Istituto Nazionale di Ottica - INO - Sede Secondaria di Pisa
An investigation of the emittance of escaping fast electron beams from planar and nanowire targets
2025 Hume, E.; Koester, P.; Baffigi, F.; Brandi, F.; Calestani, D.; Cristoforetti, G.; Fulgentini, L.; Labate, L.; Marasciulli, A.; Morris, S.; Palla, D.; Salvadori, M.; Villani, M.; Gizzi, L. A.; Lancaster, K.
Investigation of laser plasma instabilities driven by 527 nm laser pulses relevant for direct drive inertial confinement fusion
2024 Wasser, F.; Zahter, S.; Rivers, M.; Atzeni, S.; Condamine, F. P.; Cristoforetti, G.; Fauvel, G.; Fischer, N.; Gizzi, L. A.; Hoffmann, D.; Koester, P.; Lastovicka, T.; Myatt, J. F.; Singh, R. L.; Sokol, M.; Theobald, W.; Weber, S.; Ditmire, T.; Forner, T.; Roth, M.
Shock compression experiments using the DiPOLE 100-X laser on the high energy density instrument at the European x-ray free electron laser: Quantitative structural analysis of liquid Sn
2024 Gorman, M. G.; Mcgonegle, D.; Smith, R. F.; Singh, S.; Jenkins, T.; Mcwilliams, R. S.; Albertazzi, B.; Ali, S. J.; Antonelli, L.; Armstrong, M. R.; Baehtz, C.; Ball, O. B.; Banerjee, S.; Belonoshko, A. B.; Benuzzi-Mounaix, A.; Bolme, C. A.; Bouffetier, V.; Briggs, R.; Buakor, K.; Butcher, T.; Di Dio Cafiso, S.; Cerantola, V.; Chantel, J.; Di Cicco, A.; Clarke, S.; Coleman, A. L.; Collier, J.; Collins, G. W.; Comley, A. J.; Coppari, F.; Cowan, T. E.; Cristoforetti, G.; Cynn, H.; Descamps, A.; Dorchies, F.; Duff, M. J.; Dwivedi, A.; Edwards, C.; Eggert, J. H.; Errandonea, D.; Fiquet, G.; Galtier, E.; Laso Garcia, A.; Ginestet, H.; Gizzi, L.; Gleason, A.; Goede, S.; Gonzalez, J. M.; Harmand, M.; Hartley, N. J.; Heighway, P. G.; Hernandez-Gomez, C.; Higginbotham, A.; Höppner, H.; Husband, R. J.; Hutchinson, T. M.; Hwang, H.; Jenei, A. E.; Keen, D. A.; Kim, J.; Koester, P.; Konopkova, Z.; Kraus, D.; Krygier, A.; Labate, L.; Lee, Y.; Liermann, H-P.; Mason, P.; Masruri, M.; Massani, B.; Mcbride, E. E.; Mcguire, C.; Mchardy, J. D.; Merkel, S.; G., Morard; B., Nagler; M., Nakatsutsumi; K., Nguyen-Cong; A-M., Norton; I. I., Oleynik; C., Otzen; N., Ozaki; S., Pandolfi; D. J., Peake; A., Pelka; K. A., Pereira; J. P., Phillips; C., Prescher; T. R., Preston; L., Randolph; D., Ranjan; A., Ravasio; R., Redmer; J., Rips; D., Santamaria-Perez; D. J., Savage; M., Schoelmerich; J-P., Schwinkendorf; J., Smith; A., Sollier; J., Spear; C., Spindloe; M., Stevenson; C., Strohm; T-A., Suer; M., Tang; M., Toncian; T., Toncian; S. J., Tracy; A., Trapananti; T., Tschentscher; M., Tyldesley; C. E., Vennari; T., Vinci; S. C., Vogel; T. J., Volz; J., Vorberger; J. P. S., Walsh; J. S., Wark; Willman, J. T.; Wollenweber, L.; Zastrau, U.; Brambrink, E.; Appel, K.; Mcmahon, M. I.
