Istituto per i Sistemi Biologici - ISB (ex IMC)
Re-designing the substrate binding pocket of laccase for enhanced oxidation of sinapic acid
2016 I. Pardo;G. Santiago; P. Gentili; F. Lucas; E. Monza; F. J. Medrano; C. Galli; A. T. Martínez; V. Guallarbe;S. Camarero
Concerted electron/proton transfer mechanism in the oxidation of phenols by laccase
2013 Galli, C; Madzak, C; Vadal, R; Jolivalt, C; Gentili, P
How is the reactivity of laccase affected by single-point mutations? Engineering laccase for improved activity towards sterically demanding substrates
2011 Galli, C; Gentili, P; Jolivalt, C; Madzak, C; Vadalà, R
Hydrogen abstraction from H-donor substrates by the 6-CF3-benzotriazol-N-oxyl radical (TFNO)
2011 M. A. Tadesse; C. Galli; P. Gentili
Hydrogen Atom Abstraction from C-H Bonds of Benzylamides by the Aminoxyl Radical BTNO: A Kinetic Study
2009 A Coniglio, C; Galli, Carlo; P, Gentili; R, Vadalà
'Nitroxyl Radicals'
2008 C. Galli
An Assessment of the Realative Contributions of Redoc and Steric Issue to Laccase Specificità Towards Substrates
2008 Aweke Tadesse, M; D'Annibale, A; Galli, C; Gentili, P; Sergi, F
Hydrogen Abstraction and Electron Transfer with Aminoxyl Radicals: Synthetic and Mechanistic Issue
2008 Galli C.; Gentili P.; Lanzalunga O.
Oxidation of amides by laccase-generated aminoxyl radicals
2008 A. Coniglio; C. Galli; P. Gentili; R. Vadalà
Phenolic Compounds as Likely Natural Mediators of Laccase: A Mechanistic Assessment
2008 Calcaterra, A; Galli, C; Gentili, P
Oxidation of Phenols Employing Polyoxometalates as Biomimetic Models of the Activity of Phenoloxidase Enzymes
2007 Galli, C; Gentili, P; Nunes Pontes, As; Gamelas, Jaf; Evtuguin, Dv
In Search Practical Advantages from the Immobilisation of an Enzyme: The Case of Laccase
2006 Brandi, P; Dannibale, A; Galli, C; Gentili, P; Nunes Pontes, A S
Mechanistic and Steric Issue in the Oxidation of Phenolic and non-Phenolic Compounds by Laccase or Laccase-Mediator Syetsms. The case of Bifunctional Substrates
2006 Dacunzo, F; Galli, C; Gentili, P; Sergi, F
Stereoelectronic Effects in Radical Processes
2006 Brandi, P; Galli, C; Gentili, P
Kinetic Study of the Hydrogen Abstraction Reaction of the Benzotriazole-N-oxyl Radical (BTNO) with H-Donor Substrates
2005 Brandi, P; Galli, C; Gentili, P
Kinetics of Oxidation of Benzyl Alcohols by the Dication and Radical Cation of ABTS. Comparison with Laccase-ABTS Oxidations: an Apparent Paradox
2005 Branchi, B; Galli, C; Gentili, P
New Mediators for the Enzyme Laccase: Mechanistic Features and Selectivity in the Oxidation of non-phenolic Substrates
2005 Astolfi P.; Brandi P.; Galli C.; Gentili P.; Gerini M. F.; Greci L.; Lanzalunga O.
Catalytic Efficiency of Some Mediators in Laccase-Catalyzed Alcohol Oxidation
2004 Barreca, A M; Sjögren, B; Fabbrini, M; Galli, C; Gentili, P
Chemical Messengers: Mediated Oxidations with the Enzyme Laccase
2004 Galli, C; Gentili, P
Oxidation of Non-Phenolic Substrates with the Laccase/N-Hydroxyacetanilide System: Structure of the Key Intermediate from the Mediator and Mechanistic Insight
2004 Cantarella G.; Galli C.; Gentili P.