Istituto Nanoscienze - NANO - Sede Secondaria Modena
Defectivity of Al:ZnO thin films with different crystalline order probed by Positron Annihilation Spectroscopy
2024 Magrin Maffei, R.; Butterling, M.; Liedke, M. O.; D'Addato, S.; di Bona, A.; Bertoni, G.; Gazzadi, G.; Mariazzi, S.; Wagner, A.; Brusa, R. S.; Benedetti, S.
Evaluating Polyacrylic Acid as a Universal Aqueous Binder for Ni-rich Cathodes NMC811 and Si Anodes in Full cell Lithium-ion Batteries
2024 Boz, Buket; Fröhlich, Katja; Neidhart, Lukas; Molaiyan, Palanivel; Bertoni, Giovanni; Ricci, Marco; De Boni, Francesco; Vuksanovic, Miljana; Romio, Martina; Whitmore, Karin; Jahn, Marcus
Mapping the local stoichiometry in Cu nanoparticles during controlled oxidation by STEM-EELS spectral imaging
2024 Spurio, Eleonora; Bertoni, Giovanni; D'Addato, Sergio; Alimonti, Francesca; Luches, Paola
Three-dimensional Stacking of Phase Plates for Advanced Electron Beam Shaping
2024 Ruffato, Gianluca; Beleggia, Marco; Tavabi, Amir Hossein; Rotunno, Enzo; Viani, Lorenzo; Rosi, Paolo; Kavkani, Payam Habibzadeh; Chiari, Caterina; Frabboni, Stefano; Gazzadi, Gian Carlo; Pozzi, Giulio; Bertoni, Giovanni; Tiemeijer, Peter; Dunin-Borkowski, Rafal Edward; Grillo, Vincenzo
Defect-Engineering by Solvent Mediated Mild Oxidation as a Tool to Induce Exchange Bias in Metal Doped Ferrites
2023 Muzzi, B; Albino, M; Petrecca, M; Innocenti, C; De Julian Fernandez, C; Bertoni, G; Ibarra, M R; Christensen, M; Avdeev, M; Marquina, C; Sangregorio, C
Defective graphene decorated with TiO2 nanoparticles as negative electrode in Li-ion batteries
2023 Sidoli, M; Magnani, G; Fornasini, L; Scaravonati, S; Morenghi, A; Vezzoni, V; Bersani, D; Bertoni, G; Gaboardi, M; Riccò, M; Pontiroli, D
Gram-scale carbothermic control of LLZO garnet solid electrolyte particle size
2023 Campanella, D; Bertoni, G; Zhu, W; Trudeau, M; Girard, G; Savoie, S; Clément, D; Guerfi, A; Vijh, A; Chandramohan, G; Bélanger, D; Paolella, A
Near-real-time diagnosis of electron optical phase aberrations in scanning transmission electron microscopy using an artificial neural network
2023 Bertoni, G; Rotunno, E; Marsmans, D; Tiemeijer, P; Tavabi, Ah; Duninborkowski, Re; Grillo, V
3d Metal Doping of Core@Shell Wüstite@ferrite Nanoparticles as a Promising Route toward Room Temperature Exchange Bias Magnets
2022 Muzzi, B; Albino, M; Petrecca, M; Innocenti, C; De Julian Fernandez, C; Bertoni, G; Marquina, C; Ibarra, M R; Sangregorio, C
