Istituto Nanoscienze - NANO - Sede Secondaria Modena
Envelope-function theory of inhomogeneous strain in semiconductor nanostructures
2024 Secchi, Andrea; Troiani, Filippo
Multi-Dimensional Quantum Capacitance of the Two-Site Hubbard Model: The Role of Tunable Interdot Tunneling
2023 Secchi, Andrea; Troiani, Filippo
Quantum estimation and remote charge sensing with a hole-spin qubit in silicon
2023 Forghieri, G.; Secchi, A.; Bertoni, A.; Bordone, P.; Troiani, F.
Theory of multidimensional quantum capacitance and its application to spin and charge discrimination in quantum dot arrays
2023 Secchi, Andrea; Troiani, Filippo
Inter- And intraband Coulomb interactions between holes in silicon nanostructures
2021 Secchi, A.; Bellentani, L.; Bertoni, A.; Troiani, F.
Interacting holes in Si and Ge double quantum dots: From a multiband approach to an effective-spin picture
2021 Secchi, A; Bellentani, L; Bertoni, A; Troiani, F
Toward Hole-Spin Qubits in Si p -MOSFETs within a Planar CMOS Foundry Technology
2021 Bellentani, L.; Bina, M.; Bonen, S.; Secchi, A.; Bertoni, A.; Voinigescu, S. P.; Padovani, A.; Larcher, L.; Troiani, F.
Intervalley scattering induced by Coulomb interaction and disorder in carbon-nanotube quantum dots
2013 Secchi, Andrea; Rontani, Massimo
Observation and Spectroscopy of a Two-Electron Wigner Molecule in an Ultra-Clean Carbon Nanotube
2013 Pecker S. ; Kuemmeth F. ; Secchi A , ; Rontani M. ; Ralph D. C. , ; McEuen, P. L. , ; Ilani S.
Spectral function of few electrons in quantum wires and carbon nanotubes as a signature of Wigner localization
2012 Secchi, Andrea; Rontani, Massimo
Wigner molecules in carbon-nanotube quantum dots
2010 Secchi, A; Rontani, M
Coulomb versus spin-orbit interaction in few-electron carbon-nanotube quantum dots
2009 Secchi, A; Rontani, M