Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 284
AS - Asia 129
EU - Europa 74
Totale 487
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 284
SG - Singapore 112
IT - Italia 48
FI - Finlandia 12
KR - Corea 5
CN - Cina 4
HK - Hong Kong 4
NL - Olanda 3
DE - Germania 2
NO - Norvegia 2
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 1
AT - Austria 1
FR - Francia 1
GB - Regno Unito 1
IE - Irlanda 1
IN - India 1
LV - Lettonia 1
RO - Romania 1
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 1
TM - Turkmenistan 1
VN - Vietnam 1
Totale 487
Città #
Santa Clara 221
Singapore 91
Naples 19
Helsinki 12
Los Angeles 8
Rome 5
Sala Baganza 5
Seoul 5
Hong Kong 4
Arezzo 3
Palermo 3
Ashburn 2
Bodø 2
Bolzano 2
Falkenstein 2
New York 2
Seregno 2
Ashgabat 1
Avellino 1
Belpasso 1
Bratislava 1
Dubai 1
Dublin 1
Lewisham 1
Messina 1
Newark 1
Palma Campania 1
Pescara 1
Phoenix 1
Prineville 1
Reston 1
Riga 1
Saint Paul 1
San Francisco 1
Seattle 1
Springfield 1
Vicenza 1
Totale 408
Nome #
A physics-based view of brain-network alteration in neurological disease 24
A Federated Learning Approach to Support the Decision-Making Process for ICU Patients in a European Telemedicine Network 21
Exploring heterogeneous data distribution issues in e-health federated systems 16
Swarm Intelligence Model for Securing Healthcare Ecosystem 14
Brain-Network mathematical modeling for neurodegenerative disease 13
Customisable Assistive Plans as Dynamic Composition of Services with Normed-QoS 12
Clustering-based stratification of mild cognitive impairment: Insights from blood transcriptomic data 12
Preface to the Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Self-Learning in Intelligent Environments (SeLIE’23) 12
A Multi-Agent RL Algorithm for Single-Day Operating Room Scheduling 12
Deep-Reinforcement-Learning-Based Planner for City Tours for Cruise Passengers 11
System and method for controlling the mobility of vehicles or pedestrians 11
A Novel Vision-Enhancing Technology for Low-Vision Impairments 11
Sistema e procedimento per il controllo della mobilita' di veicoli o pedoni 11
Ontology and goal model in designing BDI multi-agent systems 10
On disease and healing: a theoretical sketch 10
Handling robot sociality: a goal-based normative approach 10
Lost container detection system 9
An RL-based approach for IEQ optimization in reorganizing interior spaces for home-working 9
A distributed fuzzy system for dangerous events real-time alerting 9
Servizi di Business Intelligence per la gestione multirischio avanzata 9
An Innovative Technology for Vision Aids 9
GoalSPEC: A goal specification language supporting adaptivity and evolution 9
Swarm Intelligence based multi-agent communication model for securing healthcare ecosystem 9
Balancing Uneven Knowledge of Hospital Nodes for ICU Patients Diagnosis through Federated Learning 9
A brain-network operator for modeling disease: a first data-based application for Parkinson’s disease 9
Agent-based simulation study for improving logistic warehouse performance 9
Modeling Business Rules Compliance for Goal-Oriented Business Processes 9
A Humanoid Social Robot Based Approach for Indoor Environment Quality Monitoring and Well-Being Improvement 9
Sistemi informativi ospedalieri e clinici intelligenti 8
Run-time Injection of Norms in Simulated Smart Environments. 8
Requirement Analysis Abstractions for AmI System Design 8
Modeling Business Rules Compliance for Goal-Oriented Business Processes 8
A humanoid social robot based approach for indoor environment quality monitoring and well-being improvement 8
Clustering of longitudinal Clinical Dementia Rating data to identify predictors of Alzheimer's disease progression 8
Explainable Post-Occupancy Evaluation Using a Humanoid Robot 8
A Federated K-Means-Based Approach in eHealth Domains with Heterogeneous Data Distributions 8
A Norm Compliance Approach for Open and Goal-Directed Intelligent Systems 8
A norm-based approach for personalising smart environments 7
A norm-governed holonic multi-agent system metamodel 7
Common and Domain-specific Metamodel Elements for Problem Description in Simulation Problems 7
Norm-based reinforcement learning for QoS-driven service composition 7
Common and domain-specific metamodel elements for problem description in simulation problems 7
Towards a design process for modeling MAS organizations 7
The role of ontology in agent-oriented requirment analysis 7
A Method for Identifying Objectives and Metrics of Agent-based Simulation Studies 7
Human-Robot Social Interactions: the Role of Social Norms 7
Gimt: A tool for ontology and goal modeling in BDI multi-agent design 6
Designing MAS Organizations with the support of a UML CASE tool 6
A knowledge management and decision support model for enterprises 6
GoalSPEC: A goal specification language supporting adaptivity and evolution 6
A Workflow Merging Approach for Emergency Procedures 6
Blockchain Applications in Sustainable Smart Cities 6
A Norm-Governed Holonic Multi-Agent System Metamodel 5
Limbic and cerebellar effects in Alzheimer-Perusini's disease: A physics-inspired approach 5
Multi Agent Simulation for Decision Making in Warehouse Management 5
A heuristic for Problem Formalization in Agent Based Simulation studies 5
A UML-Based Notation for Representing MAS Organizations 5
Analyzing trajectories of clinical markers in patients with sepsis through multivariate longitudinal clustering 5
Hyper-Parameter Optimization through Reinforcement Learning for Survival Prediction of Patients with Heart Failure 5
Exploratory analysis of longitudinal data of patients with dementia through unsupervised techniques 5
A Notation for Modeling Jason-Like BDI Agents 5
null 4
Smart technologies and its application for medical/healthcare services 4
Metodo per correggere e/o attenuare difetti visivi dovuti ad una patologia degenerativa della retina e relativo sistema. 4
Simulation Goals and Metrics Identification 4
A multi-objective reinforcement learning approach for furniture arrangement with optimal IEQ in multi-occupant offices 4
The role of politeness in human–machine interactions: a systematic literature review and future perspectives 4
A knowledge management system based on ontologies 3
Correction to: Customisable assistive plans as dynamic composition of services with normed-QoS (Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, (2021), 12, 10, (9667-9692), 10.1007/s12652-020-02713-5) 1
Totale 580
Categoria #
all - tutte 2.217
article - articoli 787
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 154
Totale 3.158

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/202417 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 12 3
2024/2025563 7 5 81 30 221 128 45 46 0 0 0 0
Totale 580