Istituto di Elettronica e di Ingegneria dell'Informazione e delle Telecomunicazioni - IEIIT
Choice, chance and reasoning
2016 Sossai, Claudio
proofs and computations as symmetries of chance
2015 Claudio Sossai
Special issue on the Tenth European Conference on Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning with Uncertainty (ECSQARU 2009)
2011 Sossai, C.; Chemello, G.
(sbagliato: è un rapporto interno!!!) An algebraic approach to uncertainty
2010 Sossai, Claudio; Chemello, Gaetano
An algebraic approach to uncertainty
2010 Sossai, C; Chemello, G
Congresso: Ecsqaru 2009
2009 Sossai, C
Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning with Uncertainty, ECSQARU 2009
2009 Sossai, C; Chemello, G
The category of chance
2009 Sossai, C
An introduction to the category of chance
2008 Sossai C.
Congresso "ECSQARU 2009: European Conference on Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning with Uncertainty - ECSQARU 2009" (Verona, 1-3 luglio, 2009)
2008 Sossai C.
From Observable-Based to Probabilistic Peasoning
2007 Sossai C.
Proofs as chance and time invariants
2007 Sossai C
A categorical approach to data fusion
2006 Chemello Gaetano; Sossai Claudio
Change as a new semantics for logic
2006 Sossai, C
Reasoning with multiple-source information in a possibilistic logic framework
2006 Benferhat, S; Sossai, C
Chance as a new foundation for logic
2005 Sossai C.
Reasoning with uncertainty and context-dependent languages
2005 Sossai, C
U-Sets as a probabilistic set theory
2005 Sossai, C
U-Sets as a possibilistic set theory.
2004 Sossai C.
Coherent functions in autonomous systems
2003 Sossai, Claudio; Chemello, Gaetano