Asymmetric Supercapacitors Based on Nickel decorated Graphene and Porous Graphene Electrodes
2022 Morenghi, A; Scaravonati, S; Magnani, G; Sidoli, M; Aversa, L; Verucchi, R; Bertoni, G; Riccò, M; Pontiroli, D
Diagnostic and Correction of Phase Aberrations in Scanning Transmission Microscopy by Artificial Neural Networks
2022 Bertoni, G; Rotunno, E; Marsmans, D; Tiemeijer, P; Grillo, V
Hardening of Cobalt Ferrite Nanoparticles by Local Crystal Strain Release: Implications for Rare Earth Free Magnets
2022 Muzzi, B; Lottini, E; Yaacoub, N; Peddis, D; Bertoni, G; De Julian Fernandez, C; Sangregorio, C; Lopezortega, A
Influence of Rutile and Anatase TiO2 Precursors on the Synthesis of a Li1.5Al0.5Ti1.5(PO4)3 Electrolyte for Solid-State Lithium Batteries
2022 La Monaca, A; Zhu, W; Feng, Z; Bertoni, G; Campanella, D; Girard, G; Savoie, S; A C, Gheorghe Nita; Clement, D; Demers, H; Vijh, A; Rosei, F; Paolella, A
Metastable properties of a garnet type Li5La3Bi2O12 solid electrolyte towards low temperature pressure driven densification
2022 Campanella, D.; Krachkovskiy, S.; Bertoni, G.; Gazzadi, G.; Golozar, M.; Kaboli, S.; Savoie, S.; Girard, G.; Gheorghe Nita, A. C.; Okhotnikov, K.; Feng, Z.; Guerfi, A.; Vijh, A.; Gauvin, R.; Bélanger, D.; Paolella, A.
Unveiling the Cation Exchange Reaction between the NASICON Li1.5Al0.5Ge1.5(PO4)3 Solid Electrolyte and the pyr13TFSI Ionic Liquid
2022 Paolella, A; Bertoni, G; Zhu, W; Campanella, D; La Monaca, A; Girard, G Demers H; Gheorghe, N; Alina, C; Feng, Z; Vijh, A; Guerfi, A; Trudeau, M; Armand, M; Krachkovskiy, S A
Ag/MgO Nanoparticles via Gas Aggregation Nanocluster Source for Perovskite Solar Cell Engineering
2021 Caleffi, M.; Mariani, P.; Bertoni, G.; Paolicelli, G.; Pasquali, L.; Agresti, A.; Pescetelli, S.; Di Carlo, A.; De Renzi, V.; D'Addato, Sergio
Effect of pressure on the properties of a NASICON Li1.3Al0.3Ti1.7(PO4)3 nanofiber solid electrolyte
2021 La Monaca, A; Girard, G; Savoie, S; Demers, H; Bertoni, G; Krachkovskiy, S; Marras, S; Mugnaioli, E; Gemmi, M; Benetti, D; Vijh, A; Rosei, F; Paolella, A
Enabling High-Performance NASICON-Based Solid-State Lithium Metal Batteries Towards Practical Conditions
2021 Paolella, A.; Liu, X.; Daali, A.; Xu, W.; Hwang, I.; Savoie, S.; Girard, G.; Nita, A. G.; Perea, A.; Demers, H.; Zhu, W.; Guerfi, A.; Vijh, A.; Bertoni, G.; Gazzadi, Giancarlo; Berti, G.; Sun, C.; Ren, Y.; Zaghib, K.; Armand, M.; Kim, C.; Xu, G. -L.; Amine, K.
