Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 639
AS - Asia 99
EU - Europa 23
Totale 761
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 639
SG - Singapore 98
IT - Italia 12
FI - Finlandia 6
DE - Germania 3
CN - Cina 1
NL - Olanda 1
SE - Svezia 1
Totale 761
Città #
Santa Clara 623
Singapore 76
Helsinki 6
Valenza 4
Milan 3
Karlsruhe 2
Pisa 2
Ashburn 1
Brescia 1
Totale 718
Nome #
Alpine structure and deformation chronology at the Southern Alps - Po plain border in Lombardy. 19
Carta Geologica d'Italia alla Scala 1:50.000, Foglio 99 Iseo. Note Illustrative e Carta Geologica in scala 1:50000 14
Climatic And Tectonic Controls On Pedogenesis And Landscape Evolution In A Quaternary Intramontane Basin (Val d'Agri Basin, Southern Apennines, Italy) 12
Relating electrical conduction of alluvial sediments to textural properties and pore-fluid conductivity 12
Quaternary hydrostratigraphy of the Po plain foredeep in Lombardy: controls on aquifer architecture in the San Colombano al Lambro thrust-fold area. 11
Paleosols in a Pleistocene intermontane basin: a micromorphological approach to the study of the High Agri Valley (Southern Italy). 11
Discrimination of sub-environments in a confined turbidite basin, based on Hurst statistics (Tertiary Piedmont Basin, NW Italy). 11
Relating facies connectivity to flow and transport properties for a point bar-channel aquifer analogue 11
Aquifer building and Apennine evolution in a Quaternary foreland: the southernmost Lodi Plain of Lombardy 11
Simulation of heterogeneity in a point-bar/canne aquifer analogue. 11
A simple statistical analysis of facies changes at the onlap terminations of a turbiditic sandstone body. 11
Hydrogeophysical Imaging Of Alluvial Aquifers: Electrostratigraphic Units In The Quaternary Po Alluvial Plain (Italy) 11
Maturity of organic matter in the Liassic succession of the Mt. Generoso rifted Basin (Southern Alps, Lombardy). 11
Facies Connectivity, Water Flow And Solute Transport In A Point Bar-Channel Aquifer Analogue 10
Geostatistical simulation and numerical upscaling to model groundwater flow in a sandy-gravel, braided river aquifer analogue 10
Assetto geologico della successione quaternaria nel sottosuolo tra Melegnano e Piacenza. 10
A statistical approach to quantify the degree of confinement of a turbiditic basin, based on the bed thickness distribution. 10
A multidisciplinary study of sediments' connectivity and transport parameters for aquifer analogues, in Models - Repositories of Knowledge 10
Quantification of the degree of confinement of a turbidite filled basin: a statistical approach based on bed tickness distribution 10
Comparison of resistività imaging and wave investigation capability to map near surface stratigraphy nerarby the city of Lodi (Northern Italy). 10
Turbidite facies changes in a base of slope setting (Langhe Basin, Lower Cengio Turbidite System, Oligocene, Tertiary Piedmont Basin) 10
Aquifer architecture of the quaternari alluvial succession of the southern Lambro basin (Lombardy Italy). 10
Quantification of heterogeneity in a point bar channel aquifer system. 10
Bed thickness and facies trends of turbiditic sandstone bodies: unravelling the effects of basin confinement, depositional processes and modes of sediment supply 10
Imaging of subsurface alluvial stratigraphy: an electro-stratigraphic traverse across the Po plain in Lombardy 10
Geological and Geomorphological Map of the Lodi alluvial plain. The contribution of surface geology to hydrostratigraphic reconstruction 10
Atti del II Workshop Nazionale L approccio multidisciplinare allo studio degli acquiferi porosi . 10
Paleosols in a Pleistocene Intermontane Basin: a Multidisciplinary Approach to the Study of the High Agri Valley (Southern Apennines, Italy). 10
Simulation of fine-scale heterogeneity of meandering river aquifer analogues: comparing different approaches 10
Complex electrical resistivity measurements on alluvial sediment samples toward sedimentological and petrographic properties estimation. 10
The architecture of alluvial aquifers: an integrated geological-geophysical methodology 10
Connectivity and transport properties of alluvial sediments 10
Aquifer characterization and hydrostratigraphy of alluvial sediments: taking advantage of sequence stratigraphy methods 10
Relating bulk electrical conduction to litho-textural properties and pore-fluid conductivity within porous alluvial aquifers 10
Aquifer building and Apennine tectonics in a Quaternary foreland: the southernmost Lodi plain of Lombardy 10
Towards sequence hydrostratigraphy of the Quaternary alluvial aquifers of the northern side of the Po plain in Lombardy 10
