Istituto per la Dinamica dei Processi Ambientali - IDPA - Sede Venezia (attivo dal 18/11/1923 al 31/12/2021)
Active Fault-Related Folding in the Epicentral Area of the December 25, 1222 (Io = IX MCS) Brescia Earthquake (Northern Italy): Seismotectonic Implications.
2009 Livio, F A; Berlusconi, A; Michetti, Am; Sileo, G; Zerboni, A; Trombino, L; Cremaschi, M; Mueller, K; Vittori, E; Carcano, C; Rogledi, S
Early to middle Holocene landscape exploitation in a drying environment: two case studies compared from the central Sahara (SW Fezzan, Libya).
2009 Cremaschi M.; Zerboni A.;
Quaternary Research in the Southern Alps of Italy. Editorial
2009 Ravazzi, C; Orombelli, G; Donegana, M; Cremaschi, M; Catto, N
Fagliazione superficiale olocenica e paleoliquefazione nel sito di Monte Netto, Brescia: implicazioni sismotettoniche.
2008 Livio F.; Berlusconi A.; Michetti A.M.; Sileo G.; Zerboni A.; Cremaschi M.; Trombino L.; Carcano C.; Rogledi S.; Vittori E.; Mueller K.
La Motta di S. Bartolomeo (RE): una piccola terramara collinare.
2007 Cremaschi, M; Ferrari, P; Pizzi, C; Di Martino, S
Cupressus dupreziana: a dendroclimatic record for the middle-late Holocene in the central Sahara.
2006 Cremaschi, M; Pelfini, M; Santilli, M
Dark Nature: Responses of humans and ecosystems to rapid environmental changes.
2006 Leroy S.A.G.; Jousse H.; Cremaschi M.
Impact of rapid environmental changes on humans and ecosystems.
2006 Leroy, Sag; Jousse, H; Cremaschi, M
Water management and land use in the terramare and a possible climatic co-factor in their abandonment: The case study of the terramara of Poviglio Santa Rosa (northern Italy).
2006 Cremaschi, M; Pizzi, C; Valsecchi, V
Different paths: rock art, sites and territories in wad raharmellen ( Tadrart Acacus- Libyan Sahara).
2005 Cremaschi M.; Zampetti D.; Zerboni A.
Evaluation du Risque Archeologique au Moyen des Techniques Geoarcheologiques. Le cas de la Terramara
2005 Cremaschi M.; Pizzi C.; Varini G.
Evidence for an Abrupt Climatic Change at 8700 14C yr B.P. in Rockshelters and Caves of Gebel Qara (Dhofar-Oman): Palaeoenvironmental Implications.
2005 Cremaschi, M; Negrino, F
A history of lakes and watertables: the paeoenvironmental research in the frame of the Fazzan Project.
2004 Cremaschi, M
Late Holocene palaeoenvironmental history of Khawr Rawri and Khawr Al Balid (Dhofar, Sultanate of Oman).
2004 Horn, Carina; Cremaschi, Mauro
Val Sorda: an upper pleistocene loess-paleosol sequence in northeastern Italy.
2004 Ferraro F.; Cremaschi M.; Terhorst B.; Ottner F.
Environment and settlements in the mid-Holocene palaeoasis of the wadi Tanezzuft (Lybian Sahara)
2001 Cremaschi, M; Di Lernia, S
Holocene climatic changes in an archaeological landscape: the case study of wadi Tanezzuft and its drainage basin (SW Fezzan, Lybian Sahara)
2001 Cremaschi, M