Istituto per i Sistemi Biologici - ISB (ex IMC)
Fungal bioremediation of creosote-treated wood: a laboratory scale study on creosote components degradation by Pleurotus ostreatus mycelium.
2008 Polcaro, Cm; Brancaleoni, E; Donati, E; Frattoni, M; Galli, E; Migliore, L; Rapanà, P
Mycelium growth and degradation of creosote-treated wood by basydiomycetes
2008 Galli, E; Brancaleoni, E; Di Mario, F; Donati, E; Frattoni, M; Polcaro, Cm; Rapanà, P
Funghi ligninolitici per il biorimedio di legno impregnato con creosoto
2007 C.M. Polcaro; E. Galli E.; E. Donati; P. Rapanà; E. Brancaleoni; M. Frattoni
Isoprene and monoterpene fluxes from Central Amazonian rainforest inferred from tower-based and airborne measurements, and implications on the atmospheric chemistry and the local carbon budget
2007 Kuhn, U; Andreae, M O; Ammann, C; Araujo, A C; Brancaleoni, E; Ciccioli, P; Dindorf, T; Frattoni, M; Gatti, Lv; Ganzeveld, L; Kruijt, B; Lelieveld, J; Lloyd, J; Meixner, Fx; Nobre, Ad; Poschl, U; Spirig, C; Stefani, P; Et, Al
Degradation of creosote by Pleurotus ostreatus mycelium in creosote-treated wood.
2006 E. Galli ; P. Rapanà ; U. Tomati ; C.M. Polcaro ; E. Brancaleoni ; M. Frattoni
Emissions of monoterpenes linalool and ocimene respond differently to environmental changes due to differences in physico-chemical characteristics.
2006 Noe, Sf; Ciccioli, P; Brancaleoni, E; Loreto, F; Niinemets, U
Isomeric analysis of BTEXs in the atmosphere using â-cyclodextrin capillary chromatography coupled with thermal desorption and mass spectrometry
2006 Yassaa, N; Brancaleoni, E; Frattoni, M; Ciccioli, P
Sperimentazione e studio del processo meccanochimico di trattamento e recupero di traversine ferroviarie impegnate con olio di creosoto
2006 Brancaleoni, Enzo; Frattoni, Massimiliano; Polcaro, Chiara; Donati, Enrica; Ciccioli, Paolo
Synthesis and NMR characterization of new hyaluronan based NO-donors.
2006 Di Meo, C; Capitani, D; Mannina, L; Brancaleoni, E; Galesso, D; De Luca, G; Crescenzi, V
Progettazione e costruzione di un prototipo di camera statica per il campionamento del metano, protossido di azoto e ossido di azoto dai suoli
2005 P. Ciccioli; E. Brancaleoni; M. Frattoni
Progettazione e costruzione di un prototipo per la misura dei flussi di gas e vapori in aria mediante la tecnica
2005 Ciccioli, P; Brancaleoni, E; Frattoni, M
Progettazione, costruzione, calibrazione e installazione in una stazione alpina di uno strumento gascromatografico miniaturizzato per la misura rapida (90 secondi) del metano in aria
2005 P. Ciccioli; E. Brancaleoni; M. Frattoni
13C labelling reveals chloroplastic and extra-chloroplastic pools of dimethylallyl pyrophosphate and their contribution to isoprene formation.
2004 Loreto, F; Pinelli, P; Brancaleoni, E; Ciccioli, P
Characterisation of different clones of Picea abies (L.) Karst using head-space sampling of cortical tissues combined with enantio selective capillary gas chromatography for the separation of chiral and non-chiral monoterpenes
2004 Silvestrini, E; Michelozzi, M; Skroppa, T; Brancaleoni, E; Ciccioli, P
Characterisation of different clones of Picea abies (L.) Karst using head-space sampling of cortical tissues combined with enantioselective capillary gas chromatography for the separation of chiral and non-chiral monoterpenes.
2004 Silvestrini E.; Michelozzi M.; Skroppa T.; Brancaleoni E.; Ciccioli P.
Emission and flux of biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOC) released from the terrestrial ecosystems present in the Pianosa Island
2004 Ciccioli, P; Baraldi, R; Mannozzi, M; Rapparini, F; Nardino, M; Miglietta, F; Brancaleoni, E; Frattoni, M
Quantitative determination of volatile organic compounds (VOC) in milk by multiple dynamic headspace extraction and GC-MS
2004 Ciccioli P.; Brancaleoni E.; Frattoni M.; Fedele V.; Claps S.; Signorelli F.
Seasonal differences in isoprene and light-dependent monoterpene emission by Amazonian tree species
2004 Kuhn, U; Rottemberger, S; Biesenthal, T; Wolf, A; Schebeske, G; Ciccioli, P; Brancaleoni, E; Frattoni, M; Tavares, Tm; Kesselmeier, J
Fluxes of isoprenoid compounds over the tropical rainforest near Manaus during the dry season and their implications in the ecosystem carbon budget and in the atmospheric chemistry processes
2003 Ciccioli P. ; Brancaleoni E. ; Frattoni M. ; Kuhn U.; Kesselmeier J. ; Dindorf T. ; De Araujio A.; Nobre A.; Stefani P. ; Valentini R.
2003 Stefani P.; Vitullo M.; Ciccioli P.; Tirone G.; Manca G.; Valentini R.; Brancaleoni E.; Frattoni M.