Istituto di Ricerca Sulle Acque - IRSA - Sede Secondaria Brugherio
High-resolution temporal variations of nitrate in a high-elevation pond in alpine tundra (NW Italian Alps)
2024 Colombo, N.; Balestrini, R.; Godone, D.; Vione, D.; Said-Pullicino, D.; Viviano, G.; Martin, M.; Delconte, C. A.; Fratianni, S.; Capodaglio, A. G.; Pintaldi, E.; Freppaz, M.; Salerno, F.
Nitrogen atmospheric deposition in a high-altitude Alpine environment: A chemical and isotopic approach to investigate the influence from anthropized areas
2024 Balestrini, R.; Diemoz, H.; Freppaz, M.; Delconte, C. A.; Caschetto, M.; Matiatos, I.
2023 Balestrini, R; A DELCONTE, C; Freppaz, M; Matiatos, I
Groundwater-dependent ecosystems as transfer vectors of nitrogen from the aquifer to surface waters in agricultural basins: The fontanili of the Po Plain (Italy)
2021 Balestrini, R; Delconte, CARLO ANDREA; Sacchi, E; Buffagni, A
Dynamic of nitrogen and dissolved organic carbon in an alpine forested catchment: Atmospheric deposition and soil solution trends
2019 Balestrini R.; Delconte C.A.; Buffagni A.; Fumagalli A.; Freppaz M.; Buzzetti I.; Calvo E.
Groundwater-dependent ecosystems in agro-environments of the Po valley (Italy): their role in the nitrogen cycling.
2019 Balestrini, Raffaella; Delconte, CARLO ANDREA; Sacchi, Elisa; Buffagni, Andrea; author Raffaella Balestrini, Presenting
Squaring the cycle: the integration of Groundwater processes in nutrient budgets for a basin-oriented remediation Strategy
2019 Musacchio, Arianna; Re, Viviana; Delconte, CARLO ANDREA; Racchetti, Enrica; Soana, Elisa; Balestrini, Raffaella; Bartoli, Marco; Viaroli, Pierluigi; Sacchi, Elisa
Biotic control of in-stream nutrient retention in nitrogen-rich springs (Po Valley, Northern Italy)
2018 Balestrini, R; Delconte, C A; Palumbo, M T; Buffagni, A
Factors affecting agricultural nitrogen removal in riparian strips: Examples from groundwater-dependent ecosystems of the Po Valley (Northern Italy)
2016 Balestrini R.; Sacchi E.; Tidili D.; Delconte C.A.; Buffagni A.
Venticinque anni di ricerca internazionale sulle risorse idriche in alta quota, il Monte Everest (Nepal)
2016 Salerno, F; Tartari, G; Balestrini, R; Delconte, C; Guzzella, L; Polesello, S; Valsecchi, S; Viviano, G; Guyennon, N; Romano, E; Ielpo, P
Wet deposition at the base of Mt Everest: Seasonal evolution of the chemistry and isotopic composition
2016 Balestrini R.; Delconte C.A.; Sacchi E.; Wilson A.M.; Williams M.W.; Cristofanelli P.; Putero D.
Nitrogen inputs to a river course in a heavily impacted watershed: A combined hydrochemical and isotopic evaluation (Oglio River Basin, N Italy).
2014 Delconte, C A; Sacchi, E; Racchetti, E; Bartoli, M; Maspla, J; Delconte, CARLO ANDREA; V,
Caratterizzazione delle deposizioni atmosferiche e della soluzione circolante del suolo nell area LOM1 della rete nazionale CON.ECO.FOR. ATTIVITA 2012
2013 Balestrini R.; Sala S.; Delconte C.
Deliverable I3d3 Rapporto tecnico - Ciclo dei nutrienti e stato ecologico buono: proposta di nuove misure basate sulle caratteristiche di habitat e idromorfologiche locali degli ambienti acquatici e possibilità di up-scaling
2013 Balestrini Raffaella; Delconte Carlo; Erba Stefania; Marcello Cazzola; Buffagni Andrea
Evaluation of nitrate sources and transformation in the Oglio river watershed
2013 Delconte, C; Sacchi, E; Allais, E; Racchetti, E
Origin and fate of nitrates in groundwater from the central Po plain: Insights from isotopic investigations.
2013 Sacchi, E; Acutis, M; Bartoli, M; Brenna, S; Delconte, C; Laini, A; Pennisi, M
Stable isotopes of dissolved nitrate and boron as indicators of the origin and fate of nitrate contamination in groundwater. Results from the western Po plain (northern Italy).
2013 Sacchi, E; Delconte, C; Pennisi, M; Allais, A
Nitrogen balance and fate in a heavily impacted watershed (Oglio River, Northern Italy): in quest of the missing sources and sinks.
2012 Bartoli, M; Racchetti, E; Delconte, C; Sacchi, E; Soana, E; Laini, A; Longhi, D; Viaroli, P
Nitrogen removal in subsurface water by narrow buffer strips in the intensive farming landscape of hte Po River watershed, Italy
2011 Balestrini R.; Arese C.; Delconte C.A.; Lotti A.; Salerno F.
2008 Balestrini, R; Arese, C; Delconte, C