Istituto di Geologia Ambientale e Geoingegneria - IGAG
Calcareous Nannofossil variability controlled by Milankovitch and sub-Milankovitch periodicity in the Monte San Nicola section (Gelasian GSSP / MIS 100–104)
2024 Bonomo, Sergio; Zanola, Elena; Incarbona, Alessandro; Di Stefano, Agata; Distefano, Salvatore; Barbagallo, Viviana; Ferretti, Patrizia; Fornaciari, Eliana; Macrì, Patrizia; Raffi, Isabella; Sabatino, Nadia; Speranza, Fabio; Sprovieri, Mario; Di Stefano, Enrico; Sprovieri, Rodolfo; Rio, Domenico; Capraro, Luca
High-resolution climate variability across the Piacenzian/Gelasian boundary in the Monte San Nicola section (Sicily, Italy)
2024 Zanola, Elena; Bonomo, Sergio; Incarbona, Alessandro; Di Stefano, Agata; Distefano, Salvatore; Ferretti, Patrizia; Fornaciari, Eliana; Galeotti, Simone; Macrì, Patrizia; Raffi, Isabella; Sabatino, Nadia; Speranza, Fabio; Sprovieri, Mario; Di Stefano, Enrico; Sprovieri, Rodolfo; Rio, Domenico; Capraro, Luca
Orbital and suborbital temperature variability in the central Mediterranean across the Pliocene/Pleistocene transition
2024 Zanola, Elena; Rodrigues, Teresa; Bonomo, Sergio; Ferretti, Patrizia; Fornaciari, Eliana; Di Stefano, Agata; Incarbona, Alessandro; Preto, Nereo; Raffi, Isabella; Capraro, Luca
Planktonic foraminifera response to the azores high and industrial-era global warming in the central-western Mediterranean Sea
2024 Ferraro, S.; Incarbona, A.; Bonomo, S.; Capotondi, L.; Giaramita, L.; Langone, L.; Preto, N.; Surdi, G.; Zanola, E.; Tranchida, G.
A bio-chronostratigraphic study of the upper Miocene from the northern Caltanissetta Basin, Sicily (core 3AGN2S04). Implications for dating the Messinian Salinity Crisis onset
2023 Tzevahirtzian, Athina; Caruso, Antonio; Andreetto, Federico; Bonomo, Sergio; Krijgsman, Wout
Asthma incidence can be influenced by climate change in Italy: findings from the GEIRD study -- a climatological and epidemiological assessment
2023 Bonomo, S; Marchetti, P; Fasola, S; Vesentini, R; Marcon, A; Ferrante, G; Antonicelli, L; Battaglia, S; Bono, R; Squillacioti, G; Murgia, N; Pirina, P; Villani, S; LA GRUTTA, Stefania; Verlato, G; Viegi, G
Local hydrodynamic in coastal system affects the coccolithophore community at a short spatial scale
2023 Addante, M.; Grelaud, M.; Langer, G.; Maiorano, P.; Bonomo, S.; Alvarez, M.; Johnson, R.; Ziveri, P.
Multi-proxy signatures in deep-water fine-grained sediments: Inherited versus syn-sedimentary factors controlling sediment compositions within a foredeep basin (Paleogene Adriatic foredeep - Northern Italy)
2023 Andrea Di Capua, A; B, ; Samuele Miano, B; Davide Campagnolo, B; Sergio Bonomo, C; Antonio Caruso, D; Gabriele Carugati, B; Alessandro Cavallo, E; A Livio b, Franz; Giovanni Vezzoli, E
Neogene-Quaternary Mediterranean calcareous nannofossil biozonation and biochronology: A review
2023 Agata Di Stefano; Niccolò Baldassini; Isabella Raffi; Eliana Fornaciari; Alessandro Incarbona; Alessandra Negri; Sergio Bonomo; Giuliana Villa; Enrico Di Stefano;Domenico Rio
Solar forcing for nutricline depth variability inferred by coccoliths in the pre-industrial northwestern Mediterranean
2023 Incarbona, Alessandro; Bonomo, Sergio; Cacho, Isabel; Lirer, Fabrizio; Margaritelli, Giulia; Pecoraro, Delia; Ziveri, Patrizia
Climate evolution in the Adriatic Sea across the last deglaciation: A multiproxy approach combining biomarkers and calcareous plankton
2022 Bazzicalupo, P; Sicre, Ma; Checa, H; Maiorano, P; Margaritelli, G; Klein, V; Pena, Ld; Cacho, I; Frigola, J; Bonomo, S; Cascella, A; Lirer, F
Spatial Distribution of Benthic Foraminifera in the Neretva Channel (Croatia Coast): Faunal Response to Environmental Parameters
2022 Capotondi, Lucilla; Bonomo, Sergio; Graiani, Andrea; Innangi, Michele; Innangi, Sara; Giglio, Federico; Ravaioli, Mariangela; Ferraro, Luciana
The Monte San Nicola section (Sicily) revisited: A potential unit-stratotype of the Gelasian Stage
2022 Capraro, L.; Bonomo, S.; Di Stefano, A.; Ferretti, P.; Fornaciari, E.; Galeotti, S.; Incarbona, A.; Macrì, P.; Raffi, I.; Sabatino, N.; Speranza, F.; Sprovieri, M.; Di Stefano, E.; Sprovieri, R.; Rio, D.