Characterization of hot electrons generated by laser-plasma interaction at shock ignition intensities
2023 Filippov, E. D.; Khan, M.; Tentori, A.; Gajdos, P.; Martynenko, A. S.; Dudzak, R.; Koester, P.; Zeraouli, G.; Mancelli, D.; Baffigi, F.; Gizzi, L. A.; Pikuz, S. A.; Nicolai, P.; Woolsey, N. C.; Fedosejevs, R.; Krus, M.; Juha, L.; Batani, D.; Renner, O.; Cristoforetti, G.
Combined Spectroscopy System Utilizing Gas Electron Multiplier and Timepix3 Technology for Laser Plasma Experiments
2023 De Leo, V.; Claps, G.; Cordella, F.; Cristoforetti, G.; Gizzi, L. A.; Koester, P.; Pacella, D.; Tamburrino, A.
Effects of hydrogen concentration in ablator material on stimulated Raman scattering, two-plasmon decay, and hot electrons for direct-drive inertial confinement fusion
2023 Kawasaki, K.; Cristoforetti, G.; Idesaka, T.; Hironaka, Y.; Tanaka, D.; Batani, D.; Fujioka, S.; Gizzi, L. A.; Hata, M.; Johzaki, T.; Katagiri, K.; Kodama, R.; Matsuo, S.; Nagatomo, H.; Nicolai, P.; Ozaki, N.; Sentoku, Y.; Takizawa, R.; Yogo, A.; Yamada, H.; Shigemori, K.
Full aperture backscatter diagnostics for characterization of laser plasma instabilities at the extreme light infrastructure (ELI) beamlines
2023 Wasser, F.; Zahter, S.; Sokol, M.; Rivers, M.; Atzeni, S.; Condamine, F. P.; Cristoforetti, G.; Fauvel, G.; Fischer, N.; Gizzi, L. A.; Hannasch, A.; Hesse, M.; Lastovicka, T.; Lutz, P.; Rubovic, P.; Schaumann, G.; Schott, N.; Singh, R. L.; Theobald, W.; Weber, S.; Ditmire, T.; Forner, T.; Roth, M.
Investigation on the origin of hot electrons in laser plasma interaction at shock ignition intensities
2023 Cristoforetti, G.; Baffigi, F.; Batani, D.; Dudzak, R.; Fedosejevs, R.; Filippov, E. D.; Gajdos, P.; Juha, L.; Khan, M.; Koester, P.; Krus, M.; Mancelli, D.; Martynenko, A. S.; Nicolai, P.; Pikuz, S. A.; Renner, O.; Tentori, A.; Volpe, L.; Woolsey, N.; Zeraouli, G.; Gizzi, L. A.
Multibeam laser-plasma interaction at the Gekko XII laser facility in conditions relevant for direct-drive inertial confinement fusion
2023 Cristoforetti, G.; Koester, P.; Atzeni, S.; Batani, D.; Fujioka, S.; Hironaka, Y.; Huller, S.; Idesaka, T.; Katagiri, K.; Kawasaki, K.; Kodama, R.; Mancelli, D.; Nicolai, P.; Ozaki, N.; Schiavi, A.; Shigemori, K.; Takizawa, R.; Tamagawa, T.; Tanaka, D.; Tentori, A.; Umeda, Y.; Yogo, A.; Gizzi, L. A.
