Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 240
AS - Asia 144
EU - Europa 117
AF - Africa 1
Totale 502
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 238
SG - Singapore 118
IT - Italia 85
CN - Cina 17
NL - Olanda 9
FI - Finlandia 8
DE - Germania 5
IE - Irlanda 3
KR - Corea 3
ES - Italia 2
HK - Hong Kong 2
IR - Iran 2
MX - Messico 2
AL - Albania 1
AT - Austria 1
BG - Bulgaria 1
EG - Egitto 1
LU - Lussemburgo 1
PK - Pakistan 1
SA - Arabia Saudita 1
UA - Ucraina 1
Totale 502
Città #
Santa Clara 199
Singapore 64
Helsinki 8
Pontedera 7
Cavallino 6
Amsterdam 3
Bitonto 3
Cagliari 3
Dublin 3
Falkenstein 3
Lecce 3
Naples 3
Seoul 3
Tempio Pausania 3
Città Sant'Angelo 2
Guangzhou 2
Hong Kong 2
Los Angeles 2
Madrid 2
Mexico City 2
San Giuliano Terme 2
Turin 2
Ashburn 1
Cairo 1
Capannori 1
Casandrino 1
Council Bluffs 1
Islamabad 1
Livorno 1
Luxembourg 1
Marcianise 1
Milan 1
Newark 1
Porto Torres 1
Prato 1
Rome 1
Silver Spring 1
Sofia 1
Tirana 1
Trieste 1
Valsamoggia 1
Venice 1
Vienna 1
Totale 348
Nome #
An operational marine oil spill forecasting tool for the management of emergencies in the Italian seas 48
Operational Oceanography in Ports and Coastal Areas, Applications for the Management of Pollution Events 25
Marine and Coastal Hazard Assessment for Three Coastal Oil Rigs 19
Geohazard features of the western Sardinia 19
Relazione tra arretramento della linea di riva e rimozione delle banquette di Posidonia oceanica nella spiaggia di Paragan (Corsica meridionale) 16
Coralligenous banks along the western and northern continental shelf of Sardinia Island (Mediterranean sea) 16
Geohazard features of the Northern Sardinia 16
Sediment Budget Implications from Posidonia oceanica Banquette Removal in a Starved Beach System 14
Beach Shoreline Trends along the Western Coast of Sardinia Island (Western Mediterranean Sea) 13
Relationships between hydrodynamic parameters and grain size in two contrasting transitional environments: the Lagoons of Venice and Cabras, Italy. 12
Hydrological and Sedimentological Patterns in the Cabras Lagoon (Sardinia, Italy) 11
Data set of submerged sand deposits organised in an interoperable spatial data infrastructure (Western Sardinia, Mediterranean Sea) 11
Assessment of harmful algal species using different approaches: the case study of the Sardinian coasts 11
The Management of the Beach-Cast Seagrass Wracks-A Numerical Modelling Approach 11
Geo-Database 10
Sorted Bedforms Along the Continental Shelf of Western Sardinia 9
An integrated sea-land approach for mapping geomorphological and sedimentological features in an urban microtidal wave-dominated beach: A case study from S Sardinia, western Mediterranean 9
Biogenic sediments from coastal ecosystems to beach-dune systems: implications for the adaptation of mixed and carbonate beaches to future sea level rise 9
Evolution of a single incised valley related to inherited geology, sea level rise and climate changes during the Holocene (Tirso river, Sardinia, western Mediterranean Sea) 8
Sorted bedforms over transgressive deposits along the continental shelf of western Sardinia (Mediterranean Sea) 8
Fioriture algali nocive in aree di particolare interesse economico della Sardegna 8
Field Observations, Video Monitoring and Numerical Modeling at Poetto Beach, Italy 8
Oil spill hazard and risk assessment for the shorelines of a Mediterranean coastal archipelago 8
Impact of ocean acidification on the carbonate sediment budget of a temperate mixed beach 8
Biogeomorphology of the Mediterranean Posidonia oceanica seagrass meadows 7
Early cementation and accommodation space dictate the evolution of an overstepping barrier system during the Holocene 7
An operational numerical system for oil stranding risk assessment in a high-density vessel traffic area 7
Morphological changes of a Mediterranean beach over one year (San Giovanni Sinis, western Mediterranean) 7
Management of beach-cast Posidonia oceanica seagrass on the island of Sardinia (Italy, Western Mediterranean). 7
Dinamica deposizionale delle banquettes di Posidonia oceanica nelle spiagge 7
Shoreline Response to Wave Forcing and Sea Level Rise along a Geomorphological Complex Coastline (Western Sardinia, Mediterranean Sea) 7
A Multidisciplinary and Ecosystemic Approach in the Oristano Lagoon-Gulf System (Sardinia, Italy) as a Tool in Management Plans. 7