In situ decoration of laser-scribed graphene with TiO2 nanoparticles for scalable high-performance micro-supercapacitors
2021 Fornasini, L; Scaravonati, S; Magnani, G; Morenghi, A; Sidoli, M; Bersani, D; Bertoni, G; Aversa, L; Verucchi, R; Riccò, M; Lottici, P P; Pontiroli, D
Synthesis of Electrospun NASICON Li1.5Al0.5Ge1.5(PO4)3 Solid Electrolyte Nanofibers by Control of Germanium Hydrolysis
2021 La Monaca, A; Girard, G; Savoie, S; Bertoni, G; Krachkovskiy, S; Vijh, A; Pierini, F; Rosei, F; Paolella, A
Titolo | Data di pubblicazione | Autore(i) | File |
Defectivity of Al:ZnO thin films with different crystalline order probed by Positron Annihilation Spectroscopy | 1-gen-2024 | Magrin Maffei, R.; Butterling, M.; Liedke, M. O.; D'Addato, S.; di Bona, A.; Bertoni, G.; Gazzadi, G.; Mariazzi, S.; Wagner, A.; Brusa, R. S.; Benedetti, S. | |
Evaluating Polyacrylic Acid as a Universal Aqueous Binder for Ni-rich Cathodes NMC811 and Si Anodes in Full cell Lithium-ion Batteries | 1-gen-2024 | Boz, Buket; Fröhlich, Katja; Neidhart, Lukas; Molaiyan, Palanivel; Bertoni, Giovanni; Ricci, Marco; De Boni, Francesco; Vuksanovic, Miljana; Romio, Martina; Whitmore, Karin; Jahn, Marcus | |
Mapping the local stoichiometry in Cu nanoparticles during controlled oxidation by STEM-EELS spectral imaging | 1-gen-2024 | Spurio, Eleonora; Bertoni, Giovanni; D'Addato, Sergio; Alimonti, Francesca; Luches, Paola | |
Three-dimensional Stacking of Phase Plates for Advanced Electron Beam Shaping | 1-gen-2024 | Ruffato, Gianluca; Beleggia, Marco; Tavabi, Amir Hossein; Rotunno, Enzo; Viani, Lorenzo; Rosi, Paolo; Kavkani, Payam Habibzadeh; Chiari, Caterina; Frabboni, Stefano; Gazzadi, Gian Carlo; Pozzi, Giulio; Bertoni, Giovanni; Tiemeijer, Peter; Dunin-Borkowski, Rafal Edward; Grillo, Vincenzo | |
Defect-Engineering by Solvent Mediated Mild Oxidation as a Tool to Induce Exchange Bias in Metal Doped Ferrites | 1-gen-2023 | Muzzi, B; Albino, M; Petrecca, M; Innocenti, C; De Julian Fernandez, C; Bertoni, G; Ibarra, M R; Christensen, M; Avdeev, M; Marquina, C; Sangregorio, C | |
Defective graphene decorated with TiO2 nanoparticles as negative electrode in Li-ion batteries | 1-gen-2023 | Sidoli, M; Magnani, G; Fornasini, L; Scaravonati, S; Morenghi, A; Vezzoni, V; Bersani, D; Bertoni, G; Gaboardi, M; Riccò, M; Pontiroli, D | |
Gram-scale carbothermic control of LLZO garnet solid electrolyte particle size | 1-gen-2023 | Campanella, D; Bertoni, G; Zhu, W; Trudeau, M; Girard, G; Savoie, S; Clément, D; Guerfi, A; Vijh, A; Chandramohan, G; Bélanger, D; Paolella, A | |
Near-real-time diagnosis of electron optical phase aberrations in scanning transmission electron microscopy using an artificial neural network | 1-gen-2023 | Bertoni, G; Rotunno, E; Marsmans, D; Tiemeijer, P; Tavabi, Ah; Duninborkowski, Re; Grillo, V | |
3d Metal Doping of Core@Shell Wüstite@ferrite Nanoparticles as a Promising Route toward Room Temperature Exchange Bias Magnets | 1-gen-2022 | Muzzi, B; Albino, M; Petrecca, M; Innocenti, C; De Julian Fernandez, C; Bertoni, G; Marquina, C; Ibarra, M R; Sangregorio, C | |
