Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 379
AS - Asia 187
EU - Europa 58
OC - Oceania 2
AF - Africa 1
Totale 627
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 378
SG - Singapore 161
IT - Italia 41
CN - Cina 21
FI - Finlandia 10
AU - Australia 2
DE - Germania 2
HK - Hong Kong 2
NL - Olanda 2
DK - Danimarca 1
EG - Egitto 1
JP - Giappone 1
KG - Kirghizistan 1
KR - Corea 1
MT - Malta 1
MX - Messico 1
NO - Norvegia 1
Totale 627
Città #
Santa Clara 347
Singapore 97
Milan 23
Guangzhou 15
Bari 10
Helsinki 10
Hong Kong 2
Pedrengo 2
Phoenix 2
Sydney 2
Amsterdam 1
Bishkek 1
Falkenstein 1
Forest City 1
Frankfurt am Main 1
Mexico City 1
Modena 1
Sannicandro di Bari 1
Seoul 1
Sliema 1
Springfield 1
Tokyo 1
Totale 522
Nome #
Plasma-assisted deposition of magnesium-containing coatings on porous scaffolds for bone tissue engineering 29
How to Confer a Permanent Bio-Repelling and Bio-Adhesive Character to Biomedical Materials through Cold Plasmas 22
Anticancer Effects of Plasma-Treated Water Solutions from Clinically Approved Infusion Liquids Supplemented with Organic Molecules 20
A Synergistic Effect of Reactive Oxygen and Reactive Nitrogen Species in Plasma Activated Liquid Media Triggers Astrocyte Wound Healing 18
Plasma-activated medium triggers cell death and the presentation of immune activating danger signals in melanoma and pancreatic cancer cells 17
Atmospheric pressure plasma deposition of organic films of biomedical interest 14
The active role of organic molecules in the formation of long-lived reactive oxygen and nitrogen species in plasma-treated water solutions 14
Effects of plasma treatments applied to fresh ricotta cheese 13
Plasma Treated Water Solutions in Cancer Treatments: The Contrasting Role of RNS 13
Surface modification of molecular sieve fillers for mixed matrix membranes 12
Plasma deposition of long-lasting hydrophilic coatings on alumina micro-particles 12
PE-CVD of Acid/Base Coatings from Acrylic Acid and Allylamine Vapours 11
Cytotoxicity of Nonthermal Plasma Treatments on Three Cancer Cell Lines Induces Changes in Cell Morphology and in HSP70 Gene Expression 11
The effect of different cold atmospheric plasma sources and treatment modalities on the generation of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species in water 11
Antibacterial surfaces obtained by means of plasma aided technologies: Tunable chemical (physical) surface properties against bacterial colonization 9
Cu-modified TiO2-based photocatalysts for visible light active photodegradation in water and gas matrices 9
Validation of colorimetric assays for hydrogen peroxide, nitrate and nitrite ions in complex plasma‐treated water solutions 9
Chemically Directed Assembling of Functionalized Luminescent Nanocrystals onto Plasma Modified Substrates Towards Sensing and Optoelectronic Applications 9
Direct Plasma Deposition of Lysozyme-Embedded Bio-Composite Thin Films 9
Plasma Deposition of PEO-Like Coatings with Aerosol-Assisted Dielectric Barrier Discharges 9
Trends in surface engineering of biomaterials: atmospheric pressure plasma deposition of coatings for biomedical applications 9
Fibroblast and keratinocyte behaviour on substrates plasma-patterned with fouling and non fouling domains 9
Increasing Cell Adhesion on Plasma Deposited Fluorocarbon Coatings by Changing the Surface Topography 8
Micro-/Nanoscale Structuring of Cell-Culture Substrates with Fluorocarbon Plasmas 8
Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Deposition of Poly Lactic Acid-Like Coatings with Embedded Elastin 8
Adhesion of eukaryotic cells as affected by nano-structured surfaces produced by plasma processes 8
SU8 based microcantilever sensors chemically functionalized with organic-capped oxidenanocrystals for vapour detection 7
Characterization of reactive oxygen/ nitrogen species produced in PBS and DMEM by air DBD plasma treatments 7
Covalent immobilization of liposomes on plasma functionalized metallic surfaces 7