Vegetation history of SE Sicily from feudal land management to post-war agricultural industrialization
2022 Michelangeli, F; Di Rita, F; Lirer, F; Lubritto, C; Bellucci, Lg; Cascella, A; Bonomo, S; Margaritelli, G; Magri, D
A microscale hybrid modelling system to assess the air quality over a large portion of a large European city
2021 Barbero, D; Tinarelli, G; Silibello, C; Nanni, A; Gariazzo, C; Stafoggia, M; Viegi, G; Ancona, C; Angelini, P; Argentini, S; Baldacci, S; Bisceglia, L; Bonafede, M; Bonomo, S; Bonvicini, L; Broccoli, S; Brusasca, G; Bucci, S; Calori, G; Carlino, G; Cernigliaro, A; Chieti, A; Colacci, A; de' Donato, F; Demaria, M; Fasola, S; Finardi, S; Forastiere, F; Galassi, C; Rossi, Pg; La Grutta, S; Licitra, G; Maio, S; Marinaccio, A; Michelozzi, P; Migliore, E; Moro, A; Ottone, M; Parmagnani, F; Pepe, N; Radice, P; Ranzi, A; Renzi, M; Scondotto, S; Scortichini, M; Sozzi, R; Uboldi, F; Zengarini, N
Living coccolithophore communities in the central Mediterranean Sea (Summer 2016): Relations between ecology and oceanography
2021 Bonomo, S; Schroeder, K; Cascella, A; Alberico, I; Lirer, F
The response of calcareous plankton to the Sapropel S1 interval in North Ionian Sea
2021 Cascella, Antonio; Bonomo, Sergio; Lirer, Fabrizio; Margaritelli, Giulia; Checa, Helena; Cacho, Isabel; Pena, Leopoldo D.; Frigola, Jaime
A 4,500-year record of palaeomagnetic secular variation and relative palaeointensity from the Tyrrhenian Sea
2020 Lurcock, Pontus; Florindo, Fabio; Bonomo, Sergio; Cascella, Antonio; Di Rita, Federico; Ferraro, Luciana; Insinga, DONATELLA DOMENICA; Magri, Donatella; Margaritelli, Giulia; Pelosi, Nicola; Petrosino, Paola; Vallefuoco, Mattia; Cosentino, Claudia; Lirer, Fabrizio
Climate variability of the last ~2700 years in the Southern Adriatic Sea: Coccolithophore evidences
2020 Cascella, Antonio; Bonomo, Sergio; Jalali, Bassem; Sicre, Mariealexandrine; Pelosi, Nicola; Schmidt, Sabine; Lirer, Fabrizio
Impact of the freshwater inflow from the Volturno river on the coastal circulation
2020 Sorgente, Roberto; DI MAIO, Antonia; Pessini, Federica; Ribotti, Alberto; Bonomo, Sergio; Perilli, Angelo; Alberico, Ines; Lirer, Fabrizio; Cascella, Antonio; Ferraro, Luciana
Titolo | Data di pubblicazione | Autore(i) | File |
Calcareous Nannofossil variability controlled by Milankovitch and sub-Milankovitch periodicity in the Monte San Nicola section (Gelasian GSSP / MIS 100–104) | 1-gen-2024 | Bonomo, Sergio; Zanola, Elena; Incarbona, Alessandro; Di Stefano, Agata; Distefano, Salvatore; Barbagallo, Viviana; Ferretti, Patrizia; Fornaciari, Eliana; Macrì, Patrizia; Raffi, Isabella; Sabatino, Nadia; Speranza, Fabio; Sprovieri, Mario; Di Stefano, Enrico; Sprovieri, Rodolfo; Rio, Domenico; Capraro, Luca | |
