: evidence of a prevailing lateritic signature
2003 Franceschelli, M; Puxeddu, M; Gattiglio, M
Geochronology of magmatic and hydrothermal micas from the Larderello geothermal field, Italy
2001 Villa, Im; Ruggieri, G; Puxeddu, M
The metatasiliciclastic-carbonate sequence of the Acquadolce Unit (Eastern Elba Island): new petrographic data and paleogeographic interpretation
2001 Pandeli, E; Puxeddu, M; Ruggieri, G
Plutonic-geothermal systems of southern Tuscany: a review of the crustal models.
1998 Manzella, A; Ruggieri, G; Gianelli, G; Puxeddu, M
Crustal models of the geothermal areas of southern Tuscany (Italy).
1997 Gianelli, G; Manzella, A; Puxeddu, M