Istituto di Studi Giuridici Internazionali - ISGI
Risultati 1 - 19 di 19 (tempo di esecuzione: 0.043 secondi).
Nuclear power sources in outer space for peaceful purposes: an evolving legal framework
2024 Cirkovic, C. Cinelli. E.; Iavicoli, V.; Macchi, C.; Martin, A-S; Maio, E.; Pogorzelska, K.; Zielinski, L. Y.
Il ruolo insostituibile delle NPS nello spazio: criticità e prospettive del quadro giuridico
The legal regime of outer space in light of the law of the sea
2015 Iavicoli V.
Agreement on the Rescue of Astronauts, the Return of Astronauts and the Return of Objects Launched into Outer Space
2009 Iavicoli, V
Missing an Important Opportunity to Improve Flight Safety for Astronauts and Protect the Space Environment
2009 Iavicoli V.
Raccolta ed archiviazione articoli giuridici sul telerilevamento
2009 Spena, C; Iavicoli, V
Missing un Important Opportunity to improve flight safety for astronauts and protect the space environment
2008 Iavicoli V.
The Resolution on the European Space Policy
2008 Iavicoli V.
Cooperazione europea in materia spaziale
2007 Iavicoli Viviana
La cooperazioen spaziale europea
2007 Iavicoli V.
Rapporti al Ministero Affari Esteri sullo svolgimento e partecipazione al Joint working Group STSC dell'UNCOPUOS/IAEA
2007 Iavicoli V.; Portelli C.; Svelto F.
Italy and the Commercialization of the International Space Station
2006 Iavicoli, V
Legal Regime for New Technologies: The Beginning of Procedures Applying to NPS in the Outer Space
2006 Iavicoli, V
Le fonti di energia nucleare nello spazio: norme tecniche e safety standards
2005 Iavicoli, V
New Development in the Scientific and Technical Subcommittee: Is There a Need for an International Treaty?
2005 Iavicoli V.
The Concept of Launching State in the NPS Principles
2004 Iavicoli V.
The Concept of Launching State in the NPS Principles
2004 Iavicoli, V
The Legal Relationship between the NPS Principles and Technical Norms
2004 Iavicoli V.
Una diplomazia collettiva dell'unione europea?
2003 Iavicoli V.