High-resolution climate variability across the Piacenzian/Gelasian boundary in the Monte San Nicola section (Sicily, Italy) | 1-gen-2024 | Zanola, Elena; Bonomo, Sergio; Incarbona, Alessandro; Di Stefano, Agata; Distefano, Salvatore; Ferretti, Patrizia; Fornaciari, Eliana; Galeotti, Simone; Macrì, Patrizia; Raffi, Isabella; Sabatino, Nadia; Speranza, Fabio; Sprovieri, Mario; Di Stefano, Enrico; Sprovieri, Rodolfo; Rio, Domenico; Capraro, Luca | |
Orbital and suborbital temperature variability in the central Mediterranean across the Pliocene/Pleistocene transition | 1-gen-2024 | Zanola, Elena; Rodrigues, Teresa; Bonomo, Sergio; Ferretti, Patrizia; Fornaciari, Eliana; Di Stefano, Agata; Incarbona, Alessandro; Preto, Nereo; Raffi, Isabella; Capraro, Luca | |
Planktonic foraminifera response to the azores high and industrial-era global warming in the central-western Mediterranean Sea | 1-gen-2024 | Ferraro, S.; Incarbona, A.; Bonomo, S.; Capotondi, L.; Giaramita, L.; Langone, L.; Preto, N.; Surdi, G.; Zanola, E.; Tranchida, G. | |
A bio-chronostratigraphic study of the upper Miocene from the northern Caltanissetta Basin, Sicily (core 3AGN2S04). Implications for dating the Messinian Salinity Crisis onset | 1-gen-2023 | Tzevahirtzian, Athina; Caruso, Antonio; Andreetto, Federico; Bonomo, Sergio; Krijgsman, Wout | |
Asthma incidence can be influenced by climate change in Italy: findings from the GEIRD study -- a climatological and epidemiological assessment | 1-gen-2023 | Bonomo, S; Marchetti, P; Fasola, S; Vesentini, R; Marcon, A; Ferrante, G; Antonicelli, L; Battaglia, S; Bono, R; Squillacioti, G; Murgia, N; Pirina, P; Villani, S; LA GRUTTA, Stefania; Verlato, G; Viegi, G | |
Local hydrodynamic in coastal system affects the coccolithophore community at a short spatial scale | 1-gen-2023 | Addante, M.; Grelaud, M.; Langer, G.; Maiorano, P.; Bonomo, S.; Alvarez, M.; Johnson, R.; Ziveri, P. | |
Multi-proxy signatures in deep-water fine-grained sediments: Inherited versus syn-sedimentary factors controlling sediment compositions within a foredeep basin (Paleogene Adriatic foredeep - Northern Italy) | 1-gen-2023 | Andrea Di Capua, A; B, ; Samuele Miano, B; Davide Campagnolo, B; Sergio Bonomo, C; Antonio Caruso, D; Gabriele Carugati, B; Alessandro Cavallo, E; A Livio b, Franz; Giovanni Vezzoli, E | |
Neogene-Quaternary Mediterranean calcareous nannofossil biozonation and biochronology: A review | 1-gen-2023 | Agata Di Stefano; Niccolò Baldassini; Isabella Raffi; Eliana Fornaciari; Alessandro Incarbona; Alessandra Negri; Sergio Bonomo; Giuliana Villa; Enrico Di Stefano;Domenico Rio | |
Solar forcing for nutricline depth variability inferred by coccoliths in the pre-industrial northwestern Mediterranean | 1-gen-2023 | Incarbona, Alessandro; Bonomo, Sergio; Cacho, Isabel; Lirer, Fabrizio; Margaritelli, Giulia; Pecoraro, Delia; Ziveri, Patrizia | |
Climate evolution in the Adriatic Sea across the last deglaciation: A multiproxy approach combining biomarkers and calcareous plankton | 1-gen-2022 | Bazzicalupo, P; Sicre, Ma; Checa, H; Maiorano, P; Margaritelli, G; Klein, V; Pena, Ld; Cacho, I; Frigola, J; Bonomo, S; Cascella, A; Lirer, F | |
