Istituto per le Tecnologie della Costruzione - ITC  

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A Low-Cost Environmental Monitoring System: How to Prevent Systematic Errors in the Design Phase through the Combined Use of Additive Manufacturing and Thermographic Techniques 1-gen-2017 Danza, Ludovico; Meroni, Italo; Pollastro, MARIA CRISTINA; Salamone, Francesco
A Machine Learning approach for personal thermal comfort perception evaluation: experimental campaign under real and virtual scenarios 1-gen-2020 Salamone, Francesco; Bellazzi, Alice; Belussi, Lorenzo; Damato, Gianfranco; Danza, Ludovico; Dell'Aquila, Federico; Ghellere, Matteo; Megale, Valentino; Meroni, Italo; Vitaletti, Walter
A review of performance of zero energy buildings and energy efficiency solutions 1-gen-2019 Belussi L.; Barozzi B.; Bellazzi A.; Danza L.; Devitofrancesco A.; Fanciulli C.; Ghellere M.; Guazzi G.; Meroni I.; Salamone F.; Scamoni F.; Scrosati C.;
A semantic framework for sustainable factories 1-gen-2014 W. Terkaj; L. Danza; A. Devitofrancesco; S. Gagliardo; M. Ghellere; F. Giannini; M. Monti; G. Pedrielli; M. Sacco;F. Salamone
A Simplified Thermal Model to Control the Energy Fluxes and to Improve the Performance of Buildings 1-gen-2016 Danza, Ludovico; Belussi, Lorenzo; Meroni, Italo; Salamone, Francesco; Floreani, Fabio; Piccinini, Andrea; Dabusti, Alberto
A Survey on Perceived Indoor Acoustic Quality by Workers from Home during COVID-19 Lockdown in Italy 1-gen-2023 Scamoni, F.; Salamone, F.; Scrosati, C.
A survey-based approach used to analyse the indoor satisfaction and productivity level of user in smart working during lock-down due to the COVID-19 pandemic 1-gen-2021 Francesco Salamone; Lorenzo Belussi; Ludovico Danza;Italo Meroni
Accordo Quadro Regione Lombardia CNR - Consuntivo 2015. Capitolo: "INTEGRATE - INnovazioni TEcnologiche per una Gestione RAzionale del Tessuto Edilizio" 1-gen-2016 Meroni, I; Bellazzi, A; Danza, L; Devitofrancesco, A; Ghellere, M; Belussi, L; Salamone, F; Scrosati, C; Maffè, C; Barozzi, B; Scamoni, F; e altri, M Cristina Pollastro
Achieving near Zero Energy Building in Albania: An Approach for the Retrofit of a Public-School Building 1-gen-2021 Lorenzo Belussi; Ludovico Danza; Matteo Ghellere; Italo Meroni; Francesco Salamone; Arben Shtylla; Etleva Dobjani;Saimir Shtylla
An Artificial Skylight compared with daylighting and LED: subjective and objective performance measures 1-gen-2022 Bellazzi A.; Danza L.; Devitofrancesco A.; Ghellere M.; Salamone F.
An integrated tool for the energy and seismic diagnosis and refurbishment of buildings at urban scale 1-gen-2019 Belussi, Lorenzo; Danza, Ludovico; Ghellere, Matteo; Guazzi, Giulia; Meroni, Italo; Salamone, Francesco; Palermo, Michele; Trombetti, Tomaso; Deisvaldi, Sandra; Piazza, Paolo
An ontology-based framework for sustainable factories 1-gen-2015 Gagliardo, S; Giannini, F; Monti, M; Pedrielli, G; Terkaj, W; Sacco, M; Ghellere, M; Salamone, F
An Open Source "Smart Lamp" for the Optimization of Plant Systems and Thermal Comfort of Offices 1-gen-2016 Francesco Salamone; Lorenzo Belussi; Ludovico Danza; Matteo Ghellere; Italo Meroni
An Open Source Low-Cost Wireless Control System for a Forced Circulation Solar Plant 1-gen-2015 Francesco Salamone; Lorenzo Belussi; Ludovico Danza; Matteo Ghellere; Italo Meroni
Analysis and definition of a ZEB building at optimum level of efficiency and costs 1-gen-2018 Danza, Ludovico; Modafferi, Francesca; Belussi, Lorenzo; Magrini, Anna; Guazzi, Giulia; Salamone, Francesco
Application of IoT and Machine Learning techniques for the assessment of thermal comfort perception 1-gen-2018 Francescosalamone, ; Lorenzobelussi, ; Cristiancurrò, ; Ludovicodanza, ; Matteoghellere, ; Giuliaguazzi, ; Brunolenzi, ; Valentinomegale, ; Italomeroni,
Application of model predictive control for the optimization of thermo-hygrometric Comfort and energy consumption of Buildings 1-gen-2018 Danza, L; Belussi, L; Floreani, F; Meroni, I; Piccinini, A; Salamone, F
Applicazione della Firma Energetica agli edifici 1-gen-2011 L. Belussi; F. Salamone; M.G. Ronzoni
Assessment of Indoor Environmental Quality in schools by combining survey and modelling: a case study in Albania 1-gen-2021 Salamone, Francesco; Belussi, Lorenzo; Danza, Ludovico; Ghellere, Matteo; Meroni, Italo; Shtylla, Arben; Dobjani, Etleva; Shtylla, Saimir
Assessment of the Performance of a Portable, Low-Cost and Open-Source Device for Luminance Mapping through a DIY Approach for Massive Application from a Human-Centred Perspective 1-gen-2022 Francesco Salamone; Sergio Sibilio; Massimiliano Masullo