Asymmetric Supercapacitors Based on Nickel decorated Graphene and Porous Graphene Electrodes | 1-gen-2022 | Morenghi, A; Scaravonati, S; Magnani, G; Sidoli, M; Aversa, L; Verucchi, R; Bertoni, G; Riccò, M; Pontiroli, D | |
Diagnostic and Correction of Phase Aberrations in Scanning Transmission Microscopy by Artificial Neural Networks | 1-gen-2022 | Bertoni, G; Rotunno, E; Marsmans, D; Tiemeijer, P; Grillo, V | |
Hardening of Cobalt Ferrite Nanoparticles by Local Crystal Strain Release: Implications for Rare Earth Free Magnets | 1-gen-2022 | Muzzi, B; Lottini, E; Yaacoub, N; Peddis, D; Bertoni, G; De Julian Fernandez, C; Sangregorio, C; Lopezortega, A | |
Influence of Rutile and Anatase TiO2 Precursors on the Synthesis of a Li1.5Al0.5Ti1.5(PO4)3 Electrolyte for Solid-State Lithium Batteries | 1-gen-2022 | La Monaca, A; Zhu, W; Feng, Z; Bertoni, G; Campanella, D; Girard, G; Savoie, S; A C, Gheorghe Nita; Clement, D; Demers, H; Vijh, A; Rosei, F; Paolella, A | |
Metastable properties of a garnet type Li5La3Bi2O12 solid electrolyte towards low temperature pressure driven densification | 1-gen-2022 | Campanella, D.; Krachkovskiy, S.; Bertoni, G.; Gazzadi, G.; Golozar, M.; Kaboli, S.; Savoie, S.; Girard, G.; Gheorghe Nita, A. C.; Okhotnikov, K.; Feng, Z.; Guerfi, A.; Vijh, A.; Gauvin, R.; Bélanger, D.; Paolella, A. | |
Unveiling the Cation Exchange Reaction between the NASICON Li1.5Al0.5Ge1.5(PO4)3 Solid Electrolyte and the pyr13TFSI Ionic Liquid | 1-gen-2022 | Paolella, A; Bertoni, G; Zhu, W; Campanella, D; La Monaca, A; Girard, G Demers H; Gheorghe, N; Alina, C; Feng, Z; Vijh, A; Guerfi, A; Trudeau, M; Armand, M; Krachkovskiy, S A | |
Ag/MgO Nanoparticles via Gas Aggregation Nanocluster Source for Perovskite Solar Cell Engineering | 1-gen-2021 | Caleffi, M.; Mariani, P.; Bertoni, G.; Paolicelli, G.; Pasquali, L.; Agresti, A.; Pescetelli, S.; Di Carlo, A.; De Renzi, V.; D'Addato, Sergio | |
Effect of pressure on the properties of a NASICON Li1.3Al0.3Ti1.7(PO4)3 nanofiber solid electrolyte | 1-gen-2021 | La Monaca, A; Girard, G; Savoie, S; Demers, H; Bertoni, G; Krachkovskiy, S; Marras, S; Mugnaioli, E; Gemmi, M; Benetti, D; Vijh, A; Rosei, F; Paolella, A | |
Enabling High-Performance NASICON-Based Solid-State Lithium Metal Batteries Towards Practical Conditions | 1-gen-2021 | Paolella, A.; Liu, X.; Daali, A.; Xu, W.; Hwang, I.; Savoie, S.; Girard, G.; Nita, A. G.; Perea, A.; Demers, H.; Zhu, W.; Guerfi, A.; Vijh, A.; Bertoni, G.; Gazzadi, Giancarlo; Berti, G.; Sun, C.; Ren, Y.; Zaghib, K.; Armand, M.; Kim, C.; Xu, G. -L.; Amine, K. | |
In situ decoration of laser-scribed graphene with TiO2 nanoparticles for scalable high-performance micro-supercapacitors | 1-gen-2021 | Fornasini, L; Scaravonati, S; Magnani, G; Morenghi, A; Sidoli, M; Bersani, D; Bertoni, G; Aversa, L; Verucchi, R; Riccò, M; Lottici, P P; Pontiroli, D | |
Synthesis of Electrospun NASICON Li1.5Al0.5Ge1.5(PO4)3 Solid Electrolyte Nanofibers by Control of Germanium Hydrolysis | 1-gen-2021 | La Monaca, A; Girard, G; Savoie, S; Bertoni, G; Krachkovskiy, S; Vijh, A; Pierini, F; Rosei, F; Paolella, A |