Connectivity and transport properties of alluvial sediments: a case study from the Ticino basin (northern Italy). 10
Stima della influenza dell'eterogeneità di facies sulla conducibilità idraulica di sedimenti alluvionali ghiaioso-sabbiosi. 10
Validation of Hurst statistics, a predictive tool to discriminate turbiditic sub-environments in a confined basin 10
Laboratory electrical measurements on sediment samples and relation with textural parameters. 10
Aquifer Analogues 10
Connectivity, flow and transport models in a point bar channel aquifer analogue. 10
Simulazione geostatistica e modellazione del flusso in un analogo di acquifero fluviale meandriforme 9
Combining sedimentological and geophysical data for high-resolution 3-D mapping of fluvial architectural elements in the Quaternary Po plain (Italy). 9
Geological and statistical characterization of a fluvial point bar-channel aquifer analogue 9
Modeling heterogeneity of gravel-sand braided stream, alluvial aquifers at the facies scale 9
Chronological constraints on the Quaternary evolution of the intermontane Val d Agri Basin (Southern Apennines). 9
Sedimentology and hydrostratigraphy of the Pleistocene alluvial succession of the Complesso Val d'Agri (Southern Italy) 9
Hydrostratigraphy of the Pleistocene Holocene succession of the southern Lambro Valley (Lombardy). 9
quaternary evolution of intermontane Val d'Agri Basin, Southern Apennines 9
New chronological constraints on the sedimentary evolution of the Quaternary Agri Valley Basin (Southern Apennines, Italy). 9
Simulation of heterogeneity and hydrofacies connectivity in a gravelly sand aquifer analogue. 9
Statistical analysis of stratal patterns and facies changes: deconvolving controls on the depositional architecture of deep-sea confined clastic units. 9
Simulation of fine-scale heterogeneity of meandering river aquifer analogues: comparing different approaches. 9
Stratigraphy and sedimentary evolution of the Quaternary Agri Valley Basin (Southern Apennines, Italy). 9
Textural vs. structural heterogeneity and hydraulic conductivity of gravel-sand alluvial facies. 9
Geological and geophysical characterization of fluvial aquifers. 9
The architecture of alluvial aquifers: an integrated geological-geophysical methodology for multiscale caharacterization 9
Geo-electrical imaging and characterization of alluvial aquifers at different scales. 9
Integration of geoelectrical and geological methods for fast mapping lithotecnical properties in alluvial plain settings 9
Comparison Of Three Methods For Hydrofacies Simulation: A Test On Alluvial Sediments 9
Statistical analysis of stratal patterns and facies changes at the terminations of turbiditic sandstone bodies: the Oligocene Cengio Unit (Tertiary Piedmont Basin). 9
Portraying heterogeneity of aquifer analogues in point bar channel systems 9
Analysis of the dispersion tensor for an aquifer analogue 9
Combining facies analysis, log interpretation and geostatistical simulation to characterise heterogeneity of a turbiditic reservoir. 9
Maturity of organic matter in the Liassic succession of the Mt. Generoso rifted Basin (Southern Alps, Lombardy). 9
Geologia di sottosuolo di un settore della bassa pianura lodigiana: Il Bacino del Lambro. 9
Utilizzo di un sistema informativo geografico per la stima dell'erosione in una valle di media montagna: il bacino del torrente Guerna (Sudalpino Lombardo, Bergamo) 9
Combining geological and geo-electrical methods to constrain correlations and modelling of sediment changes in fluvial aquifers. 9
Facies architecture of a submarine feeder channel: the Oligocene Millesimo unit - Tertiary Piedmont Basin (Northern Italy). 9
Multiple - scale evaluation of aquifer heterogeneity and water flow in gravel sand aquifers. 9
Assetto geologico della successione quaternaria nel sottosuolo tra Melegnano e Piacenza 9
Multiscale characterization of alluvial aquifers: 1-D geoelectrical models and electrostratigraphic units 9
A simple statistical analysis of facies changes at the onlap terminations of a turbiditic sandstone body. 9
Stratal patterns and facies changes of the terminations of reservoir-scale turbiditic units: a statistical approach. 9
Aquifer sedimentology of an intermontane basin fill (Val d'Agri Complex, Southern Italy). 9
Hydrostratigraphy of the Pleistocene succession of the upper Agri intermontane basin (Basilicata). 9
Totale 761
Categoria #
all - tutte 2.355
article - articoli 699
book - libri 34
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 38
Totale 3.126

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/202412 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 6 2
2024/2025749 2 2 77 43 545 80 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 761