Istituto per la BioEconomia - IBE
Development of a microwave sensor for the non-invasive detection of plant responses to water stress: A practical application on maize (Zea mays L.)
2024 Lazzoni, V.; Brizi, D.; Stagliano, N.; Giordano, C.; Pecoraro, E.; Anichini, M.; Ugolini, F.; Bindi, M.; Argenti, G.; Monorchio, A.; Rossi, R.
Assessment of Various Iron Extraction Treatments on Waterlogged Archaeological Oak
2023 Pelé Meziani, C.; Macchioni, N.; Sozzi, L.; Guilminot, E.; Lemoine, G.; Pizzo, B.; Mevellec, J. Y.; Pecoraro, E.; Monachon, M.
Il rinvenimento di un reperto archeobotanico negli scavi dell'ex Manifattura Tabacchi a Firenze
2023 Salvini, M; Iacopini, E; Macchioni, N; Pallecchi, P; Pecoraro, E; Pizzo, B
Set-up of a methodology to evaluate the consolidation of archaeological waterlogged wood veneered in ivory
2023 Pizzo, B.; Macchioni, N.; Morgos, A.; Palanti, S.; Pecoraro, E.
The removal of iron from waterlogged archaeological wood: efficacy and effects on the room temperature wood properties
2023 Pecoraro, E.; Pele Meziani, C.; Macchioni, N.; Lemoine, G.; Guilminot, E.; Shen, D.; Pizzo, B.
Effects of iron removal treatments on the chemical and viscoelastic properties of waterlogged wood
2022 Pecoraro E.; PeleMeziani C.; Macchioni N.; Lemoine G.; Guilminot E.; Pizzo B.
Collapsed and re-swollen archaeological wood: efficiency and effects on the chemical and viscoelastic characteristics of wood
2021 Pizzo, B; Pecoraro, E; Sozzi, L; Salvini, A
Dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) at room temperature of archaeological wood treated with various consolidants
2019 Pecoraro, E; Pizzo, B; Salvini, A; Macchioni, N
Studi diagnostici sul controsoffitto ligneo policromo del Salone dei Marmi della Casa di Telefo (Ercolano)
2019 Camardo, D; Colombini, Mp; D'Andrea, A; De Vita, A; Giachi, G; Macchioni, N; Pizzo, B; Pecoraro, E
The wooden foundations of Rialto Bridge (Ponte di Rialto) in Venice: Technological characterisation and dating
2019 Bernabei M.; Macchioni N.; Pizzo B.; Sozzi L.; Lazzeri S.; Fiorentino L.; Pecoraro E.; Quarta G.; Calcagnile L.
Dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) of waterlogged archaeological wood at room temperature
2018 Pizzo, B; Pecoraro, E; Lazzeri, S
The measurement of maximum water content (MWC) on waterlogged archaeological wood: A comparison between three different methodologies
2018 Macchioni N.; Pecoraro E. ; Pizzo B.
Assessing the wood compressive strength in pile foundations in relation to diagnostic analysis: The example of the Church of Santa Maria Maggiore, Venice
2016 Pizzo, B; Macchioni, N; Capretti, C; Pecoraro, E; Sozzi, L; Fiorentino, L
Assessment of the state of preservation of the wooden foundation system on the old fortress of Timisoara and in situ preservation
2016 Macchioni N.; Pizzo B.; Capretti C.; Pecoraro E.; Szitar A.; Bucsa L.
Conservation of the waterlogged precious roman composite furniture plated with carved ivory found in Villa dei Papiri, Herculaneum
2016 Guidobaldi, Mp; Zolfo, G; Labriola, M; Capretti, C; Macchioni, N; Morgos, A; Pecoraro, E; Pizzo, B
New Wooden Archaeological Finds from Herculaneum: The State of Preservation and Hypothesis of Consolidation of the Material from the House of the Relief of Telephus
2016 Macchioni N.; Pizzo B.; Capretti C.; Pecoraro E.; Sozzi L.; Lazzeri S.
The conservation of the wood from the Roman docking site of Pisa: laboratory evaluations
2016 Giachi, G; Capretti, C; Macchioni, N; Pecoraro, E; Pizzo, B; Donato, Id
Measuring the chemical composition of waterlogged decayed wood by near infrared spectroscopy
2015 Pecoraro E.; Pizzo B.; Alves A.; Macchioni N.; Rodrigues J.C.
Quantitative evaluation by attenuated total reflectance infrared (ATR-FTIR) spectroscopy of the chemical composition of decayed wood preserved in waterlogged conditions
2015 Pizzo, B; Pecoraro, E; Alves, A; Macchioni, N; Rodrigues, Jc
Understanding Spanish Timber Jack Arch Floors, Examples of Assessment and Conservation Issues
2015 Diodato, M; Macchioni, N; Brunetti, M; Pizzo, B; Nocetti, M; Burato, P; Sozzi, L; Pecoraro, E; LópezManzanares Vegas, F; Mileto, C