Development of an experimental platform for the investigation of laser-plasma interaction in conditions relevant to shock ignition regime
2022 Tamagawa, T; Hironaka, Y; Kawasaki, K; Tanaka, D; Idesaka, T; Ozaki, N; Kodama, R; Takizawa, R; Fujioka, S; Yogo, A; Batani, D; Nicolai, P; Cristoforetti, G; Koester, P; Gizzi, La; Shigemori, K
Bremsstrahlung cannon design for shock ignition relevant regime
2021 Koester, P; Baffigi, F; Cristoforetti, G; Labate, L; Gizzi, LEONIDA ANTONIO; Baton, S; Koenig, M; Colaitis, A; Batani, D; Casner, A; Raffestin, D; Tentori, A; Trela, J; Rousseaux, C; Boutoux, G; Brygoo, S; Jacquet, L; Reverdin, C; Le Bel, E; Lederoff, L; Theobald, W; Shigemori, K
Enhanced laser-driven proton acceleration via improved fast electron heating in a controlled pre-plasma
2021 Gizzi, La; Boella, E; Labate, L; Baffigi, F; Bilbao, Pj; Brandi, F; Cristoforetti, G; Fazzi, A; Fulgentini, L; Giove, D; Koester, P; Palla, D; Tomassini, P
Fabrication of ZnO-nanowire-coated thin-foil targets for ultra-high intensity laser interaction experiments
2021 Calestani, D; Villani, M; Cristoforetti, G; Brandi, F; Koester, P; Labate, L; Gizzi, La
Laser-accelerated plasma-propulsion system
2021 Palla, D; Cristoforetti, G
Observation and modelling of stimulated Raman scattering driven by an optically smoothed laser beam in experimental conditions relevant for shock ignition
2021 Cristoforetti, G; Huller, S; Koester, P; Antonelli, L; Atzeni, S; Baffigi, F; Batani, D; Baird, C; Booth, N; Galimberti, M; Glize, K; Heron, A; Khan, M; Loiseau, P; Mancelli, D; Notley, M; Oliveira, P; Renner, O; Smid, M; Schiavi, A; Tran, G; Woolsey, Nc; Gizzi, La
A review of the current analytical approaches for evaluating, compensating and exploiting self-absorption in Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy
2020 Rezaei, Fatemeh; Cristoforetti, Gabriele; Tognoni, Elisabetta; Legnaioli, Stefano; Palleschi, Vincenzo; Safi, Ali
Hot electron retention in laser plasma created under terawatt subnanosecond irradiation of Cu targets
2020 Pisarczyk, T; Kalal, M; Gus'Kov, S Yu; Batani, D; Renner, O; Santos, J; Dudzak, R; Zarasszydlowska, A; Chodukowski, T; Rusiniak, Z; Dostal, J; Krasa, J; Krupka, M; Kochetkov, Iu; Singh, S; Cikhardt, J; Burian, T; Krus, M; Pfeifer, M; Cristoforetti, G; Gizzi, LEONIDA ANTONIO; Baffigi, F; Antonelli, L; Demchenko, N N; Rosinski, M; Terwinska, D; Borodziuk, S; Kubes, P; Ehret, M; Juha, L; Skala, J; Korneev, Ph
Intense proton acceleration in ultrarelativistic interaction with nanochannels
2020 Gizzi, L. A.; Cristoforetti, G.; Baffigi, F.; Brandi, F.; D'Arrigo, G.; Fazzi, A.; Fulgentini, L.; Giove, D.; Koester, P.; Labate, L.; Maero, G.; Palla, D.; Rom, M.; Russo, M.; Terzani, D.; Tomassini, P.
