Palagi, Elisabetta
Palagi, Elisabetta
Istituto di Scienze e Tecnologie della Cognizione - ISTC
Manual preference, performance, and dexterity for bimanual grass‐feeding behavior in wild geladas (Theropithecus gelada)
2024 Truppa, Valentina; Gamba, Marco; Togliatto, Roberta; Caselli, Marta; Zanoli, Anna; Palagi, Elisabetta; Norscia, Ivan
What do rattle quills tell? A morphological analysis of the rattling in the African crested porcupine
2024 Schianini, Virginia; Gamba, Marco; Mori, Emiliano; Palagi, Elisabetta
With a little help from a friend: Sharing a laugh with Frans de Waal
2024 Palagi, Elisabetta; Caruana, Fausto
Alien parakeets as a potential threat to the common noctule Nyctalus noctula
2022 Giuntini, Silvia; Ancillotto, Leonardo; Falaschi, Mattia; Viviano, Andrea; Palagi, Elisabetta; Mori, Emiliano
Cracking the laugh code: laughter through the lens of biology, psychology and neuroscience
2022 Caruana, F.; Palagi, E.; De Waal, F. B. M.
Aggression and Hierarchical Steepness Inhibit Social Play in Adult Wolves
2016 Cordoni, Giada; PALAGI ELISABETTA
Agonistic support towards victims buffers aggression in geladas (Theropithecus gelada)
2016 Pallante, Virginia; Stanyon, Roscoe; Palagi, Elisabetta
Cognitive abilities in Lemur catta: a pilot study at Pistoia Zoo.
2016 Caselli M; Bandoli F; Beani L; Palagi E; Addessi; E
Difference in contagious yawning between susceptible men and women: why not?
2016 Norscia, Ivan; Demuru, Elisa; Palagi, Elisabetta
Fair play and its connection with social tolerance, reciprocity and the ethology of peace
2016 Palagi, Elisabetta; Cordoni, Giada; Demuru, Elisa; Bekoff, Marc
Looking at natural peace through Niko Tinbergen's lens
2016 Verbeek, Peter; Palagi, Elisabetta
Mimic Me While Playing! Social Tolerance and Rapid Facial Mimicry in Macaques (Macaca tonkeana and Macaca fuscata)
2016 Scopa, Chiara; Palagi, Elisabetta
Motivation of play: from ethological to neurological perspectives
2016 Palagi, Elisabetta; Fouts Hillary, N
Play, aggressive conflict and reconciliation in pre-school children: what matters?
2016 Cordoni, Giada; Demuru, Elisa; Ceccarelli, Enrico; Palagi, Elisabetta
Rough-and-tumble play as a window on animal communication
2016 Palagi, Elisabetta; M Burghardt, Gordon; Smuts, Barbara; Cordoni, Giada; Dall'Olio, Stefania; N Fouts, Hillary; Ehákovápetr, Milada; M Siviy, Stephen; M Pellis, Sergio
She more than he: gender bias supports the empathic nature of yawn contagion in Homo sapiens
2016 Norscia, Ivan; Demuru, Elisa; Palagi, Elisabetta
The Missing Lemur Link: An Ancestral Step in the Evolution of Human Behaviour.
2016 Norscia, Ivan; Palagi, Elisabetta
Ultrasonographic Investigation of Human Fetus Responses to Maternal Communicative and Non-communicative Stimuli
2016 Ferrari, Gabriella A.; Nicolini, Ylenia; Demuru, Elisa; Tosato, Cecilia; Hussain, Merhi; Scesa, Elena; Romei, Luisa; Boerci, Maria; Iappini, Emanuela; Prati, Guido Dalla Rosa; Palagi, Elisabetta; Ferrari, Pier F.
Unveiling the "Secret" of Play in Dogs (Canis lupus familiaris): Asymmetry and Signals
2016 Cordoni, Giada; Nicotra, Velia; Palagi, Elisabetta
Being a victim or an aggressor: Different functions of triadic post-conflict interactions in wolves (Canis lupus lupus)
2015 Giada Cordoni; ELISABETTA Palagi