Istituto Nanoscienze - NANO
Analytic treatment of the thermoelectric properties for two coupled quantum dots threaded by magnetic fields
2018 Menichetti, G.; Grosso, G.; Parravicini, G. Pastori
Strain Modulation of Band Offsets at the PCBM/P3HT Heterointerface
2017 Menichetti G.; Colle R.; Grosso G.
Anisotropic straining of graphene using micropatterned SiN membranes
2016 Settembrini F.F.; Colangelo F.; Pitanti A.; Miseikis V.; Coletti C.; Menichetti G.; Colle R.; Grosso G.; Tredicucci A.; Roddaro S.
Graphene on clean (0001) ?-quartz: Numerical determination of a minimum energy path from metal to semiconductor
2016 Colle R.; Menichetti G.; Grosso G.
Heterointerface Electronic States and Charge Transport of Crystalline N,N?-1H,1H?-Perfluorobutil Dicyanoperylene Diimide in Field-Effect Transistor Configuration
2016 Menichetti, G; Colle, R; Gatti, C; Grosso, G
Thermoelectric efficiency of nanoscale devices in the linear regime
2016 Bevilacqua, G; Grosso, G; Menichetti, G; Pastori Parravicini, G
Riccati equation for simulation of leads in quantum transport
2014 Bravi M. ; Farchioni R. , ; Grosso G. , ; Pastori Parravicini G. ,
Electronic transmission through a polyacene ladder with a substitutional edge impurity
2013 Bravi, Malko; Farchioni, Riccardo; Grosso, Giuseppe; Pastori Parravicini, Giuseppe
Photoluminescence, recombination rate, and gain spectra in optically excited n-type and tensile strained germanium layers
2013 Virgilio M.; Manganelli C.L.; Grosso G.; Schroeder T.; Capellini G.
Radiative recombination and optical gain spectra in biaxially strained n-type germanium
2013 Virgilio, M; Manganelli, C L; Grosso, G; Pizzi, G; Capellini, G
Anisotropic molecular packing of soluble C 60 fullerenes in hexagonal nanocrystals obtained by solvent vapor annealing
2012 Colle; R.a;Grosso; G.b;Ronzani; A.c;Gazzano; M.d;Palermo; V.d
Curvature effects on valley splitting and degeneracy lifting: The case of Si/Ge rolled-up nanotubes
2012 Giovanni Pizzi ; Michele Virgilio ; Giuseppe Grosso ; Suwit Kiravittaya ;Oliver G. Schmidt
Modeling picosecond electron dynamics of pump-probe intersubband spectroscopy in n-type Ge/SiGe quantum wells
2012 M. Virgilio; G. Grosso; G. Pizzi; M. De Seta; G. Capellini;M. Ortolani
Narrow intersubband transitions in n-type Ge/SiGe multi-quantum wells: control of the terahertz absorption energy trough the temperature dependent depolarization shif
2012 De Seta, M; Capellini, G; Ortolani, M; Virgilio, M; Grosso, G; Nicotra, G; Zaumseil, P
Quenching of the transmittivity of a one-dimensional binary random dimer model through side-attached atoms
2012 Farchioni, Riccardo; Grosso, Giuseppe; Pastori Parravicini, Giuseppe
Electronic transmission through a ladder with a single side-attached impurity
2011 Farchioni, R; Grosso, G; Pastori Parravicini, G
Electronic transmission through a ladder with a single side-attached impurity
2011 Farchioni, Riccardo; Grosso, Giuseppe; Pastori Parravicini, Giuseppe
Long intersubband relaxation times in n-type germanium quantum wells
2011 Ortolani, Michele , ; Stehr, Dominik ; Wagner, Martin ; Helm, Manfred ; Pizzi, Giovanni , ; Virgilio, Michele , ; Grosso, Giuseppe , ; Capellini, Giovanni ; De Seta, Monica
Optical gain in short period Si/Ge superlattices on [001]-SiGe substrates
2011 Virgilio, Michele; Pizzi, Giovanni; Grosso, Giuseppe
Structure and X-ray spectrum of crystalline poly(3-hexylthiophene) from DFT-van der Waals calculations
2011 Colle R.; G. Grosso; A. Ronzani;C. M. ZicovichWilson