Laser-driven proton acceleration via excitation of surface plasmon polaritons into TiO(2)nanotube array targets
2020 Cristoforetti, G; Baffigi, F; Brandi, F; D'Arrigo, G; Fazzi, A; Fulgentini, L; Giove, D; Koester, P; Labate, L; Maero, G; Palla, D; Rome, M; Russo, R; Terzani, D; Tomassini, P; Gizzi, LEONIDA ANTONIO
Preliminary results from the LMJ-PETAL experiment on hot electrons characterization in the context of shock ignition
2020 Baton, S D; Colaitis, A; Rousseaux, C; Boutoux, G; Brygoo, S; Jacquet, L; Koenig, M; Batani, D; Casner, A; Le Bel, E; Raffestin, D; Tentori, A; Tikhonchuk, V; Trela, J; Reverdin, C; Lederoff, L; Theobald, W; Cristoforetti, G; Gizzi, LEONIDA ANTONIO; Koester, P; Labate, L; Shigemori, K
Titolo | Data di pubblicazione | Autore(i) | File |
An investigation of the emittance of escaping fast electron beams from planar and nanowire targets | 1-gen-2025 | Hume, E.; Koester, P.; Baffigi, F.; Brandi, F.; Calestani, D.; Cristoforetti, G.; Fulgentini, L.; Labate, L.; Marasciulli, A.; Morris, S.; Palla, D.; Salvadori, M.; Villani, M.; Gizzi, L. A.; Lancaster, K. | |
Investigation of laser plasma instabilities driven by 527 nm laser pulses relevant for direct drive inertial confinement fusion | 1-gen-2024 | Wasser, F.; Zahter, S.; Rivers, M.; Atzeni, S.; Condamine, F. P.; Cristoforetti, G.; Fauvel, G.; Fischer, N.; Gizzi, L. A.; Hoffmann, D.; Koester, P.; Lastovicka, T.; Myatt, J. F.; Singh, R. L.; Sokol, M.; Theobald, W.; Weber, S.; Ditmire, T.; Forner, T.; Roth, M. | |
Shock compression experiments using the DiPOLE 100-X laser on the high energy density instrument at the European x-ray free electron laser: Quantitative structural analysis of liquid Sn | 1-gen-2024 | Gorman, M. G.; Mcgonegle, D.; Smith, R. F.; Singh, S.; Jenkins, T.; Mcwilliams, R. S.; Albertazzi, B.; Ali, S. J.; Antonelli, L.; Armstrong, M. R.; Baehtz, C.; Ball, O. B.; Banerjee, S.; Belonoshko, A. B.; Benuzzi-Mounaix, A.; Bolme, C. A.; Bouffetier, V.; Briggs, R.; Buakor, K.; Butcher, T.; Di Dio Cafiso, S.; Cerantola, V.; Chantel, J.; Di Cicco, A.; Clarke, S.; Coleman, A. L.; Collier, J.; Collins, G. W.; Comley, A. J.; Coppari, F.; Cowan, T. E.; Cristoforetti, G.; Cynn, H.; Descamps, A.; Dorchies, F.; Duff, M. J.; Dwivedi, A.; Edwards, C.; Eggert, J. H.; Errandonea, D.; Fiquet, G.; Galtier, E.; Laso Garcia, A.; Ginestet, H.; Gizzi, L.; Gleason, A.; Goede, S.; Gonzalez, J. M.; Harmand, M.; Hartley, N. J.; Heighway, P. G.; Hernandez-Gomez, C.; Higginbotham, A.; Höppner, H.; Husband, R. J.; Hutchinson, T. M.; Hwang, H.; Jenei, A. E.; Keen, D. A.; Kim, J.; Koester, P.; Konopkova, Z.; Kraus, D.; Krygier, A.; Labate, L.; Lee, Y.; Liermann, H-P.; Mason, P.; Masruri, M.; Massani, B.; Mcbride, E. E.; Mcguire, C.; Mchardy, J. D.; Merkel, S.; G., Morard; B., Nagler; M., Nakatsutsumi; K., Nguyen-Cong; A-M., Norton; I. I., Oleynik; C., Otzen; N., Ozaki; S., Pandolfi; D. J., Peake; A., Pelka; K. A., Pereira; J. P., Phillips; C., Prescher; T. R., Preston; L., Randolph; D., Ranjan; A., Ravasio; R., Redmer; J., Rips; D., Santamaria-Perez; D. J., Savage; M., Schoelmerich; J-P., Schwinkendorf; J., Smith; A., Sollier; J., Spear; C., Spindloe; M., Stevenson; C., Strohm; T-A., Suer; M., Tang; M., Toncian; T., Toncian; S. J., Tracy; A., Trapananti; T., Tschentscher; M., Tyldesley; C. E., Vennari; T., Vinci; S. C., Vogel; T. J., Volz; J., Vorberger; J. P. S., Walsh; J. S., Wark; Willman, J. T.; Wollenweber, L.; Zastrau, U.; Brambrink, E.; Appel, K.; Mcmahon, M. I. | |