Human head and neck cancer cell lines response to cold atmospheric plasma activated media is affected by the chemistry of culture media 7
Proliferative and re-defferentiative effects of photo-immobilized micro-patterned hyaluronan surfaces on chondrocyte cells 7
Surface Functionalization of Micro Mechanical Cantilever Sensors by Organic Capped TiO2 and Fe2O3 Nanocrystals 7
Covalent Surface Functionalization of Micro Mechanical Cantilever Sensors by Organic capped TiO2 and ³-Fe2O3 Nanocrystals 7
Biosilica from living diatoms: Investigations on biocompatibility of bare and chemically modified Thalassiosira weissflogii silica shells 7
Increasing cell adhesion on plasma deposited fluorocarbon coatings by changing the surface topography 7
Deposition of hydroxyl functionalized films by means of ethylene aerosol-assisted atmospheric pressure plasma 7
RF-plasma Deposition of PEO-like Coatings on PCL scaffolds: An Approach to Guide Cell Colonization 7
Hydrophobic Bombyx mori Silk Fibroin: Routes to Functionalization with Alkyl Chains 7
Covalent surface functionalization of micro mechanical cantilever by organic capped TiO2 and ³-Fe2O3 nanocrystals 7
Control of cell adhesion and spreading by spatial microarranged PEO-like and pdAA domains 7
Nano-Structured Cell-Adhesive and Cell-Repulsive Plasma-Deposited Coatings:Chemical and Topographical Effects on Keratinocyte Adhesion 7
Effects of synthesis parameters on SAPO-34 morphology and adsorption properties for the CO2/CH4 separation 6
Chemically directed assembly of functionalized luminescent nanocrystals onto plasma modified substrates toward sensing and optoelectronic 6
Plasma generated RONS in cell culture medium for in vitro studies of eukaryotic cells on Tissue Engineering scaffolds 6
Plasma processing of 3D scaffolds to address specific cell response suitable for long term implants and tissue engineering 6
Plasma Processes and structuring procedures on polymer surfaces to control cell-adhesion and morphology 6
Deposition of aminosilane coatings on porous Al2O3 microspheres by means of dielectric barrier discharges 6
Covalent Immobilization of Surface-Functionalized TiO2 and ³-Fe2O3 Nanocrystals onto epoxy photo-resist films 6
Functionalized luminescent nanocrystals on patterned surfaces obtained by radio frequency glow discharges 6
Surface chemical functionalisation of epoxy photoresist-based microcantilevers with organic-coated TiO2 nanocrystals 6
Improving Internal Cell Colonization of Porous Scaffolds with Chemical Gradients Produced by Plasma Assisted Approaches 6
Preparing film by plasma-enhanced chemical deposition for releasing target substances chosen from metals, compounds having antibacterial properties and biologically active molecules into surrounding medium 6
Plasma Modification of PCL Porous Scaffolds Fabricated by Solvent-Casting/ParticulateLeaching for Tissue Engineering 6
Covalent Surface Functionalization of Micro Mechanical Cantilever Sensors by Organic Capped TiO2 and Fe2O3 Nanocrystals 6
Haemocompatibility improvement of metallic surfaces by covalent immobilization of heparin-liposomes 6
Investigation of air-DBD effects on biological liquids for in vitro studies on eukaryotic cells 6
Plasma Processes Combined with Colloidal Lithography to Produce Nanostructured Surfaces for Cell-Adhesion 6
N2/H2o plasma assisted functionalization of poly(?-caprolactone) porous scaffolds: Acidic/basic character versus cell behavior 6
PECVD of Fluorocarbon Coatings from Hexafluoropropylene Oxide: Glow vs. Afterglow 6
Behaviour of SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cell line grown in different media and on different chemically modified substrates 6
Plasma assisted deposition of free-standing nanofilms for biomedical applications 6
Plasma processing of polymers for biomedical applications 5
Non-equilibrium plasma processing for the preparation of antibacterial surfaces 5