Spatial Distribution of Benthic Foraminifera in the Neretva Channel (Croatia Coast): Faunal Response to Environmental Parameters | 1-gen-2022 | Capotondi, Lucilla; Bonomo, Sergio; Graiani, Andrea; Innangi, Michele; Innangi, Sara; Giglio, Federico; Ravaioli, Mariangela; Ferraro, Luciana | |
The Monte San Nicola section (Sicily) revisited: A potential unit-stratotype of the Gelasian Stage | 1-gen-2022 | Capraro, L.; Bonomo, S.; Di Stefano, A.; Ferretti, P.; Fornaciari, E.; Galeotti, S.; Incarbona, A.; Macrì, P.; Raffi, I.; Sabatino, N.; Speranza, F.; Sprovieri, M.; Di Stefano, E.; Sprovieri, R.; Rio, D. | |
Vegetation history of SE Sicily from feudal land management to post-war agricultural industrialization | 1-gen-2022 | Michelangeli, F; Di Rita, F; Lirer, F; Lubritto, C; Bellucci, Lg; Cascella, A; Bonomo, S; Margaritelli, G; Magri, D | |
A microscale hybrid modelling system to assess the air quality over a large portion of a large European city | 1-gen-2021 | Barbero, D; Tinarelli, G; Silibello, C; Nanni, A; Gariazzo, C; Stafoggia, M; Viegi, G; Ancona, C; Angelini, P; Argentini, S; Baldacci, S; Bisceglia, L; Bonafede, M; Bonomo, S; Bonvicini, L; Broccoli, S; Brusasca, G; Bucci, S; Calori, G; Carlino, G; Cernigliaro, A; Chieti, A; Colacci, A; de' Donato, F; Demaria, M; Fasola, S; Finardi, S; Forastiere, F; Galassi, C; Rossi, Pg; La Grutta, S; Licitra, G; Maio, S; Marinaccio, A; Michelozzi, P; Migliore, E; Moro, A; Ottone, M; Parmagnani, F; Pepe, N; Radice, P; Ranzi, A; Renzi, M; Scondotto, S; Scortichini, M; Sozzi, R; Uboldi, F; Zengarini, N | |
Living coccolithophore communities in the central Mediterranean Sea (Summer 2016): Relations between ecology and oceanography | 1-gen-2021 | Bonomo, S; Schroeder, K; Cascella, A; Alberico, I; Lirer, F | |
The response of calcareous plankton to the Sapropel S1 interval in North Ionian Sea | 1-gen-2021 | Cascella, Antonio; Bonomo, Sergio; Lirer, Fabrizio; Margaritelli, Giulia; Checa, Helena; Cacho, Isabel; Pena, Leopoldo D.; Frigola, Jaime | |
A 4,500-year record of palaeomagnetic secular variation and relative palaeointensity from the Tyrrhenian Sea | 1-gen-2020 | Lurcock, Pontus; Florindo, Fabio; Bonomo, Sergio; Cascella, Antonio; Di Rita, Federico; Ferraro, Luciana; Insinga, DONATELLA DOMENICA; Magri, Donatella; Margaritelli, Giulia; Pelosi, Nicola; Petrosino, Paola; Vallefuoco, Mattia; Cosentino, Claudia; Lirer, Fabrizio | |
Climate variability of the last ~2700 years in the Southern Adriatic Sea: Coccolithophore evidences | 1-gen-2020 | Cascella, Antonio; Bonomo, Sergio; Jalali, Bassem; Sicre, Mariealexandrine; Pelosi, Nicola; Schmidt, Sabine; Lirer, Fabrizio | |
Impact of the freshwater inflow from the Volturno river on the coastal circulation | 1-gen-2020 | Sorgente, Roberto; DI MAIO, Antonia; Pessini, Federica; Ribotti, Alberto; Bonomo, Sergio; Perilli, Angelo; Alberico, Ines; Lirer, Fabrizio; Cascella, Antonio; Ferraro, Luciana |