Characterization of hot electrons generated by laser-plasma interaction at shock ignition intensities | 1-gen-2023 | Filippov, E. D.; Khan, M.; Tentori, A.; Gajdos, P.; Martynenko, A. S.; Dudzak, R.; Koester, P.; Zeraouli, G.; Mancelli, D.; Baffigi, F.; Gizzi, L. A.; Pikuz, S. A.; Nicolai, P.; Woolsey, N. C.; Fedosejevs, R.; Krus, M.; Juha, L.; Batani, D.; Renner, O.; Cristoforetti, G. | |
Combined Spectroscopy System Utilizing Gas Electron Multiplier and Timepix3 Technology for Laser Plasma Experiments | 1-gen-2023 | De Leo, V.; Claps, G.; Cordella, F.; Cristoforetti, G.; Gizzi, L. A.; Koester, P.; Pacella, D.; Tamburrino, A. | |
Effects of hydrogen concentration in ablator material on stimulated Raman scattering, two-plasmon decay, and hot electrons for direct-drive inertial confinement fusion | 1-gen-2023 | Kawasaki, K.; Cristoforetti, G.; Idesaka, T.; Hironaka, Y.; Tanaka, D.; Batani, D.; Fujioka, S.; Gizzi, L. A.; Hata, M.; Johzaki, T.; Katagiri, K.; Kodama, R.; Matsuo, S.; Nagatomo, H.; Nicolai, P.; Ozaki, N.; Sentoku, Y.; Takizawa, R.; Yogo, A.; Yamada, H.; Shigemori, K. | |
Full aperture backscatter diagnostics for characterization of laser plasma instabilities at the extreme light infrastructure (ELI) beamlines | 1-gen-2023 | Wasser, F.; Zahter, S.; Sokol, M.; Rivers, M.; Atzeni, S.; Condamine, F. P.; Cristoforetti, G.; Fauvel, G.; Fischer, N.; Gizzi, L. A.; Hannasch, A.; Hesse, M.; Lastovicka, T.; Lutz, P.; Rubovic, P.; Schaumann, G.; Schott, N.; Singh, R. L.; Theobald, W.; Weber, S.; Ditmire, T.; Forner, T.; Roth, M. | |
Investigation on the origin of hot electrons in laser plasma interaction at shock ignition intensities | 1-gen-2023 | Cristoforetti, G.; Baffigi, F.; Batani, D.; Dudzak, R.; Fedosejevs, R.; Filippov, E. D.; Gajdos, P.; Juha, L.; Khan, M.; Koester, P.; Krus, M.; Mancelli, D.; Martynenko, A. S.; Nicolai, P.; Pikuz, S. A.; Renner, O.; Tentori, A.; Volpe, L.; Woolsey, N.; Zeraouli, G.; Gizzi, L. A. | |
Multibeam laser-plasma interaction at the Gekko XII laser facility in conditions relevant for direct-drive inertial confinement fusion | 1-gen-2023 | Cristoforetti, G.; Koester, P.; Atzeni, S.; Batani, D.; Fujioka, S.; Hironaka, Y.; Huller, S.; Idesaka, T.; Katagiri, K.; Kawasaki, K.; Kodama, R.; Mancelli, D.; Nicolai, P.; Ozaki, N.; Schiavi, A.; Shigemori, K.; Takizawa, R.; Tamagawa, T.; Tanaka, D.; Tentori, A.; Umeda, Y.; Yogo, A.; Gizzi, L. A. | |
Development of an experimental platform for the investigation of laser-plasma interaction in conditions relevant to shock ignition regime | 1-gen-2022 | Tamagawa, T; Hironaka, Y; Kawasaki, K; Tanaka, D; Idesaka, T; Ozaki, N; Kodama, R; Takizawa, R; Fujioka, S; Yogo, A; Batani, D; Nicolai, P; Cristoforetti, G; Koester, P; Gizzi, La; Shigemori, K | |