Low temperature plasma processes for biomedical applications and membrane processing 5
An innovative method to induce cell ingrowth through 3D porous scaffolds by poor cell adhesive coatings 5
Plasma Functionalized Surfaces for Chemically Directed Assembling of Luminescent Nanocrystals for Sensing and Optoelectronic Application 5
Micro- and nanostructuring in plasma prrocesses for biomaterials: Micro- and nano-features as powerful tools to address selective biological response in Advanced Plasma Technology 5
Surface functionalization of epoxy resist based microcantilevers with iron oxide nanocrystals 5
Plasma-aided micro- and nanopatterning processes for biomedical applications 5
Critical Aspects in Generation, Analysis, and In Vitro Testing of RONS in Plasma-Treated Water Solutions for Cancer Treatments 5
Plasma Processes combined with colloidal lithography to produce nanostructured surfaces for cell-adhesion; accepted for an oral presentation to 5
Bactericidal silver containing composites deposited by means of RF (13.56MHz) Glow Discharges 5
Immobilization of surface-functionalized TiO2 and gamma-Fe2O3 colloidal nanocrystals onto silicon via a UV-light induced procedure 5
Plasma-deposited nano-composite coatings for biomedical applications 5
Special issue: Advanced applications of plasmas in Life Sciences 2020 5
Bactericidal Silver containing nanocomposites deposited by Means of RF (13.56 MHz) Glow Discharges 5
RF-Plasma deposition and surface characterization of stable (COOH)-Rich thin films from cyclic L-Lactide 5
UV-induced covalent attachment of surface-functionalized oxide nanocrystals onto hydrophobic silicon substrate 5
UV-light driven immobilization of surface-functionalized oxide nanocrystals onto silicon 5
Plasma‐treated liquids in medicine: Let's get chemical 5
Novel plasma processes for biomaterials: micro-scale patteming of biomedical polymers 4
Colloidal monolayers combined with cold plasmas: a versatile nanofabrication tool 4
Acrilic acid and Allylamine vapours to obtain Functional Coatings for biomedical applications 4
Towards highly stable aqueous dispersions of multi-walled carbon nanotubes: the effect of oxygen plasma functionalization 4
Disinfection of dental root canals by cold atmospheric plasma: a systematic review and meta-analysis of dental biofilm 4
Plasma modification of Polymers to tune cell behaviour 4
PE-CVD processes improve cell affinity of polymer scaffolds for tissue engineering 4
Plasma deposited cell-repulsive coatings for micro-structuring polymers in cell culture applications 3
Influence of the substrate surface texture on the stability of thin CsI photocathodes 3
Plasma deposition of thermo-responsive thin films from N-vinylcaprolactam 3
Tuning surface chemistry and nano-topography using plasma processes for biomedical applications 3
Use of Plasma Coated PET for the Study of Neuronal Cell Behaviour 3
Biomineralized porous composite scaffolds prepared by chemical synthesis for bone tissue regeneration 3
Plasma Processed Nanostructured Surfaces for Biomedical Purposes 3
Plasma deposition of functionalized coatings with acid/base properties for biomedical applications 3
Ag containing composite coatings obtained by means of plasma aided technologies: study in depth of chemical-physical characteristics toward biomedical application 3
Plasma deposited/etched nano-structured fluorocarbon surfaces as cell-culture substrates 3
Cell colonization of scaffolds for tissue engineering enhanced by means of plasma processes 3
Plasma-aided micropatterning of polystyrene substrates for driving cell adhesion and spreading 3
Totale 709
Categoria #
all - tutte 3.374
article - articoli 2.317
book - libri 27
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 5.718

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/202429 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 22 4
2024/2025704 16 3 118 65 379 65 46 12 0 0 0 0
Totale 733