Istituto per le Risorse Biologiche e le Biotecnologie Marine - IRBIM  

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Uncovering unmet demand and key insights for the invasive blue crab (Callinectes sapidus) market before and after the Italian outbreak: Implications for policymakers and industry stakeholders 1-gen-2024 Azzurro, E.; Bonanomi, S.; Chiappi, M.; De Marco, R.; Luna, G. M.; Cella, M.; Guicciardi o Guizzardi, S.; Tiralongo, F.; Bonifazi, A.; Strafella, P.
Multi-benthic size approach to unveil different environmental conditions in a Mediterranean harbor area (Ancona, Adriatic Sea, Italy) 1-gen-2023 Elisa Baldrighi; Sarah Pizzini; Elisa Punzo; Angela Santelli; Pierluigi Strafella; Tommaso Scirocco; Elena Manini; Daniele Fattorini;Claudio Vasapollo
Confirmation of microplastic contamination in muscle tissue of Nephrops norvegicus from the Adriatic Sea 1-gen-2022 Zacchetti Lorenzo ; Gomiero Alessio ; Guicciardi Stefano ; Colella Sabrina ; Frapiccini Emanuela ; Strafella Pierluigi ;Martinelli Michela .
Preliminary results on the occurrence and anatomical distribution of microplastics in wild populations of Nephrops norvegicus from the Adriatic Sea 1-gen-2021 Michela Martinelli ;Alessio Gomiero ;Stefano Guicciardi ;Emanuela Frapiccini ;Pierluigi Strafella ;Silvia Angelini ;Filippo Domenichetti ;Andrea Belardinelli ;Sabrina Colella
Work Package 4.1 Monitoring case studies in Italy Porto Recanati - Porto Potenza Picena Artificial Reef. Final report 1-gen-2021 Fabi, G; Armelloni, En; Campanelli, A; Ferrà, C; Montagnini, L; Moro, F; Penna, P; Scanu, M; Scaradozzi, D; Spagnolo, A; Strafella, P; Tassetti, An
Development of a Thermo Degradation Method to Assess Levels and Distribution of Microplastics in Marine Sediments and Its Application in Two Case Studies: The Northern Adriatic Sea (Italy) and Boknafjord (Norway) 1-gen-2020 Alessio Gomiero; Øysæd Kjell Birger; Pierluigi Strafella; Gianna Fabi; Giuseppe Scarcella
Distribution of Microplastics in the Marine Environment 1-gen-2020 Strafella, P; L'opez Correa, M; Pyko, I; Teichert, S; Gomiero, Alessio; A,
Microplastics in seafood: preliminary results on the occurrence and anatomical distribution in wild populations of Nephrops norvegicus from the Adriatic Sea. 1-gen-2020 Martinelli, Michela; Gomiero, Alessio; Guicciardi, Stefano; Frapiccini, Emanuela; Strafella, Pierluigi; Angelini, Silvia; Domenichetti, Filippo; Belardinelli, Andrea; Colella, Sabrina
Assessment of seabed litter in the Northern and Central Adriatic Sea (Mediterranean) over six years 1-gen-2019 Strafella, P.; Fabi, G.; Despalatovic, M.; Cvitkovic, I.; Fortibuoni, T.; Gomiero, A.; Guicciardi o Guizzardi, S.; Marceta, B.; Raicevich, S.; Tassetti, A. N.; Spagnolo, A.; Scarcella, Giuseppe
Effects of the installation of offshore pipelines on macrozoobenthic communities (northern and central Adriatic Sea) 1-gen-2019 Spagnolo, A; Cuicchi, C; De Biasi, Am; Ferrà, C; Montagnini, L; Punzo, E; Salvalaggio, V; Santelli, A; Strafella, P; Fabi, G
First occurrence and composition assessment of microplastics in native mussels collected from coastal and offshore areas of the northern and central Adriatic Sea 1-gen-2019 Gomiero, Alessio; Strafella, Pierluigi; Oysaed, Kjell Birger; Fabi, Gianna
First record of Tellimya tenella (Loven, 1846) in the Italian waters 1-gen-2019 Strafella, Pierluigi; Salvalaggio, Vera; Cuicchi, Clara; Punzo, Elisa; Santelli, Angela; Spagnolo, Alessandra; Fabi, Gianna
From Macroplastic to Microplastic Litter: Occurrence, Composition, Source Identification and Interaction with Aquatic Organisms. Experiences from the Adriatic Sea 1-gen-2019 Alessio Gomiero;Pierluigi Strafella;Gianna Fabi
Non-indigenous macrozoobenthic species on hard substrata of selected harbours in the Adriatic Sea 1-gen-2019 Spagnolo, A.; Auriemma, R.; Bacci, T.; Balkovic, I; Bertasi, F.; Bolognini, L.; Cabrini, M.; Cilenti, L.; Cuicchi, C.; Cvitkovic, I; Despalatovic, M.; Grati, F.; Grossi, L.; Jaklin, A.; Lipej, L.; Markovic, O.; Mavric, B.; Mikac, B.; Nasi, F.; Nerlovic, V; Pelosi, S.; Penna, M.; Petovic, S.; Punzo, E.; Santucci, A.; Scirocco, T.; Strafella, P.; Trabucco, B.; Travizi, A.; Zuljevic, A.
Taxonomic Sufficiency effectiveness: A case study in the Adriatic Sea 1-gen-2019 Salvalaggio, Vera; Strafella, Pierluigi; Punzo, Elisa; Manarini, Tania; Fabi, Gianna
Turritella Communis: an Adriatic Ecosystem Engineer 1-gen-2019 Manarini T.; Strafella P.; Punzo E.; Salvalaggio V.; Spagnolo A.
Comparative effects of ingested PVC micro particles with and without adsorbed benzo(a)pyrene vs. spiked sediments on the cellular and sub cellular processes of the benthic organism Hediste diversicolor 1-gen-2018 Gomiero A.; Strafella P.; Pellini G.; Salvalaggio V.; Fabi G.
From Macroplastic to Microplastic Litter: Occurrence, Composition, Source Identification and Interaction with Aquatic Organisms. Experiences from the Adriatic Sea 1-gen-2018 Gomiero, Alessio; Strafella, Pierluigi; Fabi, Gianna
Anadara kagoshimensis (Mollusca: Bivalvia: Arcidae) in the Adriatic Sea: Morphological analysis, molecular taxonomy, spatial distribution, and prediction 1-gen-2017 Strafella P.; Ferrari A.; Fabi G.; Salvalaggio V.; Punzo E.; Cuicchi C.; Santelli A.; Cariani A.; Tinti F.; Tassetti A.N.; Scarcella G.
Environmental Impact of Offshore Gas Activities on the Benthic Environment: A Case Study 1-gen-2017 Punzo, E.; Gomiero, A.; Tassetti, A. N.; Strafella, P.; Santelli, A.; Salvalaggio, V.; Spagnolo, A.; Scarcella, G.; De Biasi, A. M. ; Kozinkova, L.; Fabi, G.