Istituto per il Rilevamento Elettromagnetico dell'Ambiente - IREA
Genotoxicity of radiofrequency electromagnetic fields on mammalian cells in vitro: A systematic review with narrative synthesis
2024 Romeo, Stefania; Sannino, Anna; Rosaria Scarfì, Maria; Lagorio, Susanna; Zeni, Olga
Protective effect of radiofrequency exposure against menadione‐induced oxidative DNA damage in human neuroblastoma cells: The role of exposure duration and investigation on key molecular targets
2024 Sannino, Anna; Allocca, Mariateresa; Scarfì, Maria R.; Romeo, Stefania; Zeni, Olga
The effect of exposure to radiofrequency LTE signal and coexposure to mitomycin-C in Chinese hamster lung fibroblast V79 cells
2023 Sannino, Anna; Romeo, Stefania; Rosaria Scarfì, Maria; Pinchera, Daniele; Schettino, Fulvio; Alonzo, Mario; Allocca, Mariateresa; Zeni, Olga
Inhibition of Autophagy Negates Radiofrequency-Induced Adaptive Response in SH-SY5Y Neuroblastoma Cells
2022 Sannino, A; Scarfi, Mr; Dufossee, M; Romeo, S; Poeta, L; Prouzetmauleon, V; Priault, M; Zeni, O
Microwave Heating for the Conservation of Cultural Heritage Assets: A Review of Main Approaches and Challenges
2022 Romeo, Stefania; Zeni, Olga
Occupational exposure to electromagnetic fields in magnetic resonance environment: an update on regulation, exposure assessment techniques, health risk evaluation, and surveillance (Sept, 10.1007/s11517-021-02435-6, 2021)
2022 Hartwig, Valentina; Virgili, Giorgio; Mattei, Federica; Biagini, Cristiano; Romeo, Stefania; Zeni, Olga; Scarfi', MARIA ROSARIA; Massa, Rita; Campanella, Francesco; Landini, Luigi; Gobba, Fabriziomaria; Modenese, Alberto; Giovannetti, Giulio
Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Field Exposure and Apoptosis: A Scoping Review of In Vitro Studies on Mammalian Cells
2022 Romeo, S; Zeni, O; Scarfi, Mr; Poeta, L; Lioi, Mb; Sannino, A
Evidence of bystander effect induced by radiofrequency radiation in a human neuroblastoma cell line
2021 Zeni, O; Romeo, S; Sannino, A; Palumbo, R; Scarfi, Mr
Genotoxicity of radiofrequency electromagnetic fields: Protocol for a systematic review of in vitro studies
2021 Romeo, Stefania; Zeni, Olga; Sannino, Anna; Lagorio, Susanna; Biffoni, Mauro; Rosaria Scarfì, Maria
Occupational exposure to electromagnetic fields in magnetic resonance environment: an update on regulation, exposure assessment techniques, health risk evaluation, and surveillance
2021 Hartwig, V; Virgili, G; Mattei, F; Biagini, C; Romeo, S; Zeni, O; Scarfi, Mr; Massa, R; Campanella, F; Landini, L; Gobba, F; Modenese, A; Giovannetti, G
Effects of Radiofrequency Exposure and Co-Exposure on Human Lymphocytes: the Influence of Signal Modulation and Bandwidth
2020 Romeo, Stefania; Sannino, Anna; Zeni, Olga; Angrisani, Leopoldo; Massa, Rita; Rosaria Scarfì, Maria
Treatment with 3-Aminobenzamide Negates the Radiofrequency-Induced Adaptive Response in Two Cell Models
2019 Sannino, Anna; Zeni, Olga; Romeo, Stefania; Brigida Lioi, Maria; Rosaria Scarfì, Maria
Electroporation-Induced Cell Modifications Detected with THz Time-Domain Spectroscopy
2018 Romeo, Stefania; Thomas Vernier, P; Zeni, Olga
ESOPE-Equivalent Pulsing Protocols for Calcium Electroporation: An In Vitro Optimization Study on 2 Cancer Cell Models
2018 Stefania Romeo; Anna Sannino; Maria Rosaria Scarfì; P. Thomas Vernier; Ruggero Cadossi; Julie Gehl;Olga Zeni
ns Pulsed Electric Field-Induced Action Potentials in the Circuital Model of an Axon
2018 Lamberti, P; Compitiello, M; Romeo, S
Occupational exposure to electromagnetic fields in magnetic resonance environment: basic aspects and review of exposure assessment approaches
2018 Hartwig V.; Romeo S.; Zeni O.
Protective effect of 1950 MHz electromagnetic feld in human neuroblastoma cells challenged with menadione
2018 Falone, Stefano; Sannino, Anna; Romeo, Stefania; Zeni, Olga; Jr Santini, Silvano; Rispoli, Roberta; Amicarelli, Fernanda; Rosaria Scarfì, Maria
Adverse and Beneficial Effectsin Chinese Hamster Lung Fibroblast Cells Following Radiofrequency Exposure
2017 Anna Sannino; Olga Zeni; Stefania Romeo; Rita Massa; Maria Rosaria Scarfì
Exposure Assessment and Biomonitoring of Workers in Magnetic Resonance Environment: An Exploratory Study
2017 Anna Sannino; Stefania Romeo; Maria Rosaria Scarfì; Rita Massa; Raffaele d'Angelo; Antonella Petrillo; Vincenzo Cerciello; Roberta Fusco;Olga Zeni
Nanometer-Scale Permeabilization and Osmotic Swelling Induced by 5-ns Pulsed Electric Fields
2017 Sozer, Eb; Wu, Yh; Romeo, S; Vernier, Pt