A Four-Year Video Monitoring Analysis of the Posidonia oceanica Banquette Dynamic: A Case Study from an Urban Microtidal Mediterranean Beach (Poetto Beach, Southern Sardinia, Italy) 7
Sandy beaches characterization and management of coastal erosion on western Sardinia island (Mediterranean Sea). 7
Relationships between hydrodynamic parameters and grain size in two contrasting transitional environments: The Lagoons of Venice and Cabras, Italy 6
Effetti delle banquette di Posidonia oceanica sulla morfologia della spiaggia emersa 6
Risposta dei sistemi costieri alle variazioni climatiche globali 6
Compatibility between Continental Shelf Deposits and Sediments of Adjacent Beaches along Western Sardinia (Mediterranean Sea) 6
Holocenic carbonate sedimentation and seabed morphology in the Gulf of Oristano (Central Western Sardinia) | Sedimentazione carbonatica olocenica e morfologia dei fondali nel Golfo di Oristano (Sardegna centro occidentale) 6
RESMAR - Azione di Sistema A "Rete per il monitoraggio dell'erosione costiera" 6
Analisi della dinamica deposizionale delle banquette di Posidonia oceanica nella spiaggia di Cala di Trana (Palau) mediante video-monitoraggio 6
Linea B - Morfodinamica della Spiaggia di S. Giovanni del Sinis 6
Beaches morphological variability along a complex coastline (Sinis Peninsula, western Mediterranean Sea) 5
On the Role of Wood and Seagrass Rests in Coastal Flooding Events in Mediterranean Microtidal Beaches 5
RIAS - RIsposta e Adattamento dei sistemi costieri della Sardegna alle variazioni climatiche globali. 5
Sediment distribution and hydrodynamic patterns in the Cabras lagoon, Sardinia (Italy). 5
Arretramento della linea di riva e rimozione delle banquette di Posidonia oceanica nella spiaggia di Paragan (Corsica meridionale) 5
Morphodynamics of a nontidal embayed beach: The case study of is arutas (Western Mediterranean) 5
Morphometric Analysis and Classification of the Embayed Beaches on the Southern Coast of Sardinia Island (Western Mediterranean Sea) 5
Sedimentazione carbonatica olocenica e morfologia dei fondali nel Golfo di Oristano (Sardegna centro occidentale). 5
Evolution of the coastal barrier-lagoon system offshore Cabo-Frio - Rio de Campos (E-Brazil) during the late Quaternary transgression 5
Towards Sustainable Management of Beach-Cast Seagrass in Mediterranean Coastal Areas 5
RITMARE - Rapporto tecnico di acquisizione su aree campione di metodologie con strumentazioni diverse per il calcolo delle maree locali. 5
Posidonia oceanica banquette removal: Sedimentological, geomorphological and ecological implications 5
Beaches Morphological Variability Along a Complex Coastline (Sinis Peninsula, western Mediterranean Sea). 5
Posidonia oceanica banquette removal: environmental impact and management implications. 4
Seagrass berm deposition on a Mediterranean embayed beach 4
Rapporto tecnico C/O Sonos2007: 1-30 Giugno 2007 4
Intrabasinal conditions promoting the development of a biogenic carbonate sedimentary facies associated with the seagrass Posidonia oceanica. 4
Inconsistency in community structure and ecological quality between platform and cliff coralligenous assemblages 4
Relationships between multibeam backscatter, sediment grain size, and Posidonia oceanica seagrass distribution 4
Impact of frequentation on a Mediterranean embayed beach: Implication on carrying capacity 4
Campagna Sonos 2013 3
Rapporto di Fine Campagna Magic_IAMC0912 3
BEACH - ambiente, spiaggia, gestione e rischio costiero 3
Morphology and composition of beach-cast Posidonia oceanica litter on beaches with different exposures 3
Coralligenous assemblages of continental shelf: Multiple spatial scale variability in the western Sardinia 3
Grain size and compositional trends of sediments in the degraded lagoon of Cabras (Sardinia, Western Mediterranean) 3
Analisi della vulnerabilità dei litorali sabbiosi dell'Area Marina Protetta Penisola del Sinis Isola di Mal di Ventre. 3
Indagine sui fondi duri ai fini della attuazione della direttiva sulla strategia marina: Rapporto Attività 1 - Coralligeno 3
Totale 582
Categoria #
all - tutte 2.455
article - articoli 1.567
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 283
Totale 4.305

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2023/202483 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 35 11 19 18
2024/2025499 11 4 76 47 194 42 58 67 0 0 0 0
Totale 582