Bremsstrahlung cannon design for shock ignition relevant regime | 1-gen-2021 | Koester, P; Baffigi, F; Cristoforetti, G; Labate, L; Gizzi, LEONIDA ANTONIO; Baton, S; Koenig, M; Colaitis, A; Batani, D; Casner, A; Raffestin, D; Tentori, A; Trela, J; Rousseaux, C; Boutoux, G; Brygoo, S; Jacquet, L; Reverdin, C; Le Bel, E; Lederoff, L; Theobald, W; Shigemori, K | |
Enhanced laser-driven proton acceleration via improved fast electron heating in a controlled pre-plasma | 1-gen-2021 | Gizzi, La; Boella, E; Labate, L; Baffigi, F; Bilbao, Pj; Brandi, F; Cristoforetti, G; Fazzi, A; Fulgentini, L; Giove, D; Koester, P; Palla, D; Tomassini, P | |
Fabrication of ZnO-nanowire-coated thin-foil targets for ultra-high intensity laser interaction experiments | 1-gen-2021 | Calestani, D; Villani, M; Cristoforetti, G; Brandi, F; Koester, P; Labate, L; Gizzi, La | |
Laser-accelerated plasma-propulsion system | 1-gen-2021 | Palla, D; Cristoforetti, G | |
Observation and modelling of stimulated Raman scattering driven by an optically smoothed laser beam in experimental conditions relevant for shock ignition | 1-gen-2021 | Cristoforetti, G; Huller, S; Koester, P; Antonelli, L; Atzeni, S; Baffigi, F; Batani, D; Baird, C; Booth, N; Galimberti, M; Glize, K; Heron, A; Khan, M; Loiseau, P; Mancelli, D; Notley, M; Oliveira, P; Renner, O; Smid, M; Schiavi, A; Tran, G; Woolsey, Nc; Gizzi, La | |
A review of the current analytical approaches for evaluating, compensating and exploiting self-absorption in Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy | 1-gen-2020 | Rezaei, Fatemeh; Cristoforetti, Gabriele; Tognoni, Elisabetta; Legnaioli, Stefano; Palleschi, Vincenzo; Safi, Ali | |
Hot electron retention in laser plasma created under terawatt subnanosecond irradiation of Cu targets | 1-gen-2020 | Pisarczyk, T; Kalal, M; Gus'Kov, S Yu; Batani, D; Renner, O; Santos, J; Dudzak, R; Zarasszydlowska, A; Chodukowski, T; Rusiniak, Z; Dostal, J; Krasa, J; Krupka, M; Kochetkov, Iu; Singh, S; Cikhardt, J; Burian, T; Krus, M; Pfeifer, M; Cristoforetti, G; Gizzi, LEONIDA ANTONIO; Baffigi, F; Antonelli, L; Demchenko, N N; Rosinski, M; Terwinska, D; Borodziuk, S; Kubes, P; Ehret, M; Juha, L; Skala, J; Korneev, Ph | |
Intense proton acceleration in ultrarelativistic interaction with nanochannels | 1-gen-2020 | Gizzi, L. A.; Cristoforetti, G.; Baffigi, F.; Brandi, F.; D'Arrigo, G.; Fazzi, A.; Fulgentini, L.; Giove, D.; Koester, P.; Labate, L.; Maero, G.; Palla, D.; Rom, M.; Russo, M.; Terzani, D.; Tomassini, P. | |
Laser-driven proton acceleration via excitation of surface plasmon polaritons into TiO(2)nanotube array targets | 1-gen-2020 | Cristoforetti, G; Baffigi, F; Brandi, F; D'Arrigo, G; Fazzi, A; Fulgentini, L; Giove, D; Koester, P; Labate, L; Maero, G; Palla, D; Rome, M; Russo, R; Terzani, D; Tomassini, P; Gizzi, LEONIDA ANTONIO | |
Preliminary results from the LMJ-PETAL experiment on hot electrons characterization in the context of shock ignition | 1-gen-2020 | Baton, S D; Colaitis, A; Rousseaux, C; Boutoux, G; Brygoo, S; Jacquet, L; Koenig, M; Batani, D; Casner, A; Le Bel, E; Raffestin, D; Tentori, A; Tikhonchuk, V; Trela, J; Reverdin, C; Lederoff, L; Theobald, W; Cristoforetti, G; Gizzi, LEONIDA ANTONIO; Koester, P; Labate, L